The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule Five Sunday: Night Flights

– compiled by Wombat-socho On time for the first time in almost a month…what next, Smell-O-Vision? (Insert usual disclaimer here) Laughing Conservative leads off with Vida Guerra, followed by Brian Noggle with the cover girls of Forbes. Animal Magnetism chips in with Rule Five Friday and Saturday Gingermageddon, and First Street Journal continues studying Rule [...]

Criticism From a Friend: Can We Help Victims of Random Sarcasm Syndrome?

Dear Deranged Gunmen: If you’re contemplating murder-suicide, how about trying the “suicide” part first? #caring — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 16, 2012 “We still don’t know what’s wrong with Michael. Autism spectrum, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant or Intermittent Explosive Disorder have all been tossed around at various meetings with probation officers and social workers and [...]

Moe Lane Shocked By Incompetent Budgeting And Lightning Strike, But Mostly Incompetent Budgeting

by Smitty Moe Lane, quoting IBD: In the states with federally run exchanges, HHS will be tasked with hiring the people to run the exchanges, ensuring that insurance plans applying to be on the exchange are compliant with ObamaCare regulations, and setting up and running the websites for the exchanges. Congress has not yet appropriated [...]

Guns Don’t Kill People …

. . . people we don’t like (and who actually have nothing to do with the crime) kill people: @mgraham969 Hey Michael-congrats! People like you are responsible for the horrific massacre in CT- enjoying the 5yr old blood on your hands? — Andy H official (@drquirkey) December 14, 2012 Michael Graham actually did a very [...]

‘He Was a Quiet Ewok, Kept to Himself a Lot. Kind of a Loner, I Guess You’d Say’

“Adam Lanza has been a weird kid since we were 5 years old. As horrible as this was, I can’t say I am surprised . . . Burn in hell, Adam.” – Tim Dalton, neighbor quoted in the New York Daily News Let’s face it, if I should die in headline-worthy fashion — losing control [...]

Death Porn Media Victim Unexpectedly Negative About The Encounter

by Smitty Read the whole post from Mama by the Bay. A sample: But you know what I do remember? YOU were there. YOU, with your enormous video cameras. YOU, with your microphones poking into the bubble of grief that grew bigger as we waited for our parents to find us. YOU, with your horrible [...]

FMJRA 2.0: I Can’t Stay Long

– compiled by Wombat-socho Accuse the Accusers: @scrowder Gets the Left’s ‘Plate Glass Window’ Treatment Jackie Wellfonder PJ Tatler Hogewash Legal Insurrection Nice Deb Transterrestrial Musings Hot Air Notion Tidbits Animus Turbare Andrew J. Patrick U.S. Messageboard The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Lower The Boom American Glob Conservative Top Ten Hot Air Animus Turbare [...]

DeMint Hasn’t Departed Senate Yet, Already Placing Markers

by Smitty Breitbart talked to Jim DeMint on the cusp of ejecting from the Senate. The Republican Party used to be very good at targeting voters. We asked the Senator what he thinks happened to the party’s ability to do this well: Well, I think we tend to put political people into positions where we [...]

Chris Rock Was Right

“Liberals talk about banning guns as if it’s the same as banning murder and banning evil.” – Ace of Spades “Gun-free zones are premised on a lie: that murderers will follow rules, and that people like my student are a greater danger to those around them than crazed killers. That’s an insult to honest people. [...]

“That Concludes Today’s Live At Five Report With Stacy McCain And Smitty”

by Smitty American Glob picks up on the notion in the more swank right-of-center blogs that deep pockets like the Koch Brothers should buy MSNBC. The mental image of Rachel Maddow dissolving upon encounter with a teleprompter loaded with truth is satisfying (starting at 0:24): Aliester: The Koch Brothers should buy MSNBC and turn it [...]

CONNECTICUT SCHOOL SHOOTING UPDATE: Death Toll 27; Gunman Now Identified as 20-Year-Old Adam Lanza

UPDATE 6:20 p.m. ET: Nearly everything originally reported about the gunman was wrong, as Ace of Spades notes. Reports had ID’d 24-year-old Ryan Lanza as the shooter, but now it is reported that in fact the shooter was his 20-year-old brother Adam Lanza: According to a report from ABC News, neighbors of the Lanza family [...]

Left’s ‘Tent Truthers’ Claim Union Attack on AFP in Lansing Was an ‘Inside Job’

Right now I have a former police officer, heavily armed at my house protecting my wife. The threats are severe. Prayers appreciated. — Steven Crowder (@scrowder) December 14, 2012 Steven Crowder is being targeted for smears and terroristic intimidation by the radical Left, possibly including Anonymous/Occupy anarchists who have come under suspicion for targeting Americans [...]

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