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National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Engineering
Institute of Medicine
National Research Council


In 2001, the Council of the National Academy of Sciences initiated the “National Associates” program to recognize extraordinary contributions to our organization through pro bono service to National Research Council and Institute of Medicine programs.

Every year over 7,000 dedicated individuals serve without compensation on study and oversight committees of the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine and as reviewers of one or more of our reports. This service is valued, honored, and appreciated both within our organization and by the nation. Our work in advising the government and the public on matters of science, technology, and health would not be possible without the dedicated service of these experts.

The purpose of the National Associate designation is to formally recognize individuals for outstanding contributions to our work. The National Research Council Chair designates individuals for this special lifetime honor under guidelines established by the Research Council's Governing Board.

National Associates
As of January 1, 2012

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


AReturn to Top

Mark R. Abbott
H. Norman Abramson
Robert McCormick Adams
S. James Adelstein
Nancy E. Adler
William G. Agnew
John F. Ahearne
Mary R. Albert
Richard C. Alkire
Clarence R. Allen
David T. Allen
Lindsay H. Allen
Richard B. Alley
John L. Anderson
Nancy C. Andreasen
Richard A. Anthes
Thomas Appelquist
John A. Armstrong
Charles J. Arntzen
Kenneth J. Arrow
Mike S. Ascher
J. Myron Atkin
Ronald M. Atlas
Norman R. Augustine

David H. Auston
Susan K. Avery
John C. Avise
Francisco J. Ayala
John Z. Ayanian
Richard J. Ayen


BReturn to Top

Albert J. Baciocco Jr.
Gregory B. Baecher
Frances Bagenal
Arthur B. Baggeroer
James P. Bagian
Jean M. Bahr
Barbara A. Bailar
John C. Bailar III
Daniel N. Baker
Eva L. Baker
John D. Baldeschwieler
Deborah Loewenberg Ball
John R. Ball
Roberta Balstad
Gaurdie E. Banister Jr.
Peter M. Banks
Ernest J. Barenberg
J. Barry Barker
Frank S. Barnes
Jeremiah A. Barondess
John A. Baross
Eric J. Barron
Hyman Bass
Steven J. Battel
Rhonda J. Robinson Beale
Robert A. Beaudet
Edwin D. Becker
Tanya Styblo Beder
Reta F. Beebe
Richard E. Behrman
Donald C. Beitz
Angela M. Belcher
Robert M. Bell
Robin E. Bell
Ted B. Belytschko
Arden L. Bement Jr.
Leslie Z. Benet
Georges C. Benjamin
May R. Berenbaum
Paul Berg
Ruth L. Berkelman
Joan B. Berkowitz
Alan Berman
Robert F. Berman
Robert M. Bernero
Robert A. Bernheim
R. Stephen Berry
Paul M. Bertsch
Norman E. Betaque Jr.
David M. Betson
Eric A. Betterton
Jan Beyea
Peter J. Bickel
Allen D. Biehler
Dennis M. Bier
Rosina M. Bierbaum
Tora Kay Bikson
Robert A. Bindschadler
Donald L. Bitzer
Roger D. Blandford
Rebecca M. Blank
Dan G. Blazer
Barry R. Bloom
Floyd E. Bloom
Deborah Blum
Robert Wm. Blum
David Blumenthal
Alfred Blumstein
Joseph H. Boardman
Thomas F. Boat
W. Earl Boebert
Donald F. Boesch
John J. Boland
Enriqueta C. Bond
Stuart Bondurant
Richard J. Bonnie
Peter John Bontadelli
Lillian C. Borrone
Robert F. Boruch
Andre Bouville
Edward J. Bouwer
Dwight M. Bower
Phillip S. Brachman
Norman M. Bradburn
Lewis M. Branscomb
John D. Bransford
John I. Brauman
John E. Breen
Ronald Breslow
Patrick L. Brezonik
A. Bertrand Brill
Kenneth H. Brink
Lonnie R. Bristow
Michael S. Bronzini
Donald D. Brown
Gary S. Brown

