Off-Topic and General Interest
Bill Quick

Please add your off-topic and general interest items here.

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The World Is Strange
Bill Quick

One Moment in Time: The Solstice Seen from Newgrange @ AMERICAN DIGEST

Deep inside the world’s oldest known building, every year, for only as much as 17 minutes, the sun — at the exact moment of the winter solstice — shines directly down a long corridor of stone and illuminates the inner chamber at Newgrange.

Newgrange was built 1,000 years before Stonehenge and also predates the pyramids by more than 500 years.

Lost and forgotten along with the civilization that built it, the site was been rediscovered in 1699. Excavation began in the late 1800s and continued in fits and starts, until it was undertaken in earnest in 1962. It was completed in 1975.

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Sorry, Too Sensible
Bill Quick

An opinion on gun control « Monster Hunter Nation

If you are serious about actually stopping school shootings, contact your state representative and tell them to look into allowing someone at your kid’s school to be armed. It is time to install some speed bumps.

This eminently sensible solution will go the same way as allowing CCW holders to carry on airplanes, and arming pilots.

Never mind that both would be better than what we have now.

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Wait – Is This Gay, Or Not-Gay?
Bill Quick

Yeah, it’s appealing to HS girls, but I like this song « God’s Own Crunk

So…if you like the same music that high school girls like, can I then classify your musical taste as “gay-assed?”

If so, I certainly hope the revelation doesn’t mark the beginning of your decline.

I get so confused about these ironic macho memes.

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His Master’s Voice

No, not the old RCA ad.

Obama calls for tougher gun laws to curb violence

Even before those proposals are drafted, Obama pressed lawmakers to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, close loopholes that allow gun buyers to skirt background checks and restrict high-capacity ammunition clips.


Innocent blood demands no delay for U.S. gun control

Twenty-eight innocent people, including 20 primary students, have been slaughtered in a mass shooting at an elementary school in the U.S. state of Connecticut. Their blood and tears demand no delay for the U.S. gun control.

Xinhua is the voice of the Chinese Communist party, in case there was any question about where the editorial voice came from.

Actually, just as with Pravda or the NYT, occasional truth is printed by accident. Viz:

Every time a tragedy occurs, there are renewed appeals for gun regulation. However, the calls disappointingly always fail. … Electoral politics is another important reason for the failure of gun control efforts. The Democratic Party has historically paid a price for its gun control efforts.

Someone who was more intelligent than Obamao or a dog-eating Commie moron (but I repeat myself) would take a lesson from that.

(Via Drudge and Infowars)

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Gag. A. Maggot.
Bill Quick

The life of a weekend bartender . . .

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The Libertarian Link Roundup
Bill Quick

theCL Report: Misery Spreads

The latest of tCL’s libertarian link roundup.

Massive healthful chewiness.

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A Christmas Tale
Bill Quick

Just a reminder as to what the greatest Christmas movie of all time is « God’s Own Crunk

Yeah, I’ll end up watching snippets of Christmas Story and IAWL over the coming weekend, but there is nothing that says Christmas like the following phrase, written as a message, written on the shirt of a dead Eurotrash terrorist:

Ho-Ho-Ho – now I have a machine gun. 

Just ordered it on Netflix. Should be here by Xmas Day.

I’d forgotten just how much I like this movie. And as a bonus I discovered that a new Willis Die Hard movie is coming out next year.

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Remember This?
Bill Quick

A summary of the debt ceiling compromise – Political Hotsheet – CBS News

Should the special committee deadlock or should Congress reject the committee’s recommendations, then automatic across the board spending cuts of at least $1.2 trillion [currently known as "the fiscal cliff" - WTQ] would go into effect.

About which Speaker John Boehner said at the time,

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted – CBS News

Pelley: Can you image Republicans backing increased taxes?


Boehner: I think that would be a stretch. It doesn’t seem likely to me that that would be recommended, much less supported, but I’ve been surprised before.


Pelley: You were unable to get your own caucus behind your bill a few days ago. Do you intend to remain Speaker of the House?


Boehner: I do. When you look at this final agreement that we came to with the white House, I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I’m pretty happy.

How do you like getting 98% of what you wanted, you tax-raising tool?

Hey – do you think his Speakership might be threatened this time?

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Newt For Speaker! (Boot Boehner)
Bill Quick

Open thread: The Plan B vote; Update: Boehner calls conference meeting for 7:45; Update: Vote canceled; Update: No more action until after Christmas « Hot Air

Under normal circumstances, failing to hold the caucus together on a vote on which Boehner’s staked so much might be cause to start looking for a new Speaker.

Excellent notion!

I nominate Newt Gingrich.

Yes, he could be Speaker, even though he’s not an elected congressman. And he’s forgotten more about hard-ball negotiations with a Democrat President than Boehner has ever known.

Failing that, how about Mark Sanford? Already being chosen Speaker should make victory in his race next March to succeed Tim Scott for the congressional seat he once held a lead pipe cinch.

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Ultrabook Deals at Amazon
Bill Quick

Save on Ultrabook Laptop Computers

These are the computers of the next few years. Smaller, lighter, and fully capable of doing real work at normal speeds.

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

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Another Vote Against Boehner?
Bill Quick

FIRST ON CNN: Mark Sanford plans to run for Congress – CNN Political Ticker – Blogs

Sanford, who resides in the Charleston area, represented the coastal district from 1995 to 2001 and had a conservative, almost libertarian voting record, often taking lonely stands on the House floor alongside Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.

Okay, I’m in. Where do I donate?

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Faction War in the Ruling Party
Bill Quick

» Oppose Plan B, Support Plan C – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Plan C — the Christmas Strategy â€“ makes much more sense. 

Preserve the status quo pending negotiations on spending reductions and entitlement reforms until after the artificial year-end deadline, which is Obama’s big pressure point, passes. 

It will be harder for Harry Reid to table, or Obama to veto, something which preserves the status quo pending further negotiations, even if they know it ultimately weakens their hand. 

And if they do nix it, they will not have the smokescreen of claiming Boehner and the Republicans walked away from negotiations.

They’re terrified that this strategy would saddle them with the charge that they refused to negotiate to prevent us going over the dreaded “Fiscal Cliff.”

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I May Have to Start Watching Again – At Least to Check It Out
Bill Quick

Jake Tapper joins CNN as Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent – CNN Press Room – Blogs

Accomplished Washington journalist Jake Tapper, who has served the last four years as ABC’s senior White House correspondent and is a best-selling author, joins CNN as anchor of a new weekday program and CNN’s chief Washington correspondent, it was announced today by Ken Jautz, executive vice president of CNN/U.S.

Tapper has been a widely-respected reporter in the nation’s capital for 14 years and his most recent book, The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor, is currently on The New York Times best seller list. In his new role at CNN, he will be a key Washington, D.C. anchor and correspondent for CNN.

“We are thrilled to have Jake join CNN and take the helm of a brand new weekday program,” said Jautz. “Jake is an exceptional reporter and communicator, and we look forward to developing a program that takes advantage of all of his strengths, his passion and his knowledge of national issues and events.”

This will improve CNN. I’m not so sure it will improve Tapper’s career, though.  I’m not sure how CNN will react to Tapper giving Obama a hard time on their dime….

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Asked and Answered
Bill Quick

Instapundit »

I KEEP ASKING THIS, BUT WHEN DID SPORTSWRITERS BECOME such whining, politically-correct manginas?

Right about the time they admitted female sportswriters to men’s locker rooms.

UPDATE: Also, many of them noticed how many millions Keith Olbermann was able to scam by becoming the loudest lefty-fascist cunt in the world.

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100 Kindle Books for $3.99 Or Less
Bill Quick

100 Kindle Books For $3.99 Or Less

The ever-changing Kindle $3.99 list. Always something new and good here.

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

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Feinstein on CCW and Armed Citizens
Bill Quick

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Shut Up, They Explained
Bill Quick

Man Arrested After Bringing 2×4 Labeled “High Powered Rifle” Into Sandy Hook Elementary | Wizbang

Not the Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut, but a different school with the same name in Virginia. From WRC-TV:

A man was arrested at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Strasburg, Va., Wednesday, according to the Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office.

Christopher Garret Johnson, 33, walked into the school with a 4-foot long two-by-four labeled “High Powered Rifle” about 11:40 a.m., the sheriff’s office said.

He was met by school staff, then detained by a sheriff’s school resource officer. He was arrested and taken into custody without incident.

Police speculate that he was trying to make some sort of point about gun control and the 2nd Amendment. He’s being held with without bond pending a mental health evaluation.

Mental health evaluation?

Well, in the old U.S.S.R., people who exercised freedom of speech were often committed as criminally insane.

Good to see our society is following suit.

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This will break your heart, and ruin your faith in Americans.

An update here, which shows how so very far we have to go to reach any kind of consensus on public safety.

Bless our hearts.

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Outlet Deals on Portable Audio and Video
Bill Quick

Deals on Portable Audio and Video

Carry your entertainment with you at all times!  It’s easy, and if you shop here, it’s pretty cheap, too.

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

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Calling A Spade a Grave Digger of Liberty
Bill Quick

The Captain’s Journal » Obama Calls On Congress To Ban Assault Weapons And High Capacity Magazines

“I’ve been a hunter all my life, and there’s no reason to have a magazine that holds 30 shells,” Thompson said.

I don’t care that he is alleged to have been a hunter his whole life.  That brings with it absolutely no authority to me.  He is a nobody.  And he is no gun rights activist.  But I guess no one who is hunting really does need 30 rounds in a single magazine if you’re hunting regulated game such as deer.  If you’re hunting feral hogs you want as many rounds as you can get,  and if you are defending yourself against a home invasion, you want the best weapon suited for the purpose, including a high capacity magazine, just like Mr. Stephen Bayezes who saved his life with one.

Here is a prediction.  The majority of shooters who are intent on harming people choose multiple firearms (including a mix of guns), or in the future will choose to fabricate their own high capacity magazine if they want it for their nefarious aims.  This ban won’t affect the level of gun violence in the least.  It will, however, increase the power and control of the federal government, and that’s its purpose.

For most unthinking, ignorant products of the American educational system, the notion that our government might have already morphed into the sort of tyranny our Founders and Framers would have led a second revolution against is unthinkable.

And since they are incapable of thinking about it, they are blind, deaf, and dumb to the motives and goals of the tyrant now seeking to disarm the biggest obstacle to total authoritarian state control we still have: the armed people the Framers guaranteed as a bulwark against that very tyranny in the United States Constitution.

In other words, Obama and the Ruling Party are protected by the very unbelievability of what they are trying to accomplish.  The twisted truth is that the more outrageously they act to restrict liberty, the more the ignorati and the boobocracy become incapable of understanding what they are actually doing.

Obama is a tyrant?  Don’t be silly.  He’s the President! How could he be a tyrant?”

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Posted in Boobocracy, Firearms, Gun Grabbers, Liberty and Tyranny, Obama, Obama Agenda | 4 Comments

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