Feature: Blogging Google

Google Maps Returns to iPhones

Author: Steve Woods
Published: December 13, 2012 at 9:01 am

You've seen them since September, when iOS 6 was released, parked by the side of the road, scratching their heads in abject silence, lost as a male over 30 at a Justin Bieber concert. Apple iPhone users, dealing with the loss of Google Maps.

Ever since the last major update to Apple iOS, which drives iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads, things just haven't seemed right in the world for us iPhone users. We've simply lost our direction. Despite a number of enhancements that provided new features Apple fans like myself are enjoying often, there was as hole in our geographic hearts.

Android fanboys, this is where you fight that uncontrollable eye-roll. Because you never lost that loving feeling — Google's Maps offering has always been the heart and soul of how you get around. That and your Google Music playlists.

When Apple Maps took over from Google Maps in September, the responses ranged from shrugs to downright mouth foamage. Yes, that's a word. Don't look it up. Entire cities were missing. Even an Apple executive was fired over the morass (debacle? melee? furor?) following Google Maps getting the axe for Apple's own product. I'm sure he hit the ground running, although if he had an iPhone, he didn't know where he landed.

It's understandable - that's the American way, right? A company enjoys the fruits of someone's labor for years, watches their stock double and triple and quintuple (that's a word, too), then pushes 'em down a perp walk for one lousy error. Ouch.

Let's face it, Google's mapping system is more accurate, because it's been around longer, and has had years of feedback from trusted users. Kind of like the Twinkie, whose pending absence has caused its own chaos as of late. Google Maps are more accurate, and simpler to use. You could tie into all of your saved places. You could use street view and see that damned couch still sitting in your neighbor's front lawn.

Continued on the next page

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Article Author: Steve Woods

Steve Woods is Technorati's Business Editor. You can follow him on Twitter at @YouKnowSteve

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