Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pretend this is a snappy and exciting title to a post that will not be written...

because I'm worn out from looking over the pretend "fiscal cliff."

We fell off that cliff long ago and anyone who doesn't realize this is not paying attention. 

It's all a bunch of crapola.  I refuse to participate.  Instead, I'll spend the day running important errands, working on my yearly plan, returning emails, and doing what I can to prepare for what's coming in the future of this country.

I saw the following comment over at American Thinker and found it to be one of the most concise descriptions of a liberal ever written.  
The Democrats of today are elitists and authoritarians. I have never met a Obamacrat that did not think this way. They are totally convinced of their own superiority. It is part of their personality and psychology. They got there from many different life experiences and believe that they are on this earth to rule and herd the rest of the population to their own advantage. They think they are better educated, smarter, and morally superior. They also think they should be in the ruling class and everyone else should acquiesce because of their self identified natural abilities. They hate everyone that does not think like they do. And they do not think that all are created equal under the law. They are contemptuous, racist, misogynist, regionalist, ageist and ignorant. They hate the very culture that has provided them with advantages which they refuse to acknowledge because it would mean they have to acknowledge their own weakness and shriveled little psyches.

Wyblog:   2013: The culmination of Fascist America

Capitalist Preservation:   The predictable failure of the fiscal settlement from Congress

The Blaze:  The ‘fiscal cliff’ bill has passed, now find out what’s in it

If you don't think we are in real trouble, watch this: 

H/T Political Brambles

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: The 52 & 7 Challenge...

this is something I can run with.

This whole year long resolution thingy just doesn't work.  You know that and I know that.  So why do we still keep doing it?  It's a mystery.

Jon Acuff has come up with a great idea.  Really great!

From Jon Acuff:
[...]So how do I approach 2013?
Knowing that I’ve had much more enjoyable years when I’ve been deliberate with my time do I change my design on the year?
Easy, I break the year down.
There are 365 days in the year.
There are 7 core areas of life. (Spiritual, Financial, Physical, Social, Mental, Career, Family.)
365 divided by 7 is 52 and some change.
And so begins my 52 & 7 challenge.
I can do anything for 52 days.
I’ve had horrible dating relationships I survived for longer than 52 days.
I’ve had miserable jobs I survived longer than 52 days.
I can do 52 days.
So can you.

Thought for the day...


Gleefully stolen from  rmactsc via Phoebe's Detention Room.  

Kathy Griffin "jumps the shark"...

by kissing the sardine on live TV.

Vile, vile people!

Way to go, CNN.

From NewsBusters:

Kathy Griffin Kisses Anderson Cooper's Crotch On National Television

Glad I was in bed by 10:30.

Rand Paul on the Fiscal Cliff (video)

well worth a watch.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Signing off for today...

to celebrate my birthday by doing some shopping.

First I'm headed to Black Sheep Sporting Goods in Coeur d'Alene.  Gosh, wonder what I'm going to buy...

Then a quick stop at Tomato Street for a light lunch.

Next up is Hobby Lobby:

After a quick stop at the grocery store (I just may eat a doughnut there), it's home to make dinner.


King Crab Legs:

Shredded Potato Casserole:

To all my readers:

Have a safe and sane New Year's Eve.

It's Monday...

what's going on.

Nice Deb:  Yes, Fascism Has Come to America

Lonely Conservative:  Obama Admin: We Will Force Americans To Violate Their Faith

Diogenes:  How far we’ve fallen when the biggest resistance to tyranny is done by arts and crafts stores.

Maggie's Notebook:  First They Came For The Guns…

T.L. in Exile:   You Have Been Drafted

MOTUS:   A Very Special MOTUS Retrospective: the Best of 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New York newspaper Journal News plans to release more gun owner permit holder names...

what a bunch of dangerous dopes.

They're making a huge miscalculation of how this is being received by the public.  I wandered over to the Huff & Puff to read comments on this story.  Guess what?  Even the libtards over there are a bit outraged.  The comments were probably 95% against what this newspaper is doing.

A few Huff & Puff comments:
What about the victims of violent crimes that have a permit for a handgun?

Did the newspaper think that they might be putting them in danger by publishing their names and addresses?

Did the newspaper check to see if anyone they named have restraining orders against anyone?

