The Looking Spoon Blog

A Good Prison Name For Conservatives Living Under A Liberal Warden

Random thought of the day...or maybe not given all the fiscal cliff nonsense.

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What If People Behaved The Way Government Does?

Truer words have never been spoken. From Image Blitz.

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The Instrument Of Murder That Claims 35% More Victims Than The Rifle...

The numbers, brought to you by Breitbart, are real and from the FBI. I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not...

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Obama Is The Type Of Chef That's Good At Cooking Only One Thing...

Found this at a good friend of this blog on Facebook, Occupy This.

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The Perfect Remedy If Republicans Need Some Electile Dysfunction

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A Red Flag That Liberals Just Aren't In To Freedom

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Boehner's F-bomb At Harry Reid Was Probably Launched By Accident...

So it looks like during the fiscal cliff talks Speaker Boehner had some fun F-bombs to share with Harry Reid.

While it was a sentiment most normal Americans share with the Speaker, given Reid and Obama ultimately got their way I have to wonder how it really went down.

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You Know Liberals Have A Losing Argument When Stick Figures Can Beat It

I've seen a lot of great graphics that not only destroy liberal logic on gun control, but I never thought stick figures would also make it seem so awesomely infantile.

Leave a comment if you know who made this.

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The Democratic Party's Crusade Against American Success Can Be Summed Up In Three Words...

This was inspired when I happened to have Rush on this morning and the guest host, Doug Urbanski, was going on about how he heard Juan Williams complain that he doesn't like New Years Eve because there's always someone out there having more fun than he is.

Doug went on to say that encapsulates liberalism perfectly...given there are studies that prove this, it's hard to disagree with that assessment.

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"Oopsie" Could Be A Better Dedication For The Communist Manifesto Than This...

Then again, maybe not. This dedication is brilliant in it's simplicity from The People's Cube...which is helpful to the Democratic Party's new base of support that comes from America's dumbasses low-information voters.

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Exclusive Photo Of Boehner Posing With Democrats After Fiscal Cliff Vote

It's offcial, fiscal cliff crisis averted! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

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Is It Me, Or Does Michelle Obama's New Years Eve Gown Look A Little Too Tight On Her?

Hilarious! From iOwnTheWorld.

I was also considering a headline akin to something about how her ball(s) only drop on New Yearsat midnight...but I thought it might be a stretch.

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In Addition To A Fiscal Cliff Deal Congress Voted Themselves A New Seal

The only thing the fiscal cliff didn't avoid was avoiding.

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Why Conservatives Should Get Behind Universal Vision Insurance

Way too many people, starting (and probably ending) with liberals, have a ridiculously cartoonish idea of who conservatives are. This graphic should help with that.

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Ringing In The New Year With A Friendly Reminder About What Happened In 2012

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An Artistic Interpretation Of The Official Disco Song Of The Obama Administration

"Wont you take me to...JUNKY TOWN?!?"

I don't know who did this...but it's great. Leave a comment if you know who made it.

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If The Fiscal Cliff Were Chinese Food This Would Be Obama's Fortune Cookie

He had to break it to find out what was in it.

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Obama Wants Give You Gun-Totting Bible-Clingers Something to Cling To

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A Liberal's List Of New Year's Resolutions For 2013

A new year a new list of resolutions, this is sort of a sequel to the list of liberal resoutions I came up with last year.

See the 2012 list here.

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The Four Words That Prove Sarah Palin Is A HICK

I adapted this piece from this graphic found at Facebook.

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If Want To Help Me Win A Contest...Again!

My image won iOwnTheWorld's PUK Cage Match #3!

Thanks to all who supported TLS....but guess what? I have an image in Cage Match #4 too!

Like with Diogenes, I'm up against another great "opponent," Political Clown Parade.

If you think I have the better image...AND ONLY IF (I wanna win on merit)...then click here and click the green thumb under "bottom image." (the chalk board with a message about how Democrats ruin the economy)

Thank you for your support for yesterday!

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If You Want To Help Me Win A Contest...

iOwnTheWorld is holding its annual PUK Award contest for the best conservative image of the year. I submitted a few pieces and one of them is currently in one of 14 "cage matches."

If I get the more votes than my "opponent" (I use that term loosely because I'm a fan of Diogenes) then that piece goes on to the finals. believe I have the better image click here and vote for me by clicking the green hand under "bottom image." (the one of Reagan putting Obama in a headlock)

Voting ends December 29 at 8PM ET.

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New Years Resolutions for Liberals

This is a list for 2012, an updated list is coming soon.

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A New Study Shows That You Will Believe Every Word Of This

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The Video Game Based On Obama's American Dream

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Relax! You Don't Need A Match To Burn The Koran

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Liberals Are The Real Gun Nuts...

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Dear Gun Owners, Keep Calm And Carry On

As cliche as this meme has (unfortunately) become, this is a really good use of it from the National Association for Gun Rights.

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Obama Is the "i" in "Team"

Not a new joke by any means, but I haven't seen it done like this...

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Obama Isn't Protecting Our Children

That goes for the whole government too. More Michael Ramirez brilliance...

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