The Library of Congress > Collections > Historic Photos (Library of Congress Flickr pilot project)
Itinerant photographer in Columbus, Ohio (LOC)
(2012 Update) Redoubling our thanks on the fourth anniversary of our participation in Flickr, we have added some more examples of wonderful contributions from Flickr members. For further reflections on how much participation in Flickr has meant to us, see our "Picture This" blog post: "A Happy Anniversary: Four Years of Sharing on Flickr."
(January 2010) To celebrate our second anniversary of joining Flickr, we're sending a loud "Thank you" to all the wonderful people who have contributed comments, tags, and notes.

Your identification work has made thousands of historical photos far easier for everyone to find and use.

Many, many other pictures are enriched with your personal memories, links to news accounts, and imaginative re-mixing.

We've also enjoyed pooling images with the wonderful Flickr Commons collections. And, we're grateful to the Indicommons for creating so many lively connections to history, like hats.

Here's to another great year coming up, with an official voice of appreciation from the LOC blog!
54 photos | 29,988 views
items are from between 1890 & c.2012.
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