Refine Your Writing

No matter what medium you select for your outreach efforts, good writing will strengthen your impact. The principles of plain language and writing for the web can help you learn how to create concise, strong pieces.

Learn more about how to write for both social and traditional media in the resources below.

The inverted pyramid approach shows how to present the most important information first so that readers who scan only the beginning of the content will get the main points.
Graphic citation:

CDC's Guide to Writing for Social Media (PDF - 1607 KB)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2012)
Addresses the principles of effective social media writing and offers tips for how to write for different social media platforms. The guide includes a glossary and additional writing resources.

What Is Plain Language?
Center for Plain Language
Defines plain language and gives techniques to help use this principle in your writing. Find out more about plain language and how to use it to further your organization's mission in Guidelines for Creating Plain Language Materials.

Writing for the Web
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Presents research-based tips on how to create easy-to-read content for the web.

Engaging the Media

Engaging Media to Build Your Network for Action (PDF - 4147 KB)
Child Welfare Information Gateway
In 2012 Resource Guide: Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action.

Foster Care Adoption Awareness: Media Campaign Tips (PDF - 127 KB)
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption

Guide to Working With the Media (PDF - 661 KB)
National Adoption Day Coalition

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