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  • We become what we measure: Developing impact metrics for journalism

    We become what we measure: Developing impact metrics for journalism

    I recently met with a colleague in the NGO world who was frustrated by the “duct-tape data solutions” she had to employ when measuring the impact of her organization’s activities. I felt her pain, although it got me thinking about similar challenges that newsrooms are facing. In addition to the financial concerns weighing on editors, publishers and journalists, the question of impact is often lurking right under the surface.
  • Building a community of value: It’s both easier and harder than you think

    Building a community of value: It’s both easier and harder than you think

    Gastropost is the first project of National Post Labs, a new division of Postmedia Network Inc. that lives and breathes like a startup and takes its inspiration from the Lean Startup movement. I sat down with Postmedia’s VP Strategic Initiatives and “intraprenuer” Duncan Clark for a chat about Gastropost’s focus on “food missions” and how he hopes data, content and community will be the key ingredients to a successful venture.
  • RIM’s rebound? Canadians take to Twitter to show support for the struggling tech firm

    RIM’s rebound? Canadians take to Twitter to show support for the struggling tech firm

    It was quite the week for Waterloo, Ontario’s Research in Motion (RIM). The BlackBerry handset maker hosted a developer’s conference for the Western hemisphere where they revealed a sneak peak of the long-awaited BB10. Blackberry Jam 2012 gave hardcore supporters some hope that the BB10 could turn around the company’s fortunes. The next generation smart phone is scheduled for release next winter.
  • Planning your content menu the right way

    Planning your content menu the right way

    Whether your organization is small or large, if you’re trying to build a publishing strategy, you need to check out this infographic. It’s colour coded and very informative. I know what you’re asking: This is great, but where do I start?
  • Measured relevance: The future of journalism

    Measured relevance: The future of journalism

    Whither the future of journalism? As a organization steeped in news media, to say we care a great deal about journalism is a gross understatement. While our parent company, Postmedia Network Inc, retools and rethinks what journalism in the 21st century looks like, Infomart works closely with major news organizations throughout Canada and beyond with our own media monitoring, measurement and consultative services.
  • Would you like fries with that whitepaper?

    Would you like fries with that whitepaper?

    Food been on your mind lately? It’s certainly been on ours. I lay the blame for all this food obsession squarely where it belongs: At the feet of Gastropost. So when we saw this new social survey of the fast food industry published by our friends @Sysomos, we couldn’t help but get a little hungry. It’s very nice on the eyes and offers some cool macro-level insights into the fast food industry’s social footprint.
  • Understanding Big Data without a computer science degree

    Understanding Big Data without a computer science degree

    Information is the lifeblood of any organization, from low-tech to high. But what’s the difference between information and Big Data? I sat down with Infomart’s Managing Director Jonathan Harris to get a quick primer on the subject.
  • The ROI of social media: An infographic by MDG

    The ROI of social media: An infographic by MDG

    We’ve written a lot about social media ROI here at Infomart. Frankly, it’s a contentious topic. But whether you’re a compulsive measure-er or not, we can all agree that it’s probably a good idea to figure out whether your social media efforts are paying off.
  • McDonald’s uses cool content to respond to customer concerns

    McDonald’s uses cool content to respond to customer concerns

    When examining McDonald’s Canada’s “Our Food. Your Questions” campaign, one thing is crystal clear: This is not Morgan Spurlock’s McDonald’s. When Super Size Me hit the big screen in 2004, Micky Dees wasn’t exactly potrayed in a positive light. With a strong focus on Spurlock’s health after eating only McDonald’s food for a month, I may have been the only person who got hungry watching this film. There’s no denying that the burger monolyth took a big PR hit.
  • Measuring value, monetizing relevance: Interview with Gastropost’s Duncan Clark (part 2)

    Measuring value, monetizing relevance: Interview with Gastropost’s Duncan Clark (part 2)

    Gastropost is the first project of National Post Labs, a new division of Postmedia Network Inc. that lives and breathes like a startup and takes its inspiration from the Lean Startup movement. I sat down with Postmedia’s VP Strategic Initiatives and “intraprenuer” Duncan Clark for a chat about Gastropost’s focus on “food missions” and how he hopes data, content and community will be the key ingredients to a successful venture.


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