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Last updateWed, 16 Nov 2016 4pm

Drug Treatment Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs and Drug Rehabilitation Centers is a community based public-benefit website devoted to helping individuals and families find help for addiction and dual diagnosis.  Our site contains the largest and most comprehensive publicly rated and reviewed directory of addiction treatment centers in existence.  Our aim is to provide a platform for people to learn and share about addictions and co-occurring disorders, and serve as a trustworthy resource for information about addiction and addiction treatment centers.  We provide free drug and alcohol assessments submitted through our assessment form, and have a toll-free helpline staffed by professional counselors 24/7.  If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism, dual diagnosis or behavioral addiction (i.e. sex addiction, gambling addiction, internet addiction) call us at 1 , we're here to help!

About Us

Our addiction treatment specialists are available 24/7. Call: 1-888-995-6394
About Us is a public benefit service which provides drug addicts, alcoholics, dual diagnosis sufferers, and individuals suffering from other addictions with the largest publicