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Selected Dun & Bradstreet Publications in the Library of Congress

Key Business Directory of Singapore

Key business directory of Singapore. -- Singapore : Dun & Bradstreet (Singapore), -- ASEAN series ; v. 1 Annual.

Lists companies alphabetically, providing D-U-N-S number, name, address, lines of business, number of employees, parent company, year started, turnover, and auditor and banker. Includes a country profile, product classification and geographic listings, and lists of the top 100 companies by employee and by sales. The Library's holds 1994/95, 1996/97, and 1997/98. The current edition is available in the Business Reading Room Foreign Industrial Directory collection.


Key business directory of Malaysia. -- Singapore : Dun & Bradstreet (Singapore), {1991-}. -- ASEAN series ; v. 2 . Annual.

Lists almost 3,0000 companies in all types of industries, providing D-U-N-S number, name, address, lines of business, number of employees, parent company, year started, turnover, and auditor and banker. Includes a country profile, product classification and geographic listings, the top 100 companies in various sectors by employee and by sales. The Library holds 1994/95/, 1996/97, and 1997/98. The current edition is available in the Business Reading Room Foreign Industrial Directory collection.


Key business directory of Indonesia/Philippines & Thailand. -- Singapore : Dun & Bradstreet (Singapore), {1993- }. -- ASEAN series ; v. 3. 1993/94 ed.- Annual.

Continues Key Business Directory of Indonesia/Thailand. For each country the directory lists companies alphabetically, providing D-U-N-S number, name, address, lines of business, number of employees, parent company, year started, turnover, and auditor and banker. Includes country profiles, product classification and geographic listings, and lists the top 100 companies by employee and by sales for Indonesia and Thailand. The Library holds 1994/95, 1996/97, and 1997/98. The current edition is available in the Business Reading Room Foreign Industrial Directory collection.


Key business directory of foreign companies in ASEAN. -- Singapore : Dun & Bradstreet (Singapore), -- ASEAN series ; v. 4. Annual.

This directory lists foreign companies operating in the following ASEAN countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand. It also indexes these businesses by product classification and parent company, and ranks them by employee numbers. Each entry provides the company's name, address, D-U-N-S number, lines of business, number of employees, parent company, auditor and banker where available, turnover, and year started. The Library holds 1994/95, 1996/97, and1997/98. The current edition is available in the Business Reading Room.


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  November 9, 2010
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