In today’s NH Journal:

Ignoring the fact that the concepts of spelling and grammar often seem foreign to our ‘Blogger of the Month’ ……That said, it also seems like we should note who Steve Macdonald keeps company with.

‘That’s cause I “gradgeated” the sixth grade, ma’am. Only took three years.’


Sheila Jackson Lee

From the PJ Tatler:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Wednesday afternoon urged people to turn in their guns, arguing it would be an appropriate response to last week’s mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

“I would personally just say to those who are listening, maybe you want to turn in your guns,” Jackson Lee said on the House floor. “Oh no, I’m not going to take your guns. But look at what Dick’s Sporting Goods did … they wanted to be part of the solution and part of America.”

I am shocked at Representative Jackson Lee’s appalling lack of knowledge of the history of the state in which I – unlike Ms. JL – was born and which she purports to represent.

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I may have been a bit premature when I titled my first Blog “NHJournal – Where Spelling Is More Important Than Integrity.

Just for a refresher, Shawn Millerick thought it would be funny to point out how I left a letter out of his first name and misspelled Pat Hynes last name (My spell checker keeps trying to change it to Haynes by the way).  Typos! -Going for the jugular.  And I pointed out that I could fix the typos but that his lying to his readers, for what I can only assume was as a favor to the NH-GOP political establishment power-brokers, might not be so easy to fix.  (And if he just did it for kicks and not the GOP would that be better or worse?)

While integrity is still an issue (now and forever) it turns out he has some other problems as well, and they are pretty damn funny considering.  Pull quotes from Mr. Millerick’s piece please…

On Tuesday, the New Hampshire chapter of Americans for Prosperity bestowed upon GraniteGrok’s Steve MacDonald the lofty title of ‘Blogger of the Month.’

Actually, the news release is dated the 17th, which was Monday, not Tuesday.  Calendars were invented before 1925, right?  It’s also a national award from AFPhq, reported through the New Hampshire chapter if you must know.

And I did mention spelling…

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I have to admit that Shawn Millerick got me good when he said I couldn’t spell.  Actually the problem is that I am not terribly adept at typing and I try to squeeze out posts before work and after the kids go to bed.  I’m not always thorough.  But on a positive note, I don’t make up meetings out of thin air to smear my political opponents.

Millerick would also like you to believe that I am insulting a female candidate (Jennifer Horn) when I use the word pimping.   I apologize if I was unclear.  I’m actually insulting him, NHJournal, and whoever it is in the GOP establishment that is yanking his pull string.

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From Tim’s post:

the New Deal settlement has been reshaping Americans’ expectations about the nation-state’s reach and role. Consequently, the U.S. federal government will continue to provide a social safety net, regulate the economy, and shoulder a substantial share of responsibility for safeguarding the social and economic bases of political equality.

The State is responsible for two things:

  • Respecting and protecting our Rights and Freedom
  • Protecting individuals

Even with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation,

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Cheaper Than Dirt LogoFirst it was private equity house,Cerebus, unloading its Bushmaster gun company – I merely noticed it knowing that the California Teachers Retirement fund was vested in Cerebus and therefore, a part owner in Bushmaster.  Such a PR faux pas was not going to last long – and it didn’t as it is now set for “divestiture”.  Then Dick’s, a major sporting goods retailer, decided to pull all of its “black rifle” inventory off the shelves nationwide after the news came out that kiddie murderer Adam Lanza had tried to purchase a rifle there (which failed as Dick’s personnel followed the law, started to do the background check, and Lanza didn’t complete the transaction when the seller behind the counter told him there was a 3 day wait via CT law).  What they should have done is spotlight the employee AND themselves for doing the right things according to the Law.

Well, I needed a few things, so before work this morning, I went to Cheaper Than Dirt, an internet retailer of firearms and lots of other stuff, to buy them.  I’ve used them in the recent past, bought quite a bit of stuff, and their shipping and accuracy was spot on.  Well, imagine my surprise to what I found and the email I dashed off to them:

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Asking a socialist to embrace austerity is like asking a prostitute to embrace chastity: it’s simply not part of the business model.

