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ISAF condemns roadside bombing in Farah

Courtesy Story | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 11.16.2012

An improvised explosive device strike today in the western province of Farah killed more than a dozen Afghan civilians - mostly women and children - and injured at least seven. A provincial government spokesman... Read More

ISAF condemns today's roadside bombings in Helmand and Zabul provinces

Courtesy Story | ISAF Joint Command | Date: 11.08.2012

In attacks in Helmand and Zabul provinces today, insurgents detonated a number of roadside bombs that killed or wounded more than a dozen Afghan civilians, including women and children. Read More

ISAF'S Regional Command Southwest condem Taliban roadside bombing that kill innocent civilians

Courtesy Story | ISAF Joint Command | Date: 10.31.2012

ISAF's Regional Command Southwest condemns the Taliban's planting of roadside bombs in Helmand Province that killed an innocent man, seven women and three children. Read More

ISAF condemns bombing at Faryab Mosque

Courtesy Story | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 10.26.2012

The International Security Assistance Force condemns with grave conviction the suicide attack carried out this morning at the Eid Gah Mosque in Maimana, Faryab province. Dozens were killed or injured in the... Read More

29 years later: Beirut Marine shares memory of bombing

Story by Lance Cpl. Paul Peterson | 2nd Marine Logistics Group | Date: 10.11.2012

The 1983 terrorist attacks on the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killed 241 American servicemembers and sent shockwaves through the Marine community. Read More