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European Commission

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Around 30,000 mines in Europe are closed or abandoned. Many of them still contain critical raw materials. But, as often they are deep and flooded, they are dangerous for access by human divers.

EU-funded Unexmin is developing a robotic explorer to survey and explore flooded mines. It will help to find the minerals that were left behind and that may now have become essential resources:

#environment #Horizon2020 #investEU #robotics #robots

Pedro Gomes's profile photo
Find houses to us, EU citizens, and forget about this uninteresting piece of social media info, +European Commission !!!
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European Commission

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Season's greetings everyone!
Talmazan Igor's profile photoTony Hales's profile photoAاخلا B's profile photo
الراقصه أيمي سلطان
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European Commission

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Recent research shows that coma patients have more abilities to understand than was previously thought.

Project ComaWare has received an SME Instrument grant to help patients in a coma to communicate through brain-computer interface technologies – a headset and sensors that register brain activity:!KN43Jv

Patients will be able to convey their needs and desires to carers, influence decisions about therapy and communicate with their family and friends.

#investEU #SMEs #SMEinstrument

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European Commission

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Collecting sunshine in tubes: HELIOtube, funded by Horizon 2020 SME Instrument, is building a technology which uses recyclable plastic films to concentrate solar power in small areas and transform it into electricity.

This new technology brings 55% cost savings and a 40% CO2 emissions reduction compared to the best available technologies:!pf47Gk

#investEU #SMEs #SMEInstrument #energy
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European Commission

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We extend our heartfelt condolences following the tragic events in Berlin, Germany; Zurich, Switzerland; and Ankara, Turkey.
kim peace (fiftyfive)'s profile photoTony Hales's profile photoomona iyemere's profile photo
When people have grudge because they are not listened to, or feel that they are discriminated against; because of their religion or because they are foreigners, sometimes, they would resolve to violence. When they are frustrated
I do not condone the actions of those go round, killing innocent people; but I hope that the leaders of the world, make peace amongst themselves because; only then there would be peace world wide. 
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European Commission

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Only a fraction of the 12 Million tons per year of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) generated in Europe is recycled.

EU-funded CloseWEEE project is developing an improved and resource-efficient method for recycling polymer materials and critical raw materials contained in electrical and electronic equipment.

Discover more about the project at

#Environment #Horizon2020 #investEU #Recycling #CircularEconomy

Klobi for President's profile photoPaul Gray's profile photoEyal Dor's profile photo
Islamic terrorism - 20 December 2016
70 killed in Syria; 60 killed in Iraq; 30 killed in Yemen; 12 dead in Germany in the attack-override; 11 civilians killed in Somalia; 10 Muslim terrorists were killed in Afghanistan; 8 soldiers were killed and a Muslim terrorist in Libya; 5 Muslim terrorists killed in Pakistan; 2 Muslim terrorist suicide bombers were killed in Nigeria; A soldier and a Muslim terrorist killed in Egypt; Turkish soldier killed in Syria; Russia's ambassador to Turkey was assassinated Turkish
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European Commission

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Only 1300 out of about 6000 satellites launched since the beginning of the space age are operational.

Horizon 2020's SME Instrument-funded D3 project is developing a decommissioning device, to be installed on the satellite prior to launch, that removes old satellites when they reach the end of their missions or their lives or when a major failure occurs.

More information about the project here:!PQ79xf #investEU #SMEs #SMEinstrument #space

Pablo José Valverde's profile photoChidi Abadom's profile photo
So is it going to be decommissioned?
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European Commission

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Changed your mind about a present?
Good news: you can return online purchases up to 14 days after receiving them.

More information about #ConsumerRights in the EU here:!kh94Fu

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European Commission

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Has your flight been delayed or cancelled? Is your luggage missing? You have rights!

Find out more about EU air passenger rights here: 
Danica Macanga's profile photoTony Hales's profile photoLe Randonneur's profile photo
Get stuffed the lot of you?
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European Commission

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Did you know that Tiziano Ferro, Stromae and even Adele recently won the European Border Breakers Award?

The European Border Breakers Awards are the European music awards for emerging artists. They celebrate exceptional border-breaking artists who create fresh new sounds. You have time until tomorrow to vote for your favourite artist for the Public Choice Award:
Nernth Thasanaphong's profile photo
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European Commission

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The EU needs to enhance how it fights terrorism and cross-border crime. That's why the European Commission has today proposed to reinforce the Schengen Information System (SIS).

If adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, our proposals would improve border and migration management and ensure effective information exchange between Member States to increase the security of European citizens.
Here are 9 changes we want to make:!Yn73QQ
Brad G's profile photoserkan oran's profile photoLe Randonneur's profile photo
Get stuffed the lot of you?
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European Commission

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We know that you love your pets, so don't leave them at home over the holidays... Travel with them! But don't forget to get the European pet passport!

Check out!Jf48PU for more information on how to travel with animals in the EU.

#Travel #PetPassport
César Parga's profile photoBenjamin Jose Rekarte Aranguren's profile photoPaul Gray's profile photoBiswadev Dash's profile photo
this is very essential
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Official G+ Page of the European Commission
The Commission is independent of national governments. Its job is to represent and uphold the interests of the EU as a whole. It is headed by 28 Commissioners, 1 per country.

The European Commission (EC) is the 'engine room' of the EU. It is one of 3 main EU institutions; the other two are the European Parliament (EP) and the Council (of the European Union).

The Commission prepares legislation for adoption by the Council (representing the member countries) and the Parliament (representing the citizens).

It administers the budget and the policy programmes (Agriculture, Fisheries, Research etc.) in cooperation with authorities in the member countries. The EC also services the 27 EU Commissioners.

Visit if you want to learn more about the EU, or call the free service number 00 800 6789 10 11 from anywhere in the EU, they speak all 24 official languages.

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