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Sticky Stuff 12/7

Home - by BigFurHat - December 7, 2012 - 00:53 America/New_York - 10 Comments

- Yes, because Hitler was all about the freedom of people’s right to choose whether to join an organization or not. Brilliant progtards shout “Heil Hitler” at Right to Work proponents.

- Father demands legislators remove developmentally disabled daughter from voting rolls after being hijacked into voting for Obama

- Libs try desperately to drag Dana Perino into Costass mess

- Stop Obama’s Hawaiian Vacay! Petition

- Mother Jones Concern Trolls For CAIR and Muzzies

Lord Christopher Monckton Demonstrates How to Get Kicked Out of a UN Climate Change Conference in 20 Words or Less

Home - by Cardigan - December 7, 2012 - 10:00 America/New_York - 7 Comments

The Powers That Be

Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to Margaret Thatcher and current thorn in the side of global warming alarmists everywhere who seek to line their pockets by peddling false or wildly over-exaggerated fears (e.g. the UN), infiltrated the UN climate conference being held in Qatar. He managed to utter one sentence before experiencing a rapid eviction:

After the news conference, and as diplomats gathered for the climate conference president’s assessment of how close countries are to agreement, Monckton quietly slipped into the seat reserved for the delegation of Myanmar and clicked the button to speak.

“In the 16 years we have been coming to these conferences, there has been no global warming,” Monckton said as confused murmurs filled the hall and then turned into a chorus of boos.

The stunt infuriated negotiators and activists here who gather every year to address what they believe is one of the world’s top threats, the steady rise of man-made global warming.

Security escorted Monckton from the hall and stripped him of his credentials, but our applause lives on.



Waking Up With Bob

Home - by BigFurHat - December 7, 2012 - 09:20 America/New_York - 4 Comments

Above and Beyond

Home - by BigFurHat - December 7, 2012 - 09:15 America/New_York - 13 Comments

via Andrea Shea King


Story and explanation here


Planned Victimhood

Home - by BigFurHat - December 7, 2012 - 08:30 America/New_York - 12 Comments


Planned Parenthood’s Info for Teens Facebook page is at it again. This time it is with a video that shows how to cover up those nasty cuts and bruises that result from a beating.

The lead-in to the video says, “A recent study showed that almost one in 10 high school students has been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend of girlfriend in the last 12 months.”

The link to the video bears the headline: “How to look your best the morning after.” It appears beside the picture of an obviously badly beaten young lady.

The video on the August 19 post begins with a shot of the underside of the young lady’s chin that has abrasions, then flashes to a full view of her face where she sports a split lip, a gash on the bridge of her nose, and very bad bruising around her left eye.

“I’ve had a bit of a rough time,” she says, “but I’m going to be doing a video today on how to cover up.” She then demonstrates how to apply makeup to cover up the evidence of the abuse.

“If you’ve got a lot of bruising from being pushed hard against a coffee table,” she says, “you can gently apply layer after layer, and you will cover it up slightly.”


ht/ Mary From Marin


Home - by Cardigan - December 7, 2012 - 07:45 America/New_York - 31 Comments


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — George Zimmerman sued NBC on Thursday, claiming he was defamed when the network edited his 911 call to police after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to make it sound like he was racist.

The former neighborhood watch volunteer filed the lawsuit seeking an undisclosed amount of money in Seminole County, outside Orlando. Also named in the complaint were three reporters covering the story for NBC or an NBC-owned television station.

The complaint said the airing of the edited call has inflicted emotional distress on Zimmerman, making him fear for his life and causing him to suffer nausea, insomnia and anxiety.

The lawsuit claims NBC edited his phone call to a dispatcher in February. In the call, Zimmerman describes following Martin in the gated community where he lived, just moments before he fatally shot the 17-year-old teen during a confrontation.

“NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so set about to create a myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain,” the lawsuit claims.