John Seely Brown
Lawrence D. Brown
Sarah S. Brown
Steven R. J. Brueck
Bonnie J. Brunkhorst
Herbert K. Brunkhorst
Thomas E. Bryer
Robert J. Budnitz
Richard J. Bull
Merry Bullock
William E. Bunney Jr.
James L. Burch
Cheryl A. Burke
Donald S. Burke
Thomas A. Burke
Richard V. Burkhauser
Joseph A. Burns
John E. Burris
Adam S. Burrows
David G. Burwell
Antonio J. Busalacchi Jr.
Wanda J. Bussey



CReturn to Top

Benjamin Caballero
Anne P. Canby
Claude R. Canizares
Linda A. Capuano
John B. Carberry
E. Dean Carlson
Gary P. Carlson
Albert Carnesale
Alicia Carriquiry
Mary Anne Carroll
William F. Carroll Jr.
Laura L. Carstensen
Elizabeth A. Carvellas
Christine K. Cassel
Gail H. Cassell
Robert Louis Cattoi
Leonard H. Caveny
Thomas R. Cech
Richard F. Celeste
David R. Challoner
Adrian R. Chamberlain
William L. Chameides
Evan Charney
R. Alta Charo
Mark R. Chassin
Jennifer T. Chayes
James F. Childress
John S. Chipman
Gregory R. Choppin
John D. Christie
Ralph J. Cicerone
Joseph M. Clapp
David Clark
David D. Clark
David L. Clark
Edwin H. Clark II
David R. Clarke
M. T. Clegg
C. Herbert Clemens
John A. Clements
G. Wayne Clough
Fergus M. Clydesdale
Jared L. Cohon
Jonathan R. Cole
Phillip Colella
James M. Coleman
Raymond S. Colladay
Rita R. Colwell
Jack M. Colwill
W. Dale Compton
Robert E. Connick
John F. Conrad
Richard A. Conway
Philip J. Cook
Thomas B. Corcoran
France Anne-Dominic Cordova
David S. Cordray
Ross B. Corotis
Denis A. Cortese
Forrest M. Council

Eugene E. Covert
David J. Cowen
Steven C. Cowley
Molly Joel Coye
Keith R. Criddle
F. Fleming Crim
Eileen M. Crimins
Allen G. Croff
Gary L. Cromwell
Edmund A.C. Crouch
Robert D. Crutchfield
Mark R. Cullen
James W. Curran



DReturn to Top

Walter F. Dabberdt
Lawrence D. Dahms
Kenneth W. Dam
Frank L. Danchetz
William H. Danforth
Helen B. Darling
Julie DaVanzo
Ruth A. David
Frank W. Davis
Michael M. Davis
Paul K. Davis
Sheila P. Davis
Michael R. DeBaun
Gilbert F. Decker
Robert E. Deemer
Thomas B. Deen
Gordon H. DeFriese
Seymour J. Deitchman
Paul DeJonghe
Lawrence J. Delaney
James C. DeLong
Don E. Detmer
George E. Dieter
Arlene L. Dietz
Thomas Dietz
Gerald P. Dinneen
Francis J. DiSalvo
Peter J. Donovan
Charles E. Dougan
John Doull
John E. Dowling
Mortimer L. Downey III
John C. Doyle
Michael P. Doyle
Elisabeth M. Drake
James F. Drake Jr.
Jeffrey M. Drazen
Mildred S. Dresselhaus
Colin G. Drury
Nancy Neveloff Dubler

Robert A. Duce
James J. Duderstadt
William H. DuMouchel
Greg J. Duncan
Maureen Durkin
Lloyd A. Duscha
Johanna T. Dwyer



EReturn to Top

George C. Eads
Anthony S. Earl
David L. Eaton
Jack C. Ebeler
Jacquelynne Eccles
William F. Eddy
Christopher F. Edley Jr.
John F. Egan
Ronald G. Ehrenberg
Kenneth E. Eickmann
Emerson J. Elliott
W. Robert Epperly

John W. Erdman Jr.
Larry W. Esposito
Ronald W. Estabrook
Deborah L. Estrin
Caswell A. Evans Jr.


