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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


North Korea Launches Rocket, Hell Breaks Loose
It's hard to tell whether the thing went "whizzz"
or "plop." Anyway, we are "standing by."
Hoffa predicts ´civil war´ in Michigan
Hold it, Hoffa...Tony Camargo has been identified
as the union thug who punched Steven Crowder
four times. Start war there.
Rep: 'Blissful silence' from Pentagon on questions
over arms shipments from Libya to Syria

The movement of arms from Libya to support Syrian fighters
is well-known in Benghazi and began almost immediately
after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi.
Defense had live video of attack in Benghazi
Don't believe this? Not to worry. As soon as Hillary finishes
growing her hair she's coming to sort this all out.
Obama´s Big Michigan Right-To-Work Lie: Lower Wages
Probably the most breathtaking public lie to date.
Must Reads for Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Yesterday's Must-Reads for those who missed.
Ldotter Note: Don't Forget to Visit TheConnection
The Place Where Eagles Gather.
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Fiscal cliff....Mayan Calendar....ObamaScare
Honey BooBoo...

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Asteroid passes inside
moon´s orbit, buzzes Earth
CBS News, by Mike Wall    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 4:18:04 PM     Post Reply
A newfound asteroid gave Earth a close shave early today, zipping between our planet and the moon just two days after astronomers first spotted it. The near-Earth asteroid 2012 XE54, which was discovered Sunday (Dec. 9), came within 140,000 miles of our planet at about 5 a.m. EST Tuesday (Dec. 11), researchers said. For comparison, the moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 240,000 miles or so. Astronomers estimate that 2012 XE54 is about 120 feet wide — big enough to cause substantial damage if it slams into Earth someday.

Governor Says PA. Won´t
Set Up Health Exchange
Associated Press, by Marc Levy and Mark Scolford    Original Article
Posted By: Calvinesq- 12/12/2012 4:15:01 PM     Post Reply
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- Pennsylvania will not set up its own health care exchange under the federal Affordable Care Act, at least not for now, Gov. Tom Corbett said Wednesday, putting the state on a course to join others led by Republicans that will let President Barack Obama´s administration run its exchange. Setting up a state-based exchange would be irresponsible, Corbett said, as he faulted federal authorities for what he called inadequate answers to his questions about cost and other issues.

Boehner to House GOP:
Don´t make Christmas plans
CBS News, by Lucy Madison    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 4:14:15 PM     Post Reply
Despite what looked like recent signs of progress on a deal to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff," House Speaker John Boehner signaled today that Republicans and Democrats remain as far apart as ever in the negotiating process -- and is warning his fellow lawmakers that they might have to work through the Christmas holidays. In a meeting with the House Republican Conference this morning, Boehner told members not to make plans for Christmas, CBS News has learned, and members leaving the meeting said there were no indications from Boehner´s remarks that any real progress has been made



Congressman´s Son Pleads
Guilty to Assaulting
Girlfriend--Bloodies Nose,
Fractures Skull
Weekly Standard, by Daniel Halper    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 4:05:04 PM     Post Reply
Democratic congressman Jim Moran´s son, Patrick Moran, has pleaded guilty to beating his girlfriend. The assualt outside a nightclub left Moran´s girlfriend with bloody nose and a fractured skull."The event occurred on Saturday December 1, 2012 at approximately 0123 hours in front of ´The Getaway´ 3400 14th St NW Washington DC PSA 409," reads the police report. "MPD Sgt. Paul, S from the Fifth District Vice unit along with ABRA investigator Stewart, Craig observed a white male, later found to be known as D-1 (Moran) grab a white female by the back of her head

Bob Woodward: ´There´s a civil
war in the Democratic Party´
Daily Caller, by Jeff Poor    Original Article
Posted By: Donttaxmebro- 12/12/2012 3:54:44 PM     Post Reply
On “CBS This Morning” on Wednesday, Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward highlighted the internal struggles of the Democratic Party in the ongoing effort to avert the fiscal cliff. Woodward, the author of “The Price of Politics,” reminded viewers that President Barack Obama in particular is at odds with Nancy Pelosi and some Democrats in the House. “[Obama] is muscling his way through this,” Woodward said.

