
Newtown: Just Leave Us to Grieve in Peace
Clarice Feldman
Let's have a decent silence to contemplate the eternal nature of evil and the tragic loss we all feel. More

Even in Medical School, Affirmative Action Rules
Chris Mondie
Documents made public by the AAMC make it clear that race plays a disturbingly large role in the medical student application process. More

The Prodigal and The Political
Glenn Fairman
Public welfare, which addresses the material and discounts the spiritual, will never address the ethical factors. More

A Tale of Two Crèches
Mary Durbin
A need for a new exterior for my family's Nativity scene made me realize that two men in my life, my father and my husband, both non-religious types, have been responsible for creating the most religious representation of Christmas there is. More

Fairness and Freedom
Cynthia V. Ward
Obama's "fairness" argument upends the core presumption of a free economy -- that people are entitled to the wealth they earn by their labor -- in favor of a presumption that wealth, however earned, is a collective resource. More

Minorities in the Mideast
Michael Zimmerman
We have seen in the so-called "Arab Spring" (perhaps really another "Arab autumn") that whereas there may be elections, one component of democracy, they have not been accompanied by recognition of the rights of minorities. More

Goldstone and Gaza War II
Steve Apfel
Too many Palestinians dead and not enough Jews means another 'war crime' for Israel to fend off. More

Destructive Shepherds
James Arlandson
Our Founders looked through Greek, Roman, and biblical authors to find general principles to guide them as they set up this nation and instilled in it a genetic code. So should we. More

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American Thinker Blog

Infringing Gun Rights is Not the Solution
December 16, 2012
The answer is not to restrict the firearms rights of law-abiding citizens. The answer is that the mentally ill should not be allowed to buy firearms. More

Zero Dark Thirty confounding liberal film critics
December 16, 2012
What if Hollywood made a high profile movie that carried an implicit message supporting George W. Bush's War on Terror policies and made Barack Obama look naïve? More

'Animal House' antics by GOP of Florida at conference
December 16, 2012
"Drinking and misbehavior" being investigated. More

'Conservative' party comeback in Japan
December 16, 2012
Liberal Democratic Party and Prime Minister Abe back in power. More

Boehner caves on taxes
December 16, 2012
The speaker agrees to raise tax rates on those who make more than $1 million. More

Sanitizing Adam Lanza
December 16, 2012
A tale of two photos. More

Hillary Clinton faints; suffers concussion
December 16, 2012
Her replacement will be named this week. More

Time for Schools to be Gun-free Free
December 16, 2012
If something truly is a good idea today, it was also a good idea six months ago - and will be six months from now. More

'Sharia Thirsty' Take Solid First Round Lead in Egypt's Constitutional Referendum
December 16, 2012
Referendum concludes next week. More

Michelle Obama Accuses the Right of Voter Suppression and Lying
December 16, 2012
Mrs. Obama didn't disappoint in her interview with a prominent black radio personality. More

A Needless, Senseless, Tragedy
December 16, 2012
Why is this Happening? More

School Shootings and Sacred Authority
December 16, 2012
Today we are dominated by a mindset that sees everything in terms of Secular Authority. More

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