FReturn to Top

Jeffrey A. Fagan
Stanley Falkow
Harold J. Fallon
John W. Farrington
John J. Fearnsides
Irwin Feller
Stephen E. Fienberg
Harvey V. Fineberg
Daniel J. Fink
Paul S. Fischbeck
John Werner Fischer
John W. Fisher
William L. Fisher
Lennard A. Fisk
Alexander H. Flax
Raymond J. Fonck
Harold K. Forsen
Marye Anne Fox
Francis B. Francois
Richard G. Frank
Emil G. Frankel
David R. Franz
Judy R. Franz
Cassandra L. Fraser
Donald C. Fraser
Wendy L. Freedman
Daniel H. Freeman Jr.
Robert W. Fri

Robert A. Frosch
R.J. Michael Fry
Samuel H. Fuller
Mindy Thompson Fullilove
Robert E. Fullilove III


GReturn to Top

Clifford G. Gaddy
William B. Gail
David J. Galas
Robert E. Gallamore
Louis J. Gambaccini
Adam Gamoran
Jacques S. Gansler
Donald E. Gardner
Elsa M. Garmire
B. John Garrick
William L. Garrison
Richard L. Garwin
Cutberto Garza
Alice P. Gast
Constantine A. Gatsonis
David W. Gaylor
C. William Gear
Kristine M. Gebbie
Gerald F. Gebhart
Marvin A. Geller
James M. Gentile
Melvin D. George
John F. Geweke
J. Robert Gibson
Jonathan L. Gifford
Ethel S. Gilbert
Gorman Gilbert
J. Freeman Gilbert
Juan Gilbert
Paul H. Gilbert
Sid Gilman
Genevieve Giuliano
Richard S. Golaszewski
Marthe R. Gold
Lewis R. Goldfrank
Lynn R. Goldman
Timothy H. Goldsmith
Bernard D. Goldstein
Marvin E. Goldstein
Jerry P. Gollub
Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez
Michael F. Goodchild
Corey S. Goodman
Richard M. Goody
Lawrence O. Gostin
Rose E. Gottemoeller
Frederic L. Gould
Frederick C. Gouldin
Robert A. Goyer
Martha R. Grabowski
Thomas E. Graedel
William L. Graf
Robert Graham
Susan L. Graham
Jacqueline M. Grebmeier
Bert F. Green Jr.

Christopher C. "Kit" Green
Daniel S. Greenbaum
David L. Greene
Sheldon Greenfield
Merwyn R. Greenlick
M.R.C. Greenwood
Priscilla C. Grew
Patrick J. Griffin
Phillip A. Griffiths
Robert M. Groves
Carlos G. Gutierrez
Bernard Guyer



HReturn to Top

Charles N. Haas
Ralph C.G. Haas
Kenji Hakuta
Eric J. Hall
George R. Hallberg
William E. Halperin
David A. Hamburg
Margaret A. Hamburg
Jo Handelsman
Susan Hanson
Eric A. Hanushek
William Happer
John R. Harrald
Wesley L. Harris
William J. Harris Jr.
Stephen C. Harrison
Thomas S. Hartwick
Henrick J. Harwood
Mohamed H.A. Hassan
Henry J. Hatch
Frederick H. Hauck
Robert M. Hauser
Martha P. Haynes
Shelley A. Hearne
Siegfried S. Hecker
S. Anders Hedberg
Lou Ann Heimbrook
Maureen M. Henderson
Rogene F. Henderson
Robert J. Hermann
Sandra R. Hernandez
Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Joseph S. Hezir
George M. Hidy
Lynne A. Hillenbrand
Robert L. Hirsch
Charles H. Hobbs
David G. Hoel
Lester A. Hoel
Gary L. Hoffman
Pierre C. Hohenberg
John P. Holdren
Paul W. Holland
Gerald Holton
William H. Hooke
William W. Hoover
Philip K. Hopke
George M. Hornberger
Donald F. Hornig
Joel L. Horowitz
Frank A. Horrigan
Edward D. Houde