I still like Steve‘s, involving “eunuchs at a fertility festival.”


(H/T: Instapundit)

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Over at Breitbart is a post with this headline:     “Coal Use Set To Surpass Oil In  A Decade: IEA“.  I used to go over and post comments over at TreeHugger, as regular readers of the ‘Grok know, and bring the Lefty Enviro-wacko stream of consciousness back here just so that you see what the mindset is (which is, pretty much, you all HAVE to get with our program to save GAIA from our destructive ways).  Smaller is better, and that less is best.  Pretty much, everyone needs to be shoved into tiny apartments into urban areas because, after all, we have to be conscious firstly and always with the energy we are using and the carbon footprint we are using to stomp on future generations lives.  And of course, “white European Developed Nation Guilt” plays a large role in their sackcloth living mantra.  Betcha there’s much wailing and rending of said sackcloth at this:

Coal is set to surpass oil as the world’s top fuel within a decade, driven by growth in emerging market giants China and India, with even Europe finding it hard to cut use despite pollution concerns, according to a report published Tuesday.

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That would be Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat.  Who famously used a rifle during a campaign commercial vowing to kill the EPA Cap N Trade bill.  He certainly has touted his NRA credentials.  However, just like most Liberal politicians, he’s stuck the wet pinkie in the air and pivoted so quick his feet are 6″ in the ground now that the Progressives have turned a sad tragedy into a political cause celebre.  Sure, he said “I don’t know anyone that needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting“, but he certainly seem to enjoy himself while shooting this tricked out semi-automatic AR-15 WITH AN EXTENDED MAGAZINE.  Throw in a red dot sight, and he’s ready to go hunting too.

Senator Joe Manchin shooting an AR-15

Senator Joe Manchin shooting an AR-15Once again, we see someone taking advantage when it benefits him and throwing it under the political bus when he realizes it would kill him politically.

Consistency?  Hardly ever when it comes to Democrats.  He knows that he’s become a poster child for gun control simply because he’s made a big deal of his NRA credentials – so if HE says so-called assault rifles with big mags should be banned, well, that should be the end of the discussion.

Tell me, if you are looking down the north end of a rifle, wouldn’t you be thinking that ALL rifles would be “assaulting” in that scenario regardless of what it looks like?

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Peter Berkowitz of the Hoover Institution recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal that “big government is here to stay. This is particularly important for libertarians to absorb. Over the last two hundred years…

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Notable Quote – Charles Krauthammer on “Progressive Choice”

December 19, 2012

“… it is more than slightly ironic that Democrats, the fiercely pro-choice party, reserve free choice for aborting a fetus while denying it for such matters as choosing your child’s school or joining a union.” – Charles Krauthammer, syndicated columnist, commentator   “while denying it for such matters” – Those that wish to make the [ Read more ]

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An Assault Weapon or Not An Assault Weapon…That is the Question

December 19, 2012

I’m no expert on firearms but do a fair job of knowing how government works and this “we need to do something” thing plays right into my wheelhouse. That “something” is the desire of legislators to appear to be capable of managing our lives in every meaningful way, so when a nut plotted, planned and [ Read more ]

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Reason and force

December 19, 2012

A fellow New Hampshire-ite wrote this several years ago and, while it has already been reposted and cross-posted around the blogosphere over the past few days, it is more than worthy of another read: Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something [ Read more ]

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December 19, 2012

20 innocent children.  Full of promise.  Harming no one.  Dead.  Murdered by a stranger bent on their destruction.   Guns don’t kill children.  People do. 1.2 million innocent children.  Full of promise.   Harming no one.  Dead.  Murdered by strangers with the explicit permission of their mothers.  Scalpels don’t kill children.  In 2011, their mothers and their mothers’ [ Read more ]