French PM denounces tax
exiles after Depardieu flight
Agence France-Presse, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 12/12/2012 3:31:16 PM     Post Reply
PARIS - Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on Tuesday denounced wealthy individuals in France fleeing a stinging tax on high incomes as greedy people seeking to "become even richer." Mr Ayrault´s comments came after the country´s leading actor, Gerard Depardieu, took up residence in a tiny village just over the border in Belgium which is a favoured spot for wealthy French nationals avoiding tax. "Those who are seeking exile abroad are not those who are scared of becoming poor," he told reporters after announcing sweeping anti-poverty measures to help those hit by the economic crisis.

Intern for Sen. Menendez
picked up by immigration officials
Associated Press, by Alicia A. Caldwell    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 12/12/2012 3:11:41 PM     Post Reply
U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez employed as an unpaid intern in his Senate office an illegal immigrant who was a registered sex offender, now under arrest by immigration authorities, The Associated Press has learned. The Homeland Security Department instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after Election Day, a U.S. official involved in the case told the AP. Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, an 18-year-old immigrant from Peru, was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in front of his home in New Jersey on Dec. 6, two federal officials said. Sanchez, who entered the country on a now-expired



Rep. Jim Moran’s Son
Beats Girlfriend
Washington Free Beacon, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Oblio- 12/12/2012 3:03:43 PM     Post Reply
Patrick Moran, the son of Rep. Jim Moran (D., Va.) who was forced to resign as his father’s campaign director after an undercover video caught him detailing ways to commit mass voter fraud, pleaded guilty today to beating his girlfriend outside of The Getaway bar in Columbia Heights on Dec. 1, according to the Washington City Paper. Moran allegedly slammed his girlfriend’s head into the bar’s metal trash can cage. After the attack, police described Moran’s girlfriend as “bleeding heavily from her nose and also observed that her nose and right eye were extremely swollen.”
Headline split by staff.

Rep. Jim Moran’s Son Guilty
of Beating Up His Girlfriend
in Columbia Heights
Washington City Paper, by Will Sommer    Original Article
Posted By: shalimar- 12/12/2012 2:48:06 PM     Post Reply
Patrick Moran, the son of Democratic Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, is having a bad year. First, undercover video operative James O´Keefe caught him on tape half-heartedly discussing how to commit voter fraud...while acting as the field director for his dad´s campaign. Now Moran´s taken a more criminal turn, pleading guilty earlier today to beating up his girlfriend outside a Columbia Heights bar.

ABC, NBC and CBS ignore
union thugs´ attack on
Fox News contributor
Fox News, by Dan Gainor    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/12/2012 2:46:50 PM     Post Reply
It’s a sad day for American TV journalism when The Huffington Post is a more honest news outlet than ABC, CBS or NBC. On Tuesday, after Michigan union protests escalated into violence, HuffPo led with several stories, including one headlined: “Fox News Contributor Punched.” That story was about how Fox News contributor Steven Crowder and others were attacked by union thugs during the protest against the new “right-to-work” law. ABC, CBS and NBC covered the protests but only ABC made mention of police having to deal with protesters.

RNC May Try to Limit
Number, Format of GOP
Debates in 2016
National Review Online, by Jim Geraghty    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/12/2012 2:36:51 PM     Post Reply
Over on the home page, I have an interview with Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, mostly discussing the RNC”s new Growth and Opportunity Project, which is led by a five-member panel that will review their operations and strategies and those of the Republican party as a whole. Perhaps most intriguing and newsworthy was Priebus’s comment about an effort to limit the number of GOP presidential-primary debates and the format in 2016. GERAGHTY: One of the intriguing points I saw raised in the discussions that this group has had is the recommendation of


The Fiscal Cliff Is Boring
Washington To Death
BuzzFeed, by John Stanton    Original Article
Posted By: Oblio- 12/12/2012 2:11:10 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — A year and a half ago, I was lying on the floor of the Capitol Rotunda just outside House Speaker John Boehner’s office, my head propped on a stack of notebooks, running with other reporters through the possible resolutions to a gut-wrenching budget battle gripping Washington, Wall Street, and the American public.We waited for a negotiator to try to slip past us to the bathroom, and speculated. Boehner could buckle and back off the spending cut he was demanding;