Harold J. Hovel
William G. Howard Jr.
William C. Howell
S. Michael Hudson
David L. Huft
Barbara S. Hulka
Robert N. Hunter
Wesley T. Huntress Jr.
Richard O. Hynes




IReturn to Top


Daniel R. Ilgen
George J. Isham
Richard J. Ivanetich


JReturn to Top

Daniel N. Jackson
Nancy B. Jackson
Michael Jaffe
Brent C. James
Anthony C. Janetos
Gail P. Jarvik
Raymond Jeanloz
Miriam E. John
Robert C. Johns
John H. Johnson
Richard T. Johnson
Sylvia M. Johnson
Richard B. Johnston Jr.
Jack R. Jokipii
Anita K. Jones
Lyle V. Jones
Stanley B. Jones
Trevor O. Jones

Thomas H. Jordan
Dale W. Jorgenson
Calestous Juma



KReturn to Top

Karen Kafadar
Jane Butler Kahle
William D. Kalsbeek
G. Graham Kalton
Adib Kanafani
Thomas R. Karl
John G. Kassakian
Michael C. Kavanaugh
Emmett B. Keeler
Charles B. Keely
Kenneth H. Keller
Sallie Keller-McNulty
Michael C. Kelley
Donald Kennedy
Eileen T. Kennedy
Charles F. Kennel
Mahlon C. Kennicutt II
Jack L. Kerrebrock
Gerald T. Keusch
Jeremy Kilpatrick
Todd A. Kimmell
Benjamin F. King Jr.
Lonnie J. King
Howard M. Kipen
Ronald F. Kirby
T. Kent Kirk
Jessica Kissinger
Richard D. Klausner
Hilton J. Klein
William Klemperer
John M. Klineberg
Geraldine Knatz
Franklin W. Knight
Stuart L. Knoop
Debra S. Knopman
Robert A. Knox
Peter M. Kogge
Charles E. Kolb Jr.
Jeffrey P. Koplan

Daniel Krewski
Kurt Kroenke
Annette J. Krygiel
Damian J. Kulash
John M. Kulicki
Richard A. Kulka
Shiriki Kumanyika



LReturn to Top

Ellen Condliffe Lagemann
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
Butler W. Lampson
Susan M. Landon
Andrew J. Lankford
Louis J. Lanzerotti
Paul J. Larrousse
Elaine L. Larson
Sandra Q. Larson
Thomas F. Larwin
Robert H. Latiff
Janet L. Lauritsen
Judith R. Lave
Nikolay P. Laverov
Robert S. Lawrence
Thorne Lay
Peter B. Lederman
Kai N. Lee
Ronald Lee
Larry G. Lehowicz
Joan R. Leitzel
Stanley M. Lemon
Margaret A. LeMone
Lauren LeRoy
Alan M. Lesgold
Alan Leshner
Milton Levenson
C. David Levermore
Richard C. Levin
Simon A. Levin
Arnold J. Levine
Myron M. Levine
Herbert S. Levinson
William M. Lewis Jr.
Ivett A. Leyva
David E. Liddle
David R. Lide Jr.
W. Carl Lineberger
Robert L. Linn
Morton Lippmann
Harry A. Lipsitt
John B. Little
Michael A. Little
Roderick J.A. Little
Diana M. Liverman
Ysela Llort
Bernard Lo
Stephen C. Lockwood
Jane C.S. Long
David E. Longnecker
Charles M. Lucas

