Click here for AUL’s news release on this subject.
A coercive mandate requiring Illinois pharmacists to choose between exercising their First Amendment freedoms and protecting their careers and their families’ livelihoods has been finally been defeated.
In June 2005, AUL attorneys filed a legal challenge on behalf of Illinois pharmacists Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog to [...]

- VIDEO: Maxon’s speech at media briefing

- Life News on the CRPD



Defending Life 2012

Each year, AUL publishes Defending Life: A State-by-State Legal Guide to Abortion, Bioethics, and the End of Life.

This annual resource manual combines our model legislation, expert analysis, and 50 state report cards into a single nonpartisan guide for legislators, policy makers, the media, and interested Americans. It comprehensively addresses abortion, protection of the unborn (in contexts outside of abortion), bioethics, the end-of-life, and health care freedom of conscience, expertly tackles legal and policy challenges for the pro-life movement, and reports on recent legislative and courtroom victories, continuing progress toward protecting life in each of the 50 states, and emerging issues and trends.


What Don’t You Know About Planned Parenthood?

As Planned Parenthood prepares to celebrate its 96th birthday in October, Americans United for Life launches a month-long series of revelations – the release of “The Planned Parenthood Exhibits,” the continuing case for investigating the nation’s largest abortion provider. Each day in the month of October, AUL will release a new backgrounder that highlights grounds for investigating and, ultimately, de-funding Planned Parenthood, which receives more than one million dollars a day in taxpayer subsidies.