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Some Anti-Gun Hypocrites

December 19, 2012

Leading Democrat Senators want to limit your access to guns.  They already have their permits, but they think that you can’t be trusted with a gun.  Senator Feinstein is going to re-introduce the assault weapons ban even though it did nothing to reduce murders when it was in place before nor was there any increase in murders when it [ Read more ]

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“Gun Free Zone” is a Misnomer

December 19, 2012

A researcher on the radio indicates that since 1950 each instance of public mass killings, except for one, where more than 3 people were killed has been in a “gun free zone”. It would be more appropriate to call a “gun free zone” something else, maybe: ”easy victim zone”, “easy kill zone”, ”easy way to fame zone”, ”shoot ducks in a [ Read more ]

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Add on thought from my previous post – whose really is kidding who?

December 18, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff – such a crisis.  A man-made crisis created by Politicians that had 10 years to defuse it (the expiration of the Bush era tax cuts).  It does have real consequences – and in the end, won’t solve the two biggest problems we have: a $16 Trillion debt and that we are adding [ Read more ]

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Boffo! Boehner & Boys are really burnishing the Repub Brand!

December 18, 2012

And the Establishment wonders why the Republican approval rating in Congress is at an all time low?  And that’s with the general population – imagine what it is with HIGH-information Right of Center folks watching Boehner’s climbing a thousand foot ladder on his knees to get Obama’s and Reid’s approval?  Thus far, what has all [ Read more ]

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Michigan Right To Work…Voters Set The Stage

December 18, 2012

Lee Stranahan has a nice Graphic that gives us a view of how voters in Michigan sent a signal to their state representatives. In a state Obama won easily by 9 points, a ballot measure to make collective barging a constitutional right in that state failed by 15 points.  Stranhan suggests that the confluence of [ Read more ]

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Univ RI Professor Erik Loonis- Oops, Sorry, He Spells it Loomis

December 18, 2012

There is so much hate and vulgarity spewing from the Twitter account of University or Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis that I am reluctant to post any of it here.  But I have no objection to you going here to see for yourself. Let me just prepare you.  University professor.  Anti second amendment.  Newtown.  Hate.  [ Read more ]

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Notable quote:

December 18, 2012

“Nothing appeals to intellectuals more than the feeling that they represent ‘the people.’ Nothing, as a rule, is further from the truth.”  —Author and historian Paul Johnson. Just a thought.

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A Conservative Solution to The Public School Lunch Circular Firing Squad

December 18, 2012

Federal mandates made school lunches cost more and forced foods into them most kids don’t care for so the Derry School District Lunch program is pondering why overall receipts are down. “The food service numbers are significantly less on student sales,” Simard said. She said the food services department is still working to determine the [ Read more ]

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Notable Quote – George Will: observation and advice to Progressives

December 18, 2012

Many liberals who, with solemn self-congratulation, call themselves “pro-choice” become testy when the right to choose is not confined to choosing to kill unborn babies. They say the right to choose is not progressive when it enables parents to choose their children’s schools or permits workers to choose not to fund unions’ political advocacy. Democrats [ Read more ]

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The Ten-Piece McNugent

December 18, 2012

I often have passing thoughts for which there is no suitable blog in which to fit them.  This is one of those. Introducing the Ten Piece McNugent. Made from the freshest venison, elk, caribou, mountain lion, wild turkey, or any number of other beasts.  There’s really no way to know.  The only guarantee we can [ Read more ]

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A new arrow has been added to the Citizen’s quiver: make’em pay!

December 17, 2012

We here at the ‘Grok have used RTK requests( NH’s RSA 91-A, the Right To Know law which is better known elsewhere as FOIA – Freedom Of Information Act) a few times in the past (Richard De Seve, the DES employee blogging on NH taxpayer dime, getting emails from the NH Water Commission that is [ Read more ]

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