US Copyright Office

US Copyright Office


The official Twitter feed of the Register of Copyrights of the United States.

Washington, D.C. ·

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

Also, don't forget next week, we're hosting a conversation about the history and future of the professional author:

We're extending the time to submit requests to participate in the public meeting on small claims in L.A. (Nov. 26-27):

Our offices will closed again tomorrow (Tuesday 10/30) due to . eCO remains online for registration. We hope everyone remains safe.

Our offices are closed today due to , but as long as we have power, our electronic registration system will remain online. Stay safe.

We're also still looking for comments on issues relating to a possible fed. resale royalty. Comment period closes 11/5.

In November we'll be talking about copyright exceptions for libraries in the digital age. Join us! Details at

Music lovers & music makers: Talk to the Copyright expert at 2:30 in Library of Congress pavilion

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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