JW Releases Records Detailing Government Funds Expended on First Daughter Malia Obama’s Trip to Mexico

Home - by Cardigan - December 7, 2012 - 07:00 America/New_York - 10 Comments

Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released records detailing the government funds expended on First Daughter Malia Obama’s March 2012 Spring Break vacation to Mexico. According to the records, obtained from the U.S. Secret Service as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 20, 2012, the total cost of the trip amounted to $115,500.87 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Secret Service (No. 12-cv-01562)).

The following is a breakdown of the costs as detailed in the documents:

Ground transportation: $23,964.81

Lodging: $21,682.92

Airfare: $47,767.34

“Vouchers”: $21,636.14 (not itemized)

Support Charges: $449.66 (travel for one from Mexico City to Oaxaca, not itemized)

Malia Obama’s spring break trip evoked controversy after the Obama White House reportedly ordered the removal of press reports detailing the trip. On March 19,2012, numerous online press outlets reported that the president’s 13-year-old daughter, Malia Obama, was on a Spring Break trip to Mexico accompanied by 25 U.S. Secret Service Agents and as many as 12 of her friends. However, shortly after the press reports surfaced they were quickly removed from the Internet. The trip took place shortly after the Texas Department of Public Safety issued a statement advising students on Spring Break “to avoid Mexico.”



Radio Reports Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor

Home - by IOTW Reports - December 7, 2012 - 03:10 America/New_York - 10 Comments

Modesto Radio Museum


For most Americans, news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor came as an interruption to their favorite radio programs on an otherwise tranquil Sunday afternoon on December 7th, 1941.


DIE ALREADY! Fresh fears over health of Hugo Chávez

Home - by BigFurHat - December 7, 2012 - 00:30 America/New_York - 24 Comments

Guardian UK

Venezuelan president’s unexpected trip to Cuba for follow-up cancer treatment prompts fears of rapid decline in health

Hugo Chávez 

Hugo Chávez, who has returned to Cuba for medical treatment. Photograph: EPA

Fears about the health of the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, have re-emerged since his unexpected trip to Cuba last week for follow-up treatment after undergoing chemotherapy and surgery earlier this year.

In a letter to the national assembly, which had to approve the trip, he said the treatment would include hyperbaric oxygenation, which involves breathing pure oxygen inside a sealed chamber, to repair bone and tissue damaged during radiotherapy.

Chávez, who was diagnosed with an unspecified type of cancer 18 months ago, has not been seen in public since 15 November, when he held a meeting with ministers.

Aides have confirmed his attendance this Friday at a regional Mercosur summit in Brazil. But there is speculation that the recently re-elected president may be facing graver health problems than the government is willing to admit.

“I am under the impression that Chávez’s health has suffered a rapid decline. The effort he put into the re-election campaign has had an impact on his illness. He had to leave practically in an emergency and without the formalities and public acts that usually accompany his departure,” said Teodoro Petkoff, editor of the Venezuelan newspaper Tal Cual.


Oklahoma Versus Obamacare

Home - by Cardigan - December 6, 2012 - 23:40 America/New_York - 8 Comments


Oklahoma attorney general  Scott Pruitt

The first legal challenges to Obamacare rested on constitutional principles, but a new effort out of Oklahoma goes after the cogs that make the law function. State attorney general Scott Pruitt is trying to block the Internal Revenue Service from imposing fees on employers and individuals who don’t comply with the law’s mandates. In doing so, he may create a way for other states to fight back against the federal government’s top-down management of health care. If the suit succeeds, the law will not be invalidated, but if enough states choose to opt out, the resulting lack of funds could make Obamacare’s financial structure untenable.

“This is a very important case,” Pruitt tells National Review Online. “This is a challenge to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and it matters.”

Yesterday the federal government filed a motion to dismiss Pruitt’s case, challenging Oklahoma’s standing and also citing the Anti-Injunction Act, which prevents people from suing to avoid paying their taxes. The next step is for Pruitt to file a response, which is due December 31.