Also, the newspaper just gave the robbers looking for guns to steal a treasure map. Talk about giving a boost to gun crimes, duh!!!!
*                   *                  *
Maybe we should post a map with names and addresses of the people who have obtained legal abortions? Better yet, how about for those who possess a marijuana prescription? Sure, the fact that Joe Smith 2 counties over has a marijuana prescription is absolutely no threat to me, but it has been called a "gate-way drug" so I have an irrational fear of it. You know, thousands of people are killed every year due to DUI. I'd really like to know my neighbor's purchase record on alcohol as well as their car's make, model, type, and license info, so I can keep an eye on them. To be honest, I'm a little curious. What do you think? 
*                 *                    *
Where does the printing of public government records for Political purposes end?
This is a slippery slope. Will this newspaper out the names and addresses of Gay Married Couples so that conservatives can decide whether they want to live next to them?

Will this newspaper please list the publicly available records on all criminals who have served their time and probation but still live in the community? So that the PRO LAW ENFORCEMENT crowd can force them to self deport out of the community?

Will this newspaper print the publically available arrest records of Johns and those caught DWI or with soft drugs? What about public outing the mentally ill?

The Publisher of this paper would have been very happy working for the Reichstag. 
*                   *                 *
This is going to backfire on them. Now...all the crooks and robbers know EXACTLY what houses to invade without the risk of getting shot. 

 From Weasel Zippers:  (who, if you're interested, has the names and addresses of employees of Journal News)

New York Newspaper That Published Names And Addresses Of Gun Owners Says It Plans To Release The Personal Information Of Additional Gun Owners…

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) Delivers Weekly GOP Address ...

“Inaction shouldn’t be an option."

“Hi, I’m Senator Roy Blunt from Missouri. As we bring 2012 to a close, leaders in Washington have an opportunity to kick off the New Year by working together to solve some of the big challenges facing our country today.

“At a time when our federal debt’s topped a record $16 trillion, it’s been more than three years since the Democrat leaders in the Senate have passed a federal budget, and the Senate Majority Leader has refused to bring any appropriations bills to the floor this entire year. There’s an old saying that when you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing.

“Meanwhile, small businesses and farm families don’t know how to deal with the unfair death tax—a tax that the President and congressional leaders have threatened to expand to include even more family farms and even more small businesses.

“More American energy means more American jobs. But unfortunately, energy projects in the United States are being held back by federal obstacles of all kinds, and the Keystone XL Pipeline been hanging in the balance because President Obama has refused to move forward on what should have been an easy decision for more energy and more jobs.

“Republicans hope to work across the aisle to solve these and other critical challenges facing America in the New Year. Divided government is a good time to solve hard problems—and in the next few days, leaders in Washington have an important responsibility to work together and do just that.

“Unless Congress and the President act immediately, every American will be forced to pay for the largest tax hike in our nation’s history on January 1st. At the same time, the federal government—including our Armed Forces and defense workers—will undergo deep, across-the-board budgetary cuts. Remember, these are cuts that President Obama promised during the campaign would never take effect. And while we need to reduce spending, we can do it in a much smarter, more targeted way.

“Economists not representing either political party have continually warned that going over the so-called fiscal cliff will lead to devastating job losses at a time when American families and small business owners are still struggling to get back on their feet. In contrast, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that extending tax rates for all Americans would create nearly 1.8 million jobs and increase the nation’s Gross Domestic Product by almost 1.5 percent next year.

“Every American taxpayer got a tax cut in 2001, and those tax cuts were good for the economy and good for families. Congress’ action to make the first tax bracket 10 percent instead of 15 percent, double the child tax credit, and deal with the marriage penalty in the tax code made a real difference to a whole lot of American families.

“Fortunately, going over the fiscal cliff is avoidable. There’s not much time, but there’s still time to act. Both President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have claimed that an achievable plan is one that can pass both houses of Congress and Republicans agree.

“The Republican-controlled House has taken a step in the right direction. The House has already passed bills to protect all Americans from burdensome tax increases. In addition, they’ve passed legislation to replace damaging across-the-board spending cuts with responsible targeted ones, and to bring our nation’s record debt under control. But instead of working across the aisle and considering the House-passed plan to protect taxpayers, Senate Democrats have spent months drawing partisan lines in the sand.