You have the right to
not pay union dues
The Week, by Edward Morrissey    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/12/2012 2:03:57 PM     Post Reply
P lus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. The battle between unions and state governments continued this week — just as it has for the last two years — in territory normally considered friendly for labor organizations. In the winter of 2011, Wisconsin forced an end to mandatory union contributions for state employees — and conservatives subsequently fought through two recalls, leaving in place both the public-employee union reforms and the GOP governor who forced the issue. Indiana followed suit in 2012, passing right-to-work legislation, becoming the first Rust Belt state to do so.

Does Egypt Need Advance Aircraft?
American Spectator, by Roger Kaplan    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/12/2012 2:00:11 PM     Post Reply
The announcement that 20 F-16s are being given to Egypt, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer, should be of interest to senators already uneasy about the president´s widely reported choice of Susan Rice for Secretary of State, replacing the retiring Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Wasteful public spending is not a primary concern of the State Department, though one assumes it is held accountable for waste within its own precincts, as are, surely, all the other federal departments and agencies, renowned for the self-sacrificing frugality in the finest spirit of ´76. And to be sure, recommendations on what military hardware

Fed ties stimulus to jobs,
inflation in unprecedented
steps to bolster economy
Washington Post, by Zachary A. Goldfarb    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 12/12/2012 1:57:48 PM     Post Reply
The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday that it will take unprecedented steps to bolster the economy, saying it will continue to stimulate growth until the unemployment rate falls to 6.5 percent or the inflation rate reaches 2.5 percent. It was a historic move that for the first time explicitly spells out the Fed’s goals for the nation’s economy and how it will respond to changing conditions. The Fed says it will also begin buying $45 billion in Treasury bonds a month, on top of $40 billion a month it is already buying in mortgage bonds. The measures come as the nation braces for a possible recession



Union Goons Destroyed Man’s
Hot Dog Cart While Calling
Him ‘N*gger’ and ‘Uncle Tom’
PJ Tatler, by Bryan Preston    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/12/2012 1:57:34 PM     Post Reply
There will be spilled ketchup. Early today[December 11, 2012], Clint Tarver, known as “The Hot Dog Guy” here in Lansing had his business attacked and destroyed by out of line and out of control protesters near the Capitol. Everyone who has passed the hot dog cart knows what a kind and caring individual Clint is. He never fails to bestow a smile or friendly greeting. In no way [did] he provoke this attack, nor any of the behavior displayed toward him. Mr. Tarver has been operating his food businesses since 1990 in the Lansing area.

MI Union destroys hot dog cart, calls
owner an ‘Uncle Tom’ over
Washington Examiner, by Joel Gehrke    Original Article
Posted By: jerseygal- 12/12/2012 1:45:26 PM     Post Reply
Clint Tarver’s hot dog cart, which he has operated since 1996, is another casualty of the union protest against the right-to-work law. Union members destroyed the cart and called Tarver an “Uncle Tom,” among other racist epithets, for serving right-to-work proponents. After destroying the Americans for Prosperity tent, where Tarver was catering hotdogs, the mob turned there attention to the hot dog cart.
Source corrected, headline resplit by staff

Gun shop owner: Concealed
guns might make Chicago
more polite
Chicago Sun-Times, by Becky Schlikerman    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 1:44:59 PM     Post Reply
Now that strangers won’t know who is legally packing heat, Don Mastrianni thinks Illinois is about to become a nicer place. “If anything, people may be more polite,” Mastrianni, the owner of Illinois Gun Works in Elmwood Park, said about the federal court ruling tossing out Illinois’ ban on concealed guns. “People in Chicago and its surrounding area really are not that polite and I’m wondering now if this might have an effect on that … someone could be carrying concealed — you never know who you’re going to come across on the street.”

