

We must keep a constant vigil and not let SOPA pass through congress. This can only be done through constant awareness and attention by those it would affect the most.

Articles in this feature

  1. Apr 08, 2012

    Copyright vs. Copywrong? The Case for SOPA
    Used to be that piracy was considered stealing. But it seems that consumers expect something for nothing nowadays. The 2012 revolution is less about free love and more about free multi-media.
  2. Mar 18, 2012

    Rapidshare Latest File Sharing Website Targeted By Entertainment Industry
    Rapidshare's latest struggle with the recording and publishing industries shows that although SOPA may be dead, the struggle for individual freedom on the web is far from over.
  3. Feb 27, 2012

    Do Lawmakers Even Know What DNS Means?
    SOPA almost destroyed the internet as we know it, mostly because lawmakers were too ignorant to know what they were messing with.
  4. Jan 31, 2012

    European Regulators Weigh “Right to Be Forgotten” Internet Law
    This article reviews the "Right to be Forgotten" law that regulators in Europe are currently considering.
  5. Jan 26, 2012

    How a VPN Can Stop SOPA
    Although SOPA has been killed, Internet censorship and piracy as still big issues. Here's a way to ensure that you'll be able to surf the web just like before.
  6. Jan 24, 2012

    The Fall of a File Sharing Giant: For Megaupload, SOPA Might As Well Have Passed
    Casualty of a shelved anti-piracy bill - FBI shuts down Megaupload.
  7. Jan 23, 2012

    SOPA and PIPA: Let's Pause and Write Rational Piracy Legislation
    An interview with Socialtext CEO Eugene Lee.
  8. Jan 20, 2012

    Senator Reid Pulled PIPA Vote From Calendar: Not Out of Woods Yet!
    Massive Internet Protests Appear to Succeed: We'll See For How Long!
  9. Jan 20, 2012

    A Glimpse At Life If SOPA Passes
    If the SOPA law passes, this is a glimpse into what the internet can look like.
  10. Jan 20, 2012

    House, Senate Postpone SOPA, PIPA Legislation
    After a day of Internet-wide protest, support for SOPA and PIPA continues to waver, as House and Senate leaders pull out.
  11. Jan 19, 2012

    Human Rights Organizations Against PIPA: Letter to Senator Harry Reid
    Human Rights Community Protesting PIPA
  12. Jan 19, 2012

    Lamar Smith: Blackout a Publicity Stunt, SOPA Markup Will Continue
    Lamar Smith says today's SOPA protest is a publicity stunt, using fear to spread misinformation
  13. Jan 18, 2012

    Is Internet Freedom on The Brink Of Extinction?
    Google To Congress: End Piracy, Not Liberty
  14. Jan 18, 2012

    SOPA Gives Rise to the Voice of the Internet Community
    The Internet cries fowl on SOPA/PIPA
  15. Jan 18, 2012

    List of Sites Going Dark Today Over SOPA, and How Yours Can Too
    Technorati's list of important and popular web sites that have called it quits today, in protest of SOPA. Check back often!