R. Duncan Luce
Janet G. Luhmann
Stephen J. Lukasik
Wesley S.C. Lum
John R. Lumpkin
Jonathan I. Lunine
Joanne R. Lupton
Richard G. Luthy
Clifford A. Lynch
John W. Lyons



MReturn to Top

Akinlawon Mabogunje
Eleanor E. Maccoby
Malcolm MacKinnon III
Richard S. Magee
Lee J. Magid
John J. Magnuson
Adel A.F. Mahmoud
James R. Mahoney
David R. Maidment
John M. Malin
Donal T. Manahan
Charles F. Manski
Bruce D. Marcus
James J. Markowsky
Cora Bagley Marrett
Michael E. Martinez
Susan Martinovich
Douglas G. Martinson
John M. Mason Jr.
Douglas S. Massey
Davis Masten
James F. Mathis
Pamela A. Matson
Donald R. Mattison
Adolf D. May
J. Barry Maynard
Susan Taylor Mayne
Bonnie J. McCay
Edwin W. McCleskey
Charles McCombie
Marie C. McCormick
Richard A. McCray
Frank B. McDonald
Lorraine M. McDonnell
Christopher F. McKee
Thomas E. McKone
Barbara J. McNeil
Marcia K. McNutt
Douglas M. Medville
Victor M. Mendez
Jane Menken
James A. Merchant
Richard A. Merrill
Richard A. Meserve
Henry Metzger
Judith L. Meyer
Michael D. Meyer
Robert T. Michael
Jacqueline Michel
R. Keith Michel
Joseph A. Mickes
William W. Millar
Debra L. Miller
J. Bernard Minster
James K. Mitchell
Tom M. Mitchell
Carole P. Mitchener
Robert A. Moffitt
Carl L. Monismith
Harley W. Moon
Harold A. Mooney
John B. "Brad" Mooney Jr.
Berrien Moore III
Mark H. Moore
Raymond K. Moore
David H. Moreau
Jonathan D. Moreno
M. Granger Morgan
C. Ford Morishita
William A. Morrill
James G. Morris
Michael R. Morris

David L. Morrison
Harold L. Moses
Brett D. Moulding
Kam K. Movassaghi
Nancy Mueller
Mark F. Mullen
Wayne Muri
Mark F. Muriello
Richard J. Murnane
Frances M. Murphy
Frederick A. Murphy
Suzanne P. Murphy
Cherry A. Murray
Royce W. Murray
Mark B. Myers



NReturn to Top

Daniel S. Nagin
Vijayan N. Nair
Hyla S. Napadensky
Kenneth Henry Nealson
Randall J. Nelson
Richard J. Nelson
Robert M. Nerem
Malden C. Nesheim
Norman P. Neureiter
Joseph P. Newhouse
SonBinh T. Nguyen
Elena O. Nightingale
Robyn Y. Nishimi
Scott W. Nixon
John R. Njord
Patricia A. Nolan
William D. Nordhaus
D. Warner North

Janet L. Norwood





OReturn to Top

Peter O’Donnell Jr.
Goetz K. Oertel
Ingram Olkin
Gilbert S. Omenn
Harlan J. Onsrud
Michael K. Orbach

Gordon H. Orians
Franklin M. Orr Jr.
M. J. Osborn
Clinton V. Oster Jr.
Leon J. Osterweil
Larry E. Overman


PReturn to Top

Norman R. Pace
Lyman A. Page Jr.
Lynn W. Paine
Robert T. Paine
Lawrence T. Papay
Raja Parasuraman
Frank L. Parker
Ruth M. Parker
Rebecca T. Parkin
Carlo Parravano
George W. Parshall
Craig Partridge
David A. Patterson
Harold R. Paul
Richard R. Paul
George A. Paulikas
Willie Pearson Jr.
Neil J. Pedersen
James W. Pellegrino
V. Setty Pendakur
Edward E. Penhoet
Robert T. Pennock
Edward B. Perrin
Anne C. Petersen
Ray D. Pethtel
Richard W. Pew
Charles E. Phelps
Julia M. Phillips
Thomas R. Pickering
Georgine M. Pion
R. Byron Pipes
Alan E. Pisarski
Philip A. Pizzo
Rutherford H. Platt
Stephen M. Pollock
Shirley A. Pomponi
Andrew C. Porter
John Edward Porter
Kenneth W. Potter
Michael J. Prather

