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How the West was Lost

Judi McLeod

Judi McLeod, Editor

Donatello Restaurant Fine Italian and Mediterranean Dining in Toronto.
Jesse Willms

Watermain Break Clock

UN Agenda 21 - Environmental Piracy

Chasing Sovereignty

The Wind and the Spirit

The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House and on the World Stage

CFP News Headlines...

Cover Stories, News

The way past Obama is dismantling the United Nations
 Judi McLeod--& Doug Hagmann Full Story

The way to free America from the destructive administration of President Barack Hussein Obama is out there. 

Four more years of Obama has left America in a massive depression with We the People feeling there is nothing left but to give up.

Raising Political Funds Must Change -  It is Getting Wearisome
 Jerry McConnell Full Story

Day after day after week after year the email recipients of messages from so many different political sites as to become anonymous, keep bleating one refrain from multitudinous sources that we must get rid of Obama.  Well, as of November 06, 2012, those messages weren’t worth, as a famous vice president once said, “A bucket of warm spit.”  As of that infamous date, just what did they do for us?

Climate Tyranny Avoids Scrutiny
 Alan Caruba Full Story

You likely did not read much, if anything, in the mainstream press about the climate change conference that was held in Doha, Qatar. The same applies to television and radio news. These are the folks who introduced the Kyoto Protocols in 1997 with the intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions said to be causing global warming. The U.S. Senate unanimously rejected them in an exercise of good sense we don’t always associate with that august body.

Race With the Devil—Is America Converting to Marxism?
 Kelly OConnell Full Story

Several classic Hollywood movies offer political lessons, including the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the delightful B horror film Race With the Devil. These movies offer something not normally found in pop culture—a conservative critique of society at large, even if unintentionally.

The Salafi Crusades
 Daniel Greenfield Full Story

Empires leave behind a mess when they leave. And that mess acts as the building blocks of a new empire. One empire falls and another rises in its place. It’s an old story and it is what we are seeing in the Middle East.

The Islamist resurgence was fed by the collapse of two world powers, the USSR and the US. The fall of the Soviet Union robbed the Arab Socialist dictatorships of their support. The last of these, Syria, is now under siege, by Sunni Islamist militias after becoming an Iranian Shiite puppet.

Popular Reads:
Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty

The Lord’s Long Johns

Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out

Inanimate Objects Killing Spree Shocks Nation—Maybe Costas Was Right

Electronic Privacy is the New 21st Century Battleground: Why We Must Fight Back

Chemical weapons reports in Syria, exactly as warned

Durango Southwest Colorado

It takes 54 trees to make a Merry Marxist Christmas

Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer


Benghazi: Behind the scenes (Part II)

The way out of ObamaNation is the collapse of Agenda 21

Benghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider”

President-for-Life, King of the World paving the way for Messiahship

The Mayan Myth of 2012

Obama’s memo on “insider threats”

Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross

Putting Family First and ‘First Family’ last

States Don’t Need To Petition To Leave The Union

Is Obama hiding the truth about Benghazi because the truth would impeach him?

Cover Stories, News
Ready for 2016? Bah, Humbug!
 John Lillpop
What the heck has happened to America?

Well Done, My Good And Faithful Servant
 Jimmy Reed
Judgment Day

Addressing Our Debt Is a National Security Imperative
 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Long-term debt is the single greatest threat to our national security

A Holiday of Resistance
 Daniel Greenfield

Is NYC Subway Pusher a “Hate Criminal?”
 Erik Rush
Blacks in America have developed a disdain for industrious Koreans

American Politics, Freedom, Canadian Politics

True The Vote’s lawsuit to enforce voter roll maintenance in Indiana advances
 News on the Net--True The Vote   -- American Politics
“Today’s decision set a standard for private citizens wanting to make a difference,”

The Curious Case of those Infamous Robo-Calls
 Gerry Nicholls   -- Canada
Seems like another sure-fire scandal, not to mention another possible Council of Canadians' lawsuit

Lacking relevance
 Sarge   -- American Politics
Nobody likes working for nothing

Obama’s Walt Disney energy policies
 Paul Driessen   -- American Politics
Wishes upon stars won’t make energy dreams come true – but will bring nightmares

Stop Meeting with the U.N. on Climate Change
 Heritage Foundation--Amy Payne   -- American Politics
For far too long, the U.S. has played on the United Nations’ terms on climate change

UN Treaties Erode US Sovereignty, Exert Control
 Alan Caruba   -- American Freedom
Kyoto Protocols, Law of the Sea Treaty, Internet Control, Gun Control, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Is America Headed Into An Intentional Recession?
 Austin Hill   -- American Politics
“Embracing” recession, as though it is an appropriate means to a necessary end

