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, 1838, the constitution of Florida (USA) was drafted. Original was never found. Here's the only known copy:

From 1754, a hand-colored engraving of Dutch colonial capital of Batavia (present-day Jakarta, Indonesia).

Kenpō Fukyū Kai (Constitution Popularization Society): founded in 1946 to popularize Japan's constitution .

U.S. & Britain signed peace articles in Paris 1782. Treaty of Paris formally ended Revolutionary War in 1783

"Libraries..have role to play in the formation of true national identity.." Saad Eskander, Iraqi Natl Library&Archives.

Librarians: tell the Gates Found. what you think of a world where "ebooks & ubiquitous digital content is the norm"

28 Nov 1911: Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata issues the Plan of Ayala calling for radical agrarian land reform.

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