William H. Press
Samuel H. Preston
Daphne K. Preuss
Kenneth Prewitt
Robert H. Prince Jr.
Edwin P. Przybylowicz
Diana C. Pullin



QReturn to Top


Christopher Queram
Helen R. Quinn
Terrance J. Quinn II


RReturn to Top

Nancy N. Rabalais
Mary Lou Ralls
Michael P. Ramage
Kenneth S. Ramos
Dana Randall
Kathleen M. Rasmussen
Eugene M. Rasmusson
Peter H. Raven
Kenneth N. Raymond
J. Paul Reason
Sidney G. Reed Jr.
Kenneth F. Reinschmidt
David A. Relman
Eli Reshotko
Lauren B. Resnick
David B. Reuben
Peter Reuter
Dorothy P. Rice
Herbert H. Richardson
Robert C. Richardson
Henry W. Riecken
Barbara K. Rimer
Paul G. Risser
Frederick P. Rivara
Vernon P. Roan
H. Douglas Robertson
Carlton C. Robinson
David A. Robinson
Stephen M. Robinson
Joseph V. Rodricks
Gary W. Rogers
John E. Rolph
Joan B. Rose
M. Frank Rose
Sandra Rosenbloom
Richard Rosenfeld
Joseph H. Rothenberg
William B. Rouse
John W. Rowe
Edward S. Rubin

Armistead G. Russell
Christopher T. Russell
Phillip K. Russell
Robert M. Russell
George W. Rutherford
Michael L. Rutter
Louise M. Ryan
Michael M. Ryan



SReturn to Top

Donald G. Saari
Paul R. Sackett
Khaled J. Saleh
Jonathan M. Samet
John M. Samuels Jr.
Eduardo J. Sanchez
Isaac C. Sanchez
Edward S. Sarachik
Anneila I. Sargent
Maxine L. Savitz
Barbara A. Schaal
Harvey W. Schadler
Leonard D. Schaeffer
Robert E. Schafrik
William L. Scherlis
Barbara O. Schneeman
Cathy A. Schoen
Joseph L. Schofer
Alan Schriesheim
Steven A. Schroeder
Jerry R. Schubel
William J. Schull
T. Paul Schultz
Charles L. Schultze
Henry G. Schwartz Jr.
Lyle H. Schwartz
Eugenie C. Scott
Susan C. Scrimshaw
Terrence J. Sejnowski
Mats A. Selen
Robert J. Serafin
James W. Serum
Richard B. Setlow
Eugene Sevin
Leonard A. Shabman
Frederick H. Shair
Harold T. Shapiro
Richard J. Shavelson
Sally Shaywitz
Thomas B. Sheridan
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham
Yuri Konstantinovich Shiyan
Jack P. Shonkoff
Roy E. Shore
Edward H. Shortliffe
Donald I. Siegel
E. Joseph V. Simone
Warren K. Sinclair
Alexander Singer
Burton H. Singer
Maxine F. Singer
Kumares C. Sinha
E. Sarah Slaughter
Alton D. Slay
Frank A. Sloan
Paul Slovic
Neil J. Smelser
Alison Smiley
Robert Smilowitz
James P. Smith
Marshall S. Smith
Paul L. Smith Jr.
William D. Smith
Leland D. Smithson
Cary I. Sneider
Catherine E. Snow
John T. Snow
Lawrence Snyder
Robert H. Socolow
Shoshanna Sofaer
Mitchell L. Sogin
Andrew R. Solow
John C. Sommerer
Harold C. Sox
William J. Spencer
Daniel Sperling
William M. Spreitzer
Lee S. Sproull
Robert F. Sproull
Steven W. Squyres
Virginia A. Stallings
Edgar A. Starke Jr.
William W. Stead
John H. Steele
Paul G. Steffes
John J. Stegeman
Dale F. Stein
Kathleen E. Stein