“The President’s proposal to raise taxes on the top 2 percent of Americans won’t even pay one-third of the annual interest that’s now owed on this massive $16 trillion debt. In fact, the President’s tax hike would only fund the government for eight days. Americans deserve to know: What does the President propose we do for the other 357 days of the year?

“Inaction shouldn’t be an option. The problems facing our country are big, but they’re not necessarily all that complicated. The President will never have more political capital than he does right now, and the next few days will begin to define his second term. He was elected to lead.

“We still can avoid going over the fiscal cliff if the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate step forward this week and work with Republicans to solve this problem and solve it now.”

Friday, December 28, 2012

Is it too late for the USA?...


Math is a strict disciplinarian.  No matter how many times you claim 2 + 2 = 5, math is going to smack you upside the head and tell you otherwise.  All this non-stop talk about the "fiscal cliff", which for anyone who has been doing the math, surely knows it's nothing more than Kabuki theater to keep the little people of this country occupied and entertained.  I refuse to play that game.  Let the enemies of this country do what they will.  I have no way to stop them, and my energies will be better spent protecting my family as best I can.

And then we have Hobby Lobby, who in defense of their Christian faith, is going full-bore against the federal government.  Good on them.  Meantime, we have Gonzaga University in Spokane, supposedly a Jesuit Catholic institution, kowtowing to the feds and stating it will cover contraception but promises to "clearly communicate Church teaching."   Shameful.

Gun control is nothing more than people control.  Do I need to elaborate? 

From Doug Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Report:

Flight of the U.S.A

Imagine the United States as one big jumbo jet on a lengthy journey to what our travel brochures described as the land of “milk and honey.” We are all passengers aboard this marvelous airbus of state-of-the-art comfort along with a litany of well-trained pilots, crew members and support personnel, each taking their respective shifts on this multi-generational journey. The flight is complete with in-flight movies, food service, all of the latest technology, along with a flight staff seemingly dedicated to our comfort.

As Americans, we boarded this aircraft long ago as we were promised a destination to the promised land of peace and prosperity by the flight planners and smiling and most accommodating crew. We were impressed by the amenities of the aircraft, complete with logos of the stars and stripes on the plane’s exterior and patriotic songs playing in a loop in the boarding area. Oh how proud we were!
As passengers excited and enthusiastic about our future, we paid little or no attention to the backgrounds, bona-fides or intentions of the pilots or crew. Seeing them clothed in their dress flight uniforms, standing aboard the aircraft to warmly greet us as the patriotic music faded quietly behind us,  they instilled confidence in our flight experience.

We boarded, settled in and took off, leaving the airport in “every town,” U.S.A. behind us as a memory of what once was. Upon reaching cruising altitude, drinks were served, the in-flight movie began, and passengers removed their various vices and devices from their carry-on bags to pass the time during this long flight.

As time passed, however, some passengers began looking out of the windows, seeing a different and unexpected landscape below. A landscape that was not advertised in the travel brochures. Questions among a few passengers began slowly at first, but then the curiosity of many passengers began to grow. Some began to ask, just what is this destination of milk and honey? By then, however, the hour grew late as the aircraft approached the point of no return.

Point of no return 

The phrase “point of no return,” abbreviated “PNR,” originated as a navigational phrase that basically means what it says. Pilots flying aircraft experience a point in their flight when their fuel situation is such that they cannot return to their point of departure and barring any other possibility, must continue to their destination. Metaphorically, I believe America has reached the point of no return on our long journey to tyranny and totalitarianism disguised on the travel brochures as the land of “milk and honey.”

I also believe that we, as Americans, must contemplate our PNR as it means that we’ve been on our metaphorical journey for quite some time. We’ve switched pilots and flight crew during our journey, our pre-selected elected leaders, but never once changed our flight path. Please think carefully about this, as it serves as a serious indictment of our elected leaders and those who put them in office. As passengers, most of us watched our unchanging flight path, doing nothing more than complain to the flight crew while dutifully remaining in our seats. Others remained transfixed with the in-flight movie designed from the start to divert our attention from the events around us. That tactic alone served the ever-changing pilots and crew well.

Of conspiracy theories and racism 

 Throughout our flight, some passengers attempted to warn others of our flight path, leading to a change of pilots and crew. This window dressing calmed the fears of a number of passengers who failed to realize that merely changing pilots and crew would not change our destination. Some passengers attempted to warn all of us of the flight plan and that the pilots and crew were complicit. For the first part of our flight, those astute passengers were rebuffed by accusations of “McCarthyism,” followed by the label of conspiracy theorists, and now, with the current pilot, racists.