Oklahoma’s legal argument is complex, a logical train that derives from the convoluted provisions of the law. The implications are worth the effort it takes to understand them, though it certainly takes some determination. Here we go.

Point one: The ACA offers tax credits and subsidies to individuals and companies that buy insurance through a state-run exchange — if their state has set up such an exchange. Point two: The federal government establishes exchanges for states that do not set up their own. Point three: The section of the ACA that establishes these credits and subsidies says they are authorized only for exchanges “established by a state.” (Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute and Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University Law School first noticed this provision of the ACA; the law’s defenders say it is a minor drafting error that courts will and should overlook.) Point four: The ACA also imposes fines and penalties on individuals who do not buy health insurance, and on businesses that do not buy it for their employees. (Insurance under Obamacare will be significantly more expensive than regular insurance, which is why they have to pay you to buy it and fine you if you don’t.)


Now we get to point five, which is the real crux of the argument: The ACA specifies that these fines or penalties apply only to individuals or companies that are eligible to receive the tax credits and subsidies. Conclusion: If a state chooses not to set up an exchange of its own, residents of that state are not eligible to receive tax credits or subsidies for buying insurance, so there can also be no fines or penalties for not buying insurance, even if there is a federally run exchange in the state. In other words, the individual and employer mandates are nullified in that state.



Star Spangled Banner

Home - by Cardigan - December 6, 2012 - 23:30 America/New_York - 13 Comments

Via Chicks On The Right

Those kicka$$ rockers from Madison Rising are trying to reach 5 million views on their Star Spangled Banner video. Will you help? If you haven’t heard their rendition before, it’s a giant pile of awesomesauce. Support these fantastic conservative rockers! They’re at just over 3 million right now – so please watch and then share with others!




Home - by Cardigan - December 6, 2012 - 23:00 America/New_York - 31 Comments

Atlas Shrugs




Everybody is talking about the New York Post cover photo showing Ki Suk Han about to be killed by the subway train, but the real story here is yet again being ignored by the mainstream media. The real story here is that Naeem Davis is clearly a devout Muslim, and one who displayed behavior characteristic of jihadis after he committed murder.

“Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them, and He will heal the breasts of folk who are believers. And He will remove the anger of their hearts.” — Qur’an 9:14-15

Naeem Davis, a Muslim immigrant from Sierra Leone sporting a pious Muslim beard, seemed “very calm, not crazy,” after he murdered Ki Suk Han. As is typical of jihadis, he blamed his victim, making up the preposterous story that this man nearly twice his age attacked him.

His calm after his murder was also typical. Robert Spencer wrote this in February 2012: “Muhammad Parvez called 911 to tell them he had killed his daughter Aqsa after he murdered her for not wearing the hijab. His calm after the killing, and his turning himself in, is common with Islamic honor murders and other killings and attempted killings: one notable example came in February 2009, after moderate Muslim leader Muzzammil Hassan beheaded his wife. He went to a police station, shook an officer’s hand, and then shocked the unsuspecting policeman by telling him: ‘I want to tell you that I just killed my wife and I’m here to turn myself in.’ Similarly, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar drove an SUV onto the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and attempted to run over and kill as many students as possible (he killed none but injured nine), he appeared serene and even happy after the attack. Seattle jihad shooter Naveed Haq was calm during a traffic stop just twenty minutes before he starting murdering Jews for Allah at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.”

There are others as well. A Muslim in Dubai “slit her throat three times…he stole two mobile phones and Dh200 from the victim and fled…he showed no remorse as he just headed for a mosque and prayed.” The Arkansas jihadist, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who murdered Pvt. William Long outside a Little Rock military recruiting station, was “calm, not belligerent or hostile.” Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, the Mumbai jihad mass murderer, walked”calmly through the train station with his assault rifle” as he murdered people left and right.

The Qur’an says that Allah “will heal the breasts of folk who are believers” when they fight the kuffar. That’s why Naeem David was calm.


‘Killer’: I blame victim.  more