The Library of Congress' photostream / Tags / rebels


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[Unidentified soldier in Confederate artillery uniform with large Bowie knife; badge for 1907 reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Richmond, also in case] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate cavalry uniform with saber] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat with gold trim] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified young soldier in Confederate shell jacket, Hardee hat with Mounted Rifles insignia and plume with canteen and cup] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Private R. Cecil Johnson of 8th Georgia Infantry Regiment and South Carolina Hampton Legion Cavalry Battalion in uniform] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket and slouch hat with object hanging from neck in front of painted backdrop showing waterfall] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate battleshirt with musket] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified young soldier in Confederate uniform and South Carolina forage cap with Palmetto insignia] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Two unidentified soldiers in non-regulation Confederate uniforms with single shot pistol and Ben McCulloch Colt revolver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Virginia Volunteer uniform and secession badge] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified young soldier in Confederate artillery uniform and forage cap] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat and kepi] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Colt revolver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

[Unidentified young soldier in Confederate uniform and Hardee hat with holstered revolver and artillery saber] (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Oroszco; Braniff; Villa; Garibaldi (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Cannon made by rebels now in use near Juarez (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Rebels in action (LOC) by The Library of Congress

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