Ways and Means Dems

Ways and Means Dems


Welcome to the Official Twitter Feed of the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

Washington, DC · http://democrats.waysandmeans.house.gov/

We need to be having a "stronger conversation in America about whether or not we want workers to have a stronger voice." -

Time for the GOP to get to work and stop holding the middle class hostage to protect the rich.

RT if you agree: House should embrace balanced approach to meeting fiscal deadlines. Pass middle class tax cuts now.

When was the last time members of both parties in Congress agreed on 98% of anything? Let's & pass middle class tax cuts.

More Repubs say they support passing middle class tax cut extension now - GOP leaders should , bring to the Floor for a vote

should & vote to extend middle class tax cuts to protect families & small biz. RT if you agree!

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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