Positions and Activities

Coalition Joins Group of NGOs Urging Congress to Take Action on National Talent Crisis – December 3, 2012

Fact Sheet on STEM Education, Good Jobs, and American Competitiveness – October 4, 2012

Letter to House and Senate Appropriators on STEM Education Priorities in FY2013 Budget – May, 2012

STEM Education Coalition Issues 2012 Core Policy Principles – April 2, 2012

STEM Education Coalition Testifies Before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science – March 22, 2012

Text of the Hanna/Biggert/Heck/Bucshon Science Testing Amendment – February 27, 2012

Fact Sheet on the Hanna/Biggert/Heck/Bucshon Science Testing Amendment – February 27, 2012

Hanna/Biggert/Heck/Bucshon Dear Colleague Letter in Support of Science Testing Amendment – February 27, 2012

Letter to House Education and Workforce Chairman Kline on ESEA Recommendations – February 10, 2012

Review of STEM Education Coalition’s 2011 Activities and Accomplishments - January 5, 2012

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) thank you letter to STEM Ed Coalition for our work on ESEA – December 7, 2011

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) Dear Colleague letter to House Appropriators in support of Math and Science Partnerships Program – December 6, 2011

Letter to House and Senate leadership on STEM appropriations priorities for finish of FY2012 budget – December 2, 2011

Letter to Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) thanking him for successful ESEA markup – November 7, 2011

Letter to Senator Jeff Merkley on the Preparing Students for Success in the Global Economy Act of 2011 – October 18, 2011

Letter to Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chair Harkin and Ranking Member Enzi on STEM Ed Policy Recommendations for ESEA Reauthorization – June 28, 2011

Coalition testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies on STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation – March 11, 2011

Letter to the Honorable John D. Rockefeller and the Honorable Kay Hutchison, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, on COMPETES Reauthorization – July 13, 2010

Letter to the Honorable Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, on the Administration’s blueprint for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act – May 20, 2010

Letter to the Honorable George Miller and the Honorable John Kline, House Committee on Education and Labor, on STEM Education Coalition recommendations for reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act – March 26, 2010

Letter to the Honorable John Holdren, the Honorable Eric Lander, and the Honorable Harold Vamus, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, on key principles to consider for the PCAST report to President Obama – March 3, 2010

Letter to President Obama from members of the STEM education communities in support of National Lab Day – November 20, 2009

Letter to Reps. Rush Holt and David Obey, thanking them for their support of a $5 million increase in the Dept. of Ed Math and Science Partnerships – September 2, 2009

Letter to Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Subcommittee Leaders re: FY2010 funding – July 1, 2009

Letter to Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee Leaders (Senate) re: FY2010 funding – July 1, 2009

Letter to President Obama applauding his April 27 speech at the National Academy of Sciences – May 27, 2009

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