Laurence Steinberg
Donald M. Steinwachs
Leslie Sterman
Hal S. Stern
Kirk T. Steudle
Charles F. Stevens
Frank H. Stillinger
Deborah J. Stipek
John D. Stobo
Dwight C. Streit
Brian L. Strom
David N. Sundwall
Curtis B. Suplee
Patrick Suppes
Joseph M. Sussman
James L. Sweeney
John A. Swets
Jack W. Szostak




TReturn to Top

Morris Tanenbaum
Paul C. Tang
Nancy M. Targett
A. Daniel Tarlock
Joseph H. Taylor Jr.
Kathleen C. Taylor
Michael R. Taylor
Stephen L. Taylor
A. Richard Thompson
Richard L. Thornburgh
Hugh H. Tilson
Mary Lynn Tischer
David J. Tollerud Sr.
Kathleen E. Toomey
Barbara Boyle Torrey
Michael S. Townes
Stephen J. Trejo
William T. Trent
Alvin W. Trivelpiece
Victoria J. Tschinkel
Karl K. Turekian
Katherine F. Turnbull
A. Keith Turner
Daniel S. Turner

B.L. Turner II
Michael S. Turner




UReturn to Top


Duane E. Ullrey
C. Megan Urry
Zalman P. Usiskin
Mark J. Utell


VReturn to Top


Leslie L. Vadasz
James W. van Loben Sels
Richard C. Van Sluyters
John L. VandeBerg
John G. Vandenbergh
John E. Vanderveen
Henry J. Vaux Jr.
Hassan Virji
Vincent Vitto


WReturn to Top

Martin Wachs
Kenneth W. Wachter
Richard L. Wade
Bernard M. Wagner
Edward H. Wagner
Linda J. Waite
Marvalee H. Wake
Mary K. Wakefield
Bruce Wald
Bailus Walker Jr.
Diana Harrison Wall
John M. Wallace
Paul J. Wallace
Robert B. Wallace
Lawrence Wallack
Christopher T. Walsh
William J. Walsh
Robert L. Walters
C. Michael Walton
Eric Wanner
C. H. Ward
Peter A. Ward
Gail L. Warden
Ellen Wartella
Warren M. Washington
Linda S. Watson
Patrick J. Webber
Ferris Webster
Julia R. Weertman
David H. Wegman
Myrl Weinberg
Carol H. Weiss
Irving L. Weissman
Virginia V. Weldon
Robert A. Weller
Charles F. Wellford
Kenneth B. Wells
Claire Welty
James L. Wescoat Jr.
J. Craig Wheeler
Chris G. Whipple
Raymond L. White
Robert M. White
Gio Wiederhold
Carl E. Wieman
Thomas J. Wilbanks
James A. Wilding
Dianne S. Wiley
Cindy Williams
James C. Williams
Angela K. Wilson
Ernest J. Wilson III
Mark R. Wilson
Ward O. Winer
Joseph G. Wirth
John J. Wise

Lauress L. Wise
Alan Wm. Wolff
Eric F. Wood
John A. Wood
William B. Wood
David N. Wormley
Lilian Shiao-Yen Wu
Carl Wunsch
Joe B. Wyatt
Raymond G. Wymer
James B. Wyngaarden



YReturn to Top


Marylynn V. Yates
William A. Yost
A. Thomas Young


ZReturn to Top


Alan M. Zaslavsky
Lauren A. Zeise
Yixian Zheng
James W. Ziglar
Michael J. Zyda


Return to Top