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Soledad O'Brien asks Sen Sessions why he wants to starve poor children

Soledad O’Brien pins GOP’s Sessions over fiscal cliff proposal to cut food stamps to kids

Soledad O’Brien was not amused that Mr. Sessions plans on taking food out of the mouths of starving children.
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Sup. Ct. Justice Roberts did pro bono work for gays in landmark case

Might Justice Roberts turn out to the be the swing vote in favor of gay rights in upcoming Prop 8, DOMA cases?
boy wears pink shoes to preschool

Would you let your 5 y.o. son wear pink shoes for 1st day of pre-school?

His mom tried to explain that these were “girls” shoes, but he responded: “Ninjas can wear pink shoes too.”
justice antonin scalia

Scalia equates being gay with murder

Scalia once famously complained that if sodomy is legal, then states couldn’t regulate masturbation either.

Politico confirms Obama’s fiscal cliff frame: “Let’s each kill one of our own”

“Democrats would win on taxes. Republicans would win on entitlements.”
drought south

Climate change causing drought in states that don’t believe in climate change

How long are we going to continue ignoring the cause of these problems, while throwing billions at the symptoms?
Santa can dance

Santa can dance

Street-corner Santa clearly isn’t worried about the fiscal cliff.

Would you spend $40 a pound for a killer cup of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee?

I taste-tested some and found it quite a nice coffee, and great for gifts, but probably too steep for my wages.
Stephen Colbert: There is no Santa Claus in Canada

Poll: Stephen Colbert is South Carolinia’s favorite for new US Senator

PPP Polling: “Stephen Colbert tops the wish list of who South Carolina voters would like to see join that body.”
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Aussie Police warn use of iPhone map could be “life threatening”

In my case, Apple’s iPhone map app puts my Washington, DC condo in the ocean off of Antarctica. (It isn’t.)
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