Surprise: McConnell Offers Vote on Obama/Geithner Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects Surprise: McConnell Offers Vote on Obama/Geithner Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects

Company Fires Employee For Fending Off Armed Robber with GunCompany Fires Employee For Fending Off Armed Robber with Gun


House Committee Purge May Continue as Boehner Tightens GripHouse Committee Purge May Continue as Boehner Tightens Grip

Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich: Clarifying America's Gun Culture

Since NBC sportscaster Bob Costas went on his halftime anti-gun rant on Sunday using words written by Fox Sports Columnist Jason Whitlock, we’ve heard a lot from the media and from uniformed commentators about America’s “gun culture.” The fact is, America actually has two gun cultures and it is important to distinguish them from one another.

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: America Nears El Tipping Pointo

I apologize to America's young people, whose dashed dreams and dim employment prospects I had laughed at, believing these to be a direct result of their voting for Obama.

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Fiscal Cliff Notes: Part II

One of the big advantages that President Obama has, as he plays "chicken" with the Congressional Republicans along the "fiscal cliff," is that Obama is a master of the plausible lie, which will never be exposed by the mainstream media-- nor, apparently, by the Republicans.

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Christmas for Obama Bundlers

Merry Crony-mas! It's time to pass out the goodies. While President Obama's lips champion the middle class, his administration's old hands are preparing to lavish rewards on the creme de la campaign creme: his wealthiest political donors.

Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: Defending Defense: How the GOP Can Escape the Budget Box Canyon

Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio wowed the Beltway conservatives last night, which is a little bit like the British cheering a successful evacuation from Dunkirk. The GOP indeed lives to fight another day, and that day will be here quickly as 2014’s candidates are already declaring –Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito for the United States Senate in West Virginia and former Governor Michael Rounds for the same in South Dakota.

John Stossel John Stossel: Food Bunk

A scare newsletter called "Food Poisoning Bulletin" warns that if government reduces food inspections, "food will be less safe ... (because) marginal companies ... (will) cut corners."

Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Future Generations

Is there any reason for today's Americans to care about what happens to tomorrow's Americans? After all, what have tomorrow's Americans done for today's Americans? Moreover, since tomorrow's Americans don't vote, we can dump on them with impunity. That's a vision that describes the actual behavior of today's Americans. It would be seen as selfish, callous and ruthless only if it were actually articulated. Let's look at it.

Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: The Costas Anti-Gun Lecture Series

We know the news flash: On Saturday morning, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher shot and killed his girlfriend, then drove to Arrowhead Stadium and shot himself in the head in the parking lot in front of his coaches. To liberals like NBC sportscaster Bob Costas, this was not just a crisis. It was also an opportunity.

Mike Adams Mike Adams: A Queer Need for Rejection

Whenever I write about the issue of First Amendment Freedom of Association, I defend the right of campus groups, not government administrators, to control their own belief structure and membership requirements.

Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby: Grant's Greatest Regret

In the American experience, anti-Semitic decrees have been virtually unthinkable. Religious liberty is enshrined in the Constitution, and early in his presidency George Washington went out of his way to assure the young nation's Jews that "the Government of the United States … gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance." During the long centuries of Jewish exile, powerful officials had often promulgated sweeping edicts depriving Jews of their rights or driving them from their homes. In America, that could never happen. But 150 years ago this month, it did.

John Ransom John Ransom: Who Owns You? Dems or Unions?

Union domination of the Democrat Party has become so entrenched- and so full of government money- that it’s impossible to tell if Union, Inc. is the parent corporation of the Democrats, or if the Democrats control the unions.

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Let the Taxi App Roll

If Hollywood remade "The Graduate" and set it in 1980, the one word the businessman would have for Dustin Hoffman's character wouldn't be "plastics." It'd be "medallions."

Bob Barr Bob Barr: U.N. Readies Attack on Internet as Obama Dithers

While talk of the United States tumbling over a so-called “fiscal cliff” dominates news cycles in the nation’s capital and other major cities, on the other side of the planet, the United Nations is quietly but relentlessly pressing to take control of the Internet. It is being aided in this illicit endeavor by various totalitarian regimes, and by many smaller states that routinely use their strength in numbers to bash America.

Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Election 2012: Echoes of Truman’s 1948 Campaign

Many of our friends continue to register shock at the election returns of last month. How can it be?, they ask. It’s not so hard to figure out, we reply. The first Romney bumper sticker that appeared last year bore a startling resemblance to another famous corporate logo. What were they thinking? The first bumper sticker for the President’s re-election said simply: “ObamaCares.” Brilliant. We are not saying that President Obama does actually care about “people like me.” But voters polled on that question chose Mr. Obama over Mitt Romney by a whopping 81-18 margin. That’s fatal in politics.

