The country needs the president's leadership if we are going to reduce the daily bloodshed from gun violence that we have seen for too long.
Dec. 19, 2012   |  USA Today
Mike Bloomberg joined MSNBC's Morning Joe and called for an end to gun violence.
Mike Bloomberg is leading the fight against illegal guns in the United States. As co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, he is actively promoting efforts to eliminate the sale and distribution of illegal guns around the country.
The Atlantic's Brave Thinkers 2012: The Bloomberg Way
The Atlantic
The mayor of New York on soda, why he doesn't worry about approval ratings, governing in the age of Twitter, and media.
The Food Visionaries: Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Martha Stewart profiles Mayor Bloomberg's public health initiatives for Whole Living.
Johns Hopkins Hospital's Artful New Building
Architectual Digest
A gift from Michael Bloomberg ensures that colorful artworks are a major component of the design - and the healing process - at the Baltimore medical complex.
Op-Ed: Innovation Hotbeds
The Financial times
In cities large and small, municipal governments are generating new strategies to address local and national challenges.
Mike Bloomberg Leads Cities in the Fight Against Climate Change
Conde Nast Traveler
Mike Bloomberg proves that, together, cities can solve the great environmental challenges of today.
Op-Ed: Fracking is Too Important to Foul Up
The production of shale gas through fracking is the most significant development in the U.S. energy sector in generations.
How America is Moving Beyond Coal with the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club's Beyond Coal program has made progress on its goal to close one-third of the nation's coal-fired power plants by 2020.
Mayor Bloomberg on Building a Culture Where Innovation is Prized
Mayors and other local leaders have a ground-up understanding of the issues Americans face and, in many cases, they are championing innovative solutions.
Gates, Bloomberg, Others Donate $4.6 Billion To Family Planning
The Huffington Post
Event leaders said this sum could potentially prevent the deaths of 200,000 women during pregnancy and childbirth.
Johns Hopkins' New Hospital Sets Transformative Vision
The Baltimore Sun
The new Johns Hopkins Hospital, which includes the Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children's Center and the Sheikh Zayed Tower, is a symbolic new face of health care in East Baltimore. Mike Bloomberg heavily influenced the design of the new hospital by commissioning art and other refinements that add warmth, humanity, and a sense of sophistication.
The Mayor of Mayors: What Michael Bloomberg is going to do for his next act
New York Magazine
Bloomberg is scaling up a model he incubated here in New York. During his three terms, the mayor has used his capital strategically as glue to bind the city's fractious interest groups together.
Reuters: Bloomberg Charity Adds $220 Million to Anti-Smoking Effort
Mike Bloomberg announced Bloomberg philanthropies is committing $220 million toward reducing tobacco use, bringing his total commitment to more than $600 million.
Op-Ed: Cities Must Be Cool, Creative, and In Control
Financial Times
While mayors continue to be responsible for maintaining public safety and delivering public services, the 21st-century global economy has generated a new responsibility: staying ahead of the competition.
Bloomberg Focuses His Legacy on Education Reform
NY Times
It has been a decade of aggressive changes to the system - giving principals more power over their budgets, making teacher tenure harder to obtain and, in the face of intense protest, closing more than 100 schools and opening scores of charter schools in poor and middle-class enclaves
My Commitment to Giving
The reality of great wealth is that you can't spend it and you can’t take it with you. For decades, I've been committed to giving away the vast majority of my wealth to causes that I'm passionate about - and that my children are passionate about.
We need immediate action on #guns. The president should create a legislative package for Congress to vote on in January
22 minutes ago

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