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Effective SWOTT Analysis Implementation

Effective SWOTT Analysis Implementation


If you ever took a business course in college, odds are pretty good that you had to perform a SWOTT analysis about a given company. You might be surprised to... read more

Get to the Next Level in Your Sales Cycle with the Right Call Etiquette

Get to the Next Level in Your Sales Cycle with the Right Call Etiquette


The pre-call research phase of the sales cycle doesn’t always end when you get a prospect on the phone. When you have to call through an organization to get to... read more

Personal Branding: Creating Your Holiday Elevator Pitch

Personal Branding: Creating Your Holiday Elevator Pitch


This holiday season, you will undoubtedly find yourself in networking situations. Perhaps you’ll be networking at company holiday parties, chamber of commerce meetings, parent (school) events, job fairs or standing... read more

Of These Top Ten Trend Predictions for 2013, One is the Most Disruptive

Of These Top Ten Trend Predictions for 2013, One is the Most Disruptive


JWTIntelligence has released its top ten predictions for 2013, each of which is worth reviewing and considering not just because all may be relevant to your business, but because all... read more

Professionals Finish Strong

Professionals Finish Strong


“The year is coming to an end; the targets are already made, so why push it?” “The year is coming to an end and we’re way behind. What difference can... read more

Are my Strategic Objectives More Likely to be Activities?

Are my Strategic Objectives More Likely to be Activities?


One of the most common mistakes in Objective definition is to focus on activities rather than results. Objectives, like performance measures, are concerned with results. It is essential to frame... read more

Clear Blue Water: How to Make Your Business Different to the Rest

Clear Blue Water: How to Make Your Business Different to the Rest


Introduction “Clear Blue Water” is a phrase used in business to describe the difference between “US” and “THEM. Us is our company -Them is the competition- however large or small.... read more

When Work Is No Longer Work

When Work Is No Longer Work


I’m going to let you in on a little secret … I stopped working this year. Yes, I admit it. I haven’t been working. It’s not that I don’t have... read more

Why You Need A Devil’s Advocate

Why You Need A Devil’s Advocate


Lately, there is a pretty interesting situation unfolding in the world of social media. Last Monday, an article appeared in the Harvard Business Review called “How to calculate the value... read more

Fraud Prevention at Vulnerable Times

Fraud Prevention at Vulnerable Times


According to a survey of fraud experts conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), organizations around the world lose an estimated five percent of their annual revenues to... read more

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The Number One Rule in Generating a Response from Your Subscribers

The Number One Rule in Generating a Response from Your Subscribers


This past week I received an email from a reporter of an online communications newspaper. This particular site had published some of my articles before, but only emailed once, so... read more