
Most Promising Companies

Searching For America's Most Promising Companies

Forbes, along with our partner CB Insights, is on the hunt to find thriving, privately held businesses across America – companies with dazzling prospects to grow and change the world. Wondering how to spot a good candidate for the list? Look for companies that employees brag about and investors clamor to get a piece of (also, torrid growth never hurts). Businesses from any industry and all states are welcome.

Forbes, along with our partner CB Insights, is on the hunt to find thriving, privately held businesses across America – companies with dazzling prospects to grow and change the world. Wondering how to spot a good candidate for the list? Look for companies that employees brag about and investors clamor to get a piece of (also, torrid growth never hurts). Businesses from any industry and all states are welcome.

J.J. Colao J.J. Colao, Forbes Staff Active conversation: 16 comments
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