Michael Medved Michael Medved: The Perils of Tax Rate Nostalgia

Americans have always reveled in nostalgia about the music, fashion or favorite foods of bygone eras, but a sudden yearning for the high tax rates of yesteryear represents a startling new development. While some opinion leaders pine openly for the tax system that once claimed a big majority of income from top earners, their cozy, communitarian vision offers a deeply distorted view of those good old days.

Terry Jeffrey Terry Jeffrey: Ronald Reagan: Progressive Taxation Came Direct From Karl Marx

Ronald Reagan, who was then a movie actor, delivered one of the greatest and most prophetic speeches of the 20th century, when he appeared before the Orange County Press Club on July 28, 1961.

Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: Jedi Mind Trick Nation

In the original "Star Wars", Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) have to smuggle two droids into the criminal-infested, Empire-guarded city of Mos Eisley. The Empire has been looking for the droids, which contain secret information. But Obi Wan has a solution: when our heroes are confronted by emissaries of the Empire, he simply waves his hand. "These aren't the droids you're looking for." The weak-minded Stormtrooper promptly waves the group through. Obi Wan was using an old Jedi mind trick. Welcome to America, 2012.

Austin Bay Austin Bay: Felipe Calderon: Mexico's Great Reformer?

By 2050, enough time will have passed for historians to render a fair-minded judgment on Felipe Calderon and his six daring years as president of Mexico.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Cutting Through the Fog of News

Most of us have heard of the fog of war, the layers of confusion that cover every engagement, turning battles into guessing games, obscuring just which units are where and doing what to whom till ... all is confusion squared, cubed, overflowing in all directions, and then further confounded in the telling, whether by historians or anecdotalists. ("I was there, I tell you . . .")

Rich Galen Rich Galen: Better Storm Drains for All

It is now likely that a deal will not be reached between now and December 31 to avoid the fiscal cliff. Before you become an economic prepper and start stocking up on canned goods and extra Tequila, remember I also thought Mitt Romney would win the election.

Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Obama's Economic Lumps of Coal

President Obama would have failed Negotiations 101, if there was such a course, the first rule being "do not insult" the people you're dealing with.

Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Should Troublemakers Be Segregated from the General Population?

While I think public housing shouldn’t exist, I have no problem with the government enforcing standards of behavior as a condition of living in one of these Moochervilles.

Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: California Teachers Union Video Features ‘Rich’ Urinating on the ‘Poor’

A new video produced by the California Federation of Teachers – which could be playing in your child’s classroom as we speak – drums up the typical class warfare images we've come to expect from Big Labor.

Jacob Sullum Jacob Sullum: Progressives Support Welfare for the Rich

Since Republicans are pushing entitlement reform and Democrats like taking money from rich people, you might think they could agree on means-testing Medicare and Social Security as part of a deficit reduction deal.

Charles Payne Charles Payne: Too Smart for Hearts

It felt like everyone on the Democrat side of the aisle should have been sporting Mike Tyson's Maori-inspired face tattoo - they came with bad intentions.

Susan Brown Susan Brown: Secular Humanists Bid All ‘A Merry un-Christmas’

That “most wonderful time of the year” has arrived, and with it, most predictably, another round of attacks (yawn) by Secular Humanists doing their best to destroy the season by removing the Christ child from the crèche.

Stephen DeMaura Stephen DeMaura: Jobs Put at Risk by Unfair Tax Policy

In today’s dicey job market, thousands of U.S. jobs are being threatened, but not only by foreign competition, financial collapse, or one of the other common foes of employment we are used to seeing in the headlines. The enemy of vast numbers of American retail workers is an unfair sales tax policy that targets local, brick-and-mortar businesses with the responsibility of collecting and remitting sales tax while allowing Internet-based merchants off the hook. It is unfair, and it has been going on for 20 years.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: DeMint Says House Speaker Boehner's Proposal Will "Destroy American Jobs"

Closing loopholes to raise $800 billion over ten years is too much for Tea-Party activists such as Senator Jim DeMint, co-founder of the Senate Tea Party caucus.

John  Browne John Browne: Central Banks Hedge Their Bets

The unconventional monetary policies unleashed on the world since the beginning of the Great Recession have upended the financial rule book.

Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: A Parent's Potshot Heard 'Round the World

Here’s my theory about viral emails: There are only two reasons emails go viral on the Internet. They’re either too good to be true or they’re so true that they simply must be shared. Think about it.

David Rothbard David Rothbard: Saving the Planet – Or Protecting Power Grabs and Cash Cows?

Doha sets stage for another environmental power grab to “prevent dangerous global warming”

Night Watch Night Watch: North Korea to Test Multi-Stage Rocket

Some analysts judge that the timing of the launch is intended to influence South Korean presidential elections on 19 December. A North Korean power demonstration would seem to encourage election of another hard line South Korean president.

Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Trends Lower

Gold is down more than $30 an ounce in just the last few days. It’s hard to see how locking in some small buys as long as this downward trend continues could end too badly, especially if you’re holding the physical metal for a long period of time.

Ralph Benko Ralph Benko: Turning Attention to the Chief Suspect in the Crime of Ghastly Unemployment

The only plank remaining under notable discussion from either national convention platform of 2012 is the GOP platform’s call for a national monetary commission.

Julie Gunlock Julie Gunlock: The Grinch Who Stole the Christmas Cocktail

Christmas party season is upon us; a time to raise a glass and enjoy time with friends and family. Yet, this year, you might want to savor that mug of Christmas grog or rum-spiked eggnog a little more since regulators are adding alcohol to the naughty list.

Ken Connor Ken Connor: Killing Them Softly?

A majority of the world's nations employ some kind of single-payer, government-run health care system, and they don't have "death panels." Or do they?

David Sterman David Sterman: This Changing Demographic Could Change the Course of the Stock Market Forever

Many emerging markets in Asia and Latin America have a much better M/O ratio, and are only now entering the sweet spot of the M/O cycle.

Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Taxing Big, Rich Corporations

Unlike my other so-called conservative brethren, such as Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, and Saxby Chambliss, I have a very simple solution that both President Obama and John Boehner should be able to live with: Reduce the taxes on corporations and raise the taxes on corporations.

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: Fiscal Cliff Notes

Amid all the political and media hoopla about the "fiscal cliff" crisis, there are a few facts that are worth noting.

2012 Election Sitemap
U.S. Republicans Say, "No Way" to Ceding Debt Limit Power
Court to Obama: Not So Sure About Your Recess Appointments   (77)  
Obama's Debt Concepts: Then and Now   (29)  
Warren: Yeah, “We Ended Up With a Little Bit of Debt”   (68)  
Ethics Challenged Maxine Waters Now Top Democrat on Banking Committee   (60)  
Obama Meets with MSNBC Hosts to Discuss Tax Rates   (59)  
Obama in 2011: Can Achieve $1.2 Trillion in New Revenues Without Raising Tax Rates   (145)  
Detroit Asks For Another Bailout   (114)  
Transparency: Obama Boots Press From Meeting With Business Leaders   (67)  
Sports Writer: The NRA is the New KKK   (734)  
Um: 49% of Republicans Think the 2012 Election Was Stolen?   (1378)  
Survey: Greece Seen as Most Corrupt in EU
Capitalism and Socialism Wed as Words of The Year
Chuck Todd: If Lincoln Were Dealing with These Republicans, We'd Still Have Slavery   (599)  
Bush Calls for Debating Immigration Reform "With a Benevolent Spirit"
Senate Passes $631 Billion Defense Bill
Anatomy of a Flop: GOP "Cliff" Counter-Offer Fizzles   (699)  
Obama Struggles With English, Facts On Twitter   (138)  
Confirmed: Obamacare is an Unpopular, Shoddy Trainwreck   (485)  
Conservatives Kicked Off Budget Committee to "Get a Deal"   (203)  
Fashion Editor to Ambassador?   (80)  
Key Fast and Furious Official Leaves Justice Department   (141)  
How Democrats Can Get What They Want: Agree With Republicans   (188)  
Join Conservatives on FB!
Hillary for NYC Mayor?   (84)  
NJ Mayor Booker Set For Food Stamp Challenge
Fighting Spin With the Truth   (95)  
Bob Costas Auditions for MSNBC During Sunday Night Football   (610)  
Obama Offers More of the Wrong Medicine on Medicare   (41)  
BREAKING: GOP Counters WH Offer on Fiscal Cliff, Embraces Bowles-Simpson Variant   (488)  
Obama: DWS is Here to Stay   (116)  
Tim Geithner and the Return of Moon-Yogurt Accounting   (227)  
Before Raising Rates, Obama Aides Should Pay Their Taxes   (109)