Interspersed among the passengers and quietly assisting the pilots and flight crew have been representatives of the media, who have done much to quell the complaints from the cabin. Working in exquisite synchronicity, the pilots, crew and media were well trained by the Marxist ideology through the likes of Antonio Gramsci, the Frankfurt School, the Fabian Socialists and even the Communist Party U.S.A. They were in on the flight plan from the start, and most of the pilots, crew, media and even some of the passengers graduated magna cum laude from these contemptible institutions of ideological Gomorrah.

Sadly, many passengers simply could not be bothered as they remained engrossed in the movie or their own devices, even becoming annoyed despite the ominous and obvious signs of trouble aboard the aircraft. The enlightened minority was rebuffed over and over. Complicity and complacency always work well in tandem.

We are still aboard this aircraft, and the commotion within the cabin has been increasing as we continue to travel at just below mach speed toward the critical point of no return. A number of previously complacent passengers changed from being complacent to inquisitive, and others from inquisitive to plotting the retaking of the aircraft. Yet, the spirit among many of the travelers en route to this unsavory destination continued to be split. In fact, a few of the spiritually renegade among us are still determined to join the mile high club, and have even been cheered on by both the complicit and complacent. After all, why not enjoy the flight while you still can, they reasoned.

Meanwhile, as the true flight plan of the aircraft began to become more well known among the passengers in the cabin, the accusations of conspiracy, lunacy, and the mother of all conversation stoppers, racism were shouted with greater tenor and more effective frequency. Some of the more vocal passengers, mentally and emotional bloodied by the accusations, chose silence. Others rebuffed the accusations but did little to inform or educate the other passengers of the greater picture, hoping that at the very least, their partial acquiescence would keep their frequent flier miles safe and intact. Sadly, no one will emerge with such benefits of this one-way flight.
The point of no return? As I see it, the question today is whether we have reached the point of no return on our journey aboard the aircraft known as the United States of America. I believe we have, and as such, our options have become extremely limited, and are diminishing with every mile we travel.

We can choose to retake the aircraft, but in so doing, will have to fight a gauntlet of other passengers and flight crew. It will be ugly. We can choose to do nothing and simply hope for the best, in which case we deserve the welcome we receive upon landing at our ultimate destination.

Despite the obvious and adhering to their own normalcy bias, an overwhelmingly large number of passengers will continue to demand a change of pilots and crew, believing that will change the destination. Yet others will continue to be mesmerized by the in-flight movie, opting to listen to lies of the crew and other passengers in on the flight plan from the beginning.

In any case, we are about to learn the fate of the “Maiden of the World,” Flight U.S.A.

Doug Hagmann  Bio

Doug Hagmann Most recent columns Copyright © Douglas Hagmann
Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.
Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.
Doug can be reached at:
Older articles by Doug Hagmann

After you've read the above article take time to read:

The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I)


The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part II)


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blood alcohol testing...

the new way.

It's Wednesday... w/ Update

the second day of Christmas, Feast of St. Stephen, and Boxing Day in the UK and Canada. 

What's going on.

About those so-called "journalists" that published the names of gun owners in two counties in the New York area?  What were they thinking?  Oh, wait.  They're libtards, which means they don't think - they "feel."

Fine.  Here's what I "feel."  I feel you are putting people in danger to advance your Marxist cause.  I particularity  particularly like the fact that T.L. published the link to Zillow for one of the aforementioned "journalists."  Lots and lots of interior shots making it oh so easy to case the joint for future home invasions or robberies.

T.L. in Exile:   So This Is The Game They Want To Play

Weasel Zippers:   Home Addresses Of NY Journalists Who Published Name And Address Of Every Handgun Owner In Two Counties…


Jammie Wearing Fool:   Cowardice: Smug Journal-News Editor Deletes Facebook Page, Hides Tweets

In other news:

Political Clown Parade:   Performing The Miracle Of Turning Unlimited Debt Into Unimaginable Prosperity

Newsbusters:   HuffPo Shocker: ‘President Clinton's Policies Sent the Economy Seriously Off Course’

Tuesday, December 25, 2012