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Hurricane Research Division
The Hurricane Research Division (HRD) is a part of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). We are engaged in advancing the basic physical understanding and improving the forecasts of hurricanes and tropical meteorological systems.
Featured Publication
Using the hurricane weather research and forecasting experimental modeling system (HWRFx), researchers examined the impact of increased model resolution on system performance in forecasting a select sample of tropical cyclones from the 2005 and 2007 hurricane seasons.
Meet Our Scientists & Staff
Have you ever wanted to interview a NOAA scientist and learn about their job and why they chose a career with NOAA? Browse our new collection of video interviews and meet the scientists and staff of AOML.
Deep Water Horizon Response
Methods developed by AOML scientists provide real-time monitoring of upper ocean conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. Browse this site to discover hydrographic and remote sensing observations in the gulf region.
Employee Tools