Defiant North Korea releases photos
from its ´provocative´ rocket launch
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 12/12/2012 1:41:24 PM     Post Reply
Seoul, South Korea – Fresh off its successful rocket launch, a defiant North Korea released new images and control room footage of the feat which the U.S. and other nations have labeled a "provocative" act. The rogue regime fired the long-range rocket into space Wednesday, defying international warnings and taking a major step forward in its quest to develop a nuclear missile. While the stated purpose was to put a weather satellite into orbit, the three-stage rocket´s deployment also demonstrates the nation´s ability to send a nuclear warhead as far as California, and raises the stakes in the

MLK memorial quote to be removed
United Press International, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 1:38:44 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON- A quote on the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, which some say makes the civil rights leader appear arrogant, will be removed, officials said. The quote, "I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness," was an abridgment of a speech King delivered to the congregation of Atlanta´s Ebenezer Baptist Church two months before his assassination in 1968, The Washington Post reported. In that speech, he imagined his own eulogy. (Snip) The Interior Department said the inscription will be removed, not replaced, in order to preserve the "structural integrity" of the three-story statue.


Barbara Walters Performs Extremely
‘Uncomfortable’ Inquisition Of
Chris Christie About His Weight
Mediaite, by Noah Rothman    Original Article
Posted By: Oblio- 12/12/2012 1:35:03 PM     Post Reply
New Jersey’s Republican Governor, Chris Christie, recently sat down with Barbara Walters for a lengthy interview. In a clip of the interview broadcast on ABC’s Good Morning America, Walters asks Christie repeatedly about the “elephant in the room” which is, in her opinion, the governor’s weight. “I feel very uncomfortable asking you this question when I’m sitting opposite you,” Walters prefaced her inquiry. “You are a little overweight.” “More than a little,” Christie replied. “Why,” she asked.“If I could figure that out, I’d fix it,” he answered.

After the cliff
Human Events, by Newt Gingrich    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 1:33:31 PM     Post Reply
The most troubling aspect of the current Republican disarray over the so-called “fiscal cliff” is the lack of strategic planning. Republicans talk as though solving this challenge will end their problems. After President Barack Obama extorts taxes in the current negotiations he will have an Inaugural Address, a State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress, and then he will submit a budget. Each of these national events will be designed to maximize the president’s support and to set new benchmarks that force the Republicans to choose between their base and other elements of America.

Rush, Public Enemy, Heart among new
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees
Rolling Stone, by Andy Greene    Original Article
Posted By: FL_Absentee_Voter- 12/12/2012 1:31:22 PM     Post Reply
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has officially announced next year´s inductees: Rush, Public Enemy, Heart, Randy Newman, Donna Summer and Albert King will all join the class of 2013, with Summer, who passed away this May, and King, who died in 1992, earning the honor posthumously. Lou Adler and Quincy Jones will both receive the Ahmet Ertegun Award for non-performers. "It´s a terrific honor and we´ll show up smiling," Rush´s singer and bassist, Geddy Lee, tells Rolling Stone. "It made my mom happy, so that´s worth it."

California Moves To Texas
(And Arizona And Nevada)
Investor´s Business Daily, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/12/2012 1:28:46 PM     Post Reply
Exodus: California, once a magnet for the enterprising and ambitious, is losing residents. There´s not so much a giant sucking sound coming from the Golden State as there is the hiss of a balloon losing its air. The Census Bureau says that California had a net loss of 100,000 people last year. Many headed for Texas (58,992), while Arizona (49,635), Nevada (40,114), Washington (38,421) and Oregon (34,214) all took in fleeing Californians. So what´s the state´s trouble? Here´s a partial list. The Tax Foundation ranks California behind only New York and New Jersey as the worst state

US Army Manual Blames Afghan
Attacks on US Troops on
American ‘Cultural Ignorance’
PJ Media, by Bryan Preston    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/12/2012 1:27:38 PM     Post Reply
The new US Army handbook for our soldiers operating in Afghanistan literally blames America first, for the 63 US troops who have been murdered by Afghan soldiers and police they were attempting to train. A draft of the handbook, which has not be published yet, was leaked to the Wall Street Journal.According to the manual: “Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict that can lead toward green-on-blue violence.” Fine, that doesn’t sound out of line at first read.

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