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Zachary Karabell

Zachary Karabell is the president of River Twice Research and River Twice Capital Advisors. His most recent book is Sustainable Excellence: The Future of Business in the 21st Century. More

At River Twice Research, Karabell analyzes economic and political trends. He is also a senior advisor for Business for Social Responsibility. Previously, he was executive vice president, head of marketing and chief economist at Fred Alger Management, a New York-based investment firm, and president of Fred Alger and Company, as well as portfolio manager of the China-U.S. Growth Fund, which won a five-star designation from Morningstar. He was also executive vice president of Alger's Spectra Funds, which launched the $30 million Spectra Green Fund based on the idea that profit and sustainability are linked. Educated at Columbia, Oxford, and Harvard, where he received his Ph.D., he is the author of several books, including Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It (2009), The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election, which won the Chicago Tribune Heartland Award, and Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Coexistence (2007), which examined the forgotten legacy of peace among the three faiths. In 2003, the World Economic Forum designated Karabell a "Global Leader for Tomorrow." He sits on the board of the World Policy Institute and the New America Foundation and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a regular commentator on national news programs, such as CNBC and CNN, and has written for The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Time, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and Foreign Affairs.

Climate Change Doesn't Have to Mean the End of the World

Climate Change Doesn't Have to Mean the End of the World

Stopping global warming might be a hopeless cause, but that doesn't mean we can't find creative solutions to live with it. More »

Fiscal Cliffs, Forever: The U.S. Is Hopelessly Addicted to Crisis

Fiscal Cliffs, Forever: The U.S. Is Hopelessly Addicted to Crisis

Why can't Washington govern except at the precipice of disaster? More »

The Bright Side of Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff

The Bright Side of Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff

Forget all the hysteria on TV -- going over the cliff would only bring on a brief, mild recession before the country returned to growth. In the meantime, it could set us up for a brighter economic future. More »

Who's Afraid of Chained CPI?

Who's Afraid of Chained CPI?

The fiscal cliff debate hangs on an arcane fix for measuring inflation. Both sides should know way we measure inflation is arbitrary and flawed, by nature. More »

Our Hero, Ben Bernanke: Why Central Bankers (Not Politicians) Are Saving the Global Economy

Our Hero, Ben Bernanke: Why Central Bankers (Not Politicians) Are Saving the Global Economy

From the U.S. to Europe, the stewards of monetary policy are tending to the financial system with greater nimbleness, creativity and maturity than their political counterparts or any other societal actor More »

How Conspiracy Theorists Are Steering Us Toward the Fiscal Cliff

How Conspiracy Theorists Are Steering Us Toward the Fiscal Cliff

The world isn't about to end. You wouldn't know that if you listened to conservative talk radio. More »

The Bipolar Economy: If Consumers Are Happy, Why Is Business So Miserable?

The Bipolar Economy: If Consumers Are Happy, Why Is Business So Miserable?

For years after the crash, businesses were growing while consumers were struggling. Suddenly, businesses are pessimistic and consumers are happy. Who's right? More »

6 Reasons to Be Thankful About the Economy Today

6 Reasons to Be Thankful About the Economy Today

Falling unemployment, resurgent housing, a resilient euro zone, and more reasons for economic hope (if not quite cheer) this holiday season More »

Cheer Up, America! The Economy (and the Country) Is Much Better Off Than You Think

Cheer Up, America! The Economy (and the Country) Is Much Better Off Than You Think

The first installment of "The Edgy Optimist," a new column about what is going right in the U.S. economy, and why More »

The Unequal Reality of America's Jobs Recovery

The Unequal Reality of America's Jobs Recovery

Where you live, what you do, what race you are, and what level of education you've attained continue to shape Americans' employment prospects More »

Behind the Mosque Controversy, a Rich History of Both Coexistence and Conflict

Behind the Mosque Controversy, a Rich History of Both Coexistence and Conflict

The Cordoba House debate represents age old relationships between the Muslims, Jews, and Christians More »

The Myth of the Stock-Economy Connection

The Myth of the Stock-Economy Connection

How corporate profits can sky-rocket while the national economy tanks More »

China's Growth: Still for Real

This week, the Chinese government announced that China's economy had expanded by a stronger-than-anticipated 10.7 percent in the last quarter of 2009 and that it had grown 8.7 percent for the entire year. This news, however, was not greeted with relief but with the skepticism that has typically met such news emanating from China in recent years. The Wall Street Journal ran a story on its front page with the headline "China Seeks to Tame Boom, Stirs Growth… More »

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