Inalienable Rights and Freedoms have no defenders in the Supreme Court of Canada
 News on the Net   -- Canada
There is a definite threat that the Rights and Freedoms that generations of Canadians have fought and died for will be lost for good

English-Only Language Charter for all English-Speaking Canada, Territories must be introduced now!
 Dick Field   -- Canada
Quebec's Language Charter shows the way

Unconstitutional Proposition 30 Ready to Make California the Highest Taxed State
 Douglas V. Gibbs   -- American Freedom
California is in for a tough economic ride, worse than she has already faced under liberal democrat leadership

The Engineered Collapse
 Robert Rohlfing   -- American Politics
Half of this nation and leaders from both political parties have now embraced our road to collapse

Stop the Madness! Stop Negotiating with Obama!
 Daniel Wiseman    -- American Politics
We have an elected coup d’etat with a man the head of a party in which 52 percent of Democrats say they are favorably disposed to socialism, and overtly hostile to economic freedom

A Republican Civil War
 Daniel Greenfield   -- American Politics
The Republican Party can no longer win a race against a radical leftist without the Tea Party

Restore America 101
 Lloyd Marcus   -- American Politics
I am prayed up and my powder is dry. Let's roll!

Harry Reid Strikes Again With Obstructionism!
 J.J. Jackson   -- American Politics
Obama's Plan, Fiscal Cliff

Flash Point: The Future of Housing in Canada
 Guest Column--Ian Nunn   -- Canada
Canada is in a housing bubble

Recent CFP Columns
Sun Times Demands Sen. Kirk’s Med Records, Ignores Jesse Jackson. Jr.’s
 Warner Todd Huston   -- Media - Media Bias
The differences between the two cases are stark

Celebration: The NYTimes Finally Admitted Reaganomics Worked
 Warner Todd Huston   -- Media - Media Bias
Funny, the NYT never mentioned this widely known economic fact when Mitt Romney was attacked for saying “Corporations are people.”

Conservatives in Liberal Media Embrace Cultural Surrender
 Cliff Kincaid   -- Media - Media Bias
George Will, Jennifer Rubin, Ken Mehlma

Human Rights Day Marred by Election of Slave-holding Mauritania as VP of UN Human Rights Council
 UN Watch   -- United Nations
Syria remains on UNESCO human rights committee

Israel, the Apple of God’s Eye!
 Dr. Don Boys   -- Middle East
Jewish History should send a message to even the dullest of tyrants: Don’t mess with...

A Turkish ‘Trojan Horse’ for Loudoun?
 Frank Gaffney Jr.   -- Middle East
The Gulenist lack of transparency

The chemistry of early photographs: New American Chemical Society video
 American Chemical Society   -- Science
Early photographers came up with hundreds of different processes to develop images in unique and often beautiful ways

Green Activists Close To Despair After UN Climate Confab
 Guest Column By Dr. Benny Peiser   -- Global Warming - Climategate
Doha Climate Summit Ends In Disgrace

Suspicions surface over effort to sell infamous Crazy Horse Too
 Steve Miller   -- Crime - Security

Giving a gift of honor this Christmas season
 Kerry Patton   -- Military
Contracted: America's Secret Warriors

Blackpool Shale Deposit 50% Bigger Than Thought
 Guest Column By Dr. Benny Peiser    -- Global Warming - Climategate
Nigel Lawson: New Energy Revolution Shaking Up Old World Order

Arab Spring II:  Down With Morsi
 Daniel Greenfield   -- Middle East
Morsi assumed that Egypt would fall just like Turkey. He appears to have made a very grave error

Fossil Fuels Still King in EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2013
 Institute for Energy Research   -- Energy - Environment
Energy Consumption, Oil Production, Natural Gas Production, Coal Production, renewable energy

Coptic Solidarity Calls for a Protest on December 8 Against Morsi’s Dictatorial Grab of Power
 Christian Newswire   -- Middle East
This sequence of events sparked massive outrage in Egypt against Morsi, leading hundreds of thousands to take to the streets all over the country

A Place to Come to
The Lord’s Long Johns
 Jimmy Reed  

Travel Pages
New Zealand – The Real Middle-earth
 News on the Net  
Everyone who goes to Wellington falls in love with the fun, foodie and fashion-focused city that sits at the southern tip of the North Island

Health and Medical Pages
A Unique Way to Stop Bean Flatus
 Dr. Gifford Jones
In our pill plagued society, I’m in favour of anything that circumvents medication and poses no risk

Car Pages
Nissan upgrades and updates the Altima
 Jim Bray
The fifth generation of a car that started out as a roly-poly roller but which has evolved since then into a handsome and reasonably priced and high tech entry

Custom Search

Caruba: Professional Writing Services
Going to Disneyland
 Dag Barkley

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