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Selected Journal Articles

Brooks, Arthur C. "Efficient Nonprofits?" Policy Studies Journal 34, no. 3 (2006): 303 - 312.
LC Call Number: H1 .P72
LC Catalog Record: 72625926
Also available online in Academic Search Complete via EBSCOhost. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

This article examines two approaches of assessing efficiency of non-profit organizations: average return-on-investment and marginal returns-to-investments measures. Some background in financial analysis and statistics would be helpful for better understanding the article. Particularly useful for non-profit managers and practitioners.

The Non-Profit Sector in the United States:
A Guide to Selected Information Sources

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Image (left): "Helping Hands"
Photographer: Singhajaykr25
Courtesy of the Archive

Hall, Tanya J. and Slaper, Timothy F. "The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work?" Indiana Business Review 86, no. 1 (2011): 4 - 8.
LC Call Number: HC107.I6 I48
LC Catalog Record: sf83001130
Also available online in ABI/Inform via ProQuest. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

Provides an overview of "the triple bottom line" (economic, social, and environmental impact) concept in the entrepreneurship. Focuses on its definition, measurement, and application.

Lee, Mordecai. "Revisiting the Dartmouth Court Decision: Why the US has Private Nonprofit agencies Instead of Public Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)" Public Organization Review 7, no. 2 (2007): 113 - 142.
LC Call Number: JF1601 .P868
LC Catalog Record: 2001234712
Also available online in ABI/Inform via ProQuest. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

The author of this article, using alternate historical scenarios as research methodologies, makes a historical analysis of the formation of private non-profit sector in the US. Particularly useful for those interested in learning the history of legal framework of non-profit sector in the United States.

Makhlouf, Hany H. "Social Entrepreneurship: Generating Solutions to Global Challenges" International Journal of Management and Information Systems 15, no. 1 (2011): 1 - 8.
LC Call Number: HD28 .I52525
LC Catalog Record: 2010208600
Also available online in ABI/Inform via ProQuest. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

This paper examines the characteristics of social entrepreneurship and the factors needed for its success. Outlines and analyzes the achievements of 6 successful social enterprises: the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, ADAPT of Egypt, BRAC of Bangladesh, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas of Brazil, the Aravind Eye Care Hospitals of India, and Televerde's Prison Call Centers of the United States.

Medina-Borja, A., Pasupathy, K.S. and Triantis, K. "Large-scale data envelopment analysis (DEA) implementation: a strategic performance management approach" The Journal of the Operational Research Society 58, no. 8 (2007): 1084 - 1098.
LC Call Number: Q175 .O59
LC Catalog Record: 78643148
Also available online in ABI/Inform via ProQuest. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

This article examines the function and implementation of data envelopment analysis as a tool of performance measurement and evaluation in non-profit management. Solid background in mathematics and statistics would be helpful for better understanding the article.

Shaw, Eleanor and Carter, Sara. "Social entrepreneurship: Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes" Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 14, no. 3 (2007) 418 - 433.
Available online in ABI/Inform via ProQuest. Subscription resource: Online access limited to patrons onsite (accessed October 4, 2011).

This article outlines the theoretical basis of social entrepreneurship based on interviewing social entrepreneurs in the UK. Focuses on distinguishing profit-seeking and social enterprises in five dimensions: opportunity recognition; involvement into a network; the nature of financial risk and profit; the role of individual and collective action in managing and structuring enterprises; and creativity and innovation.
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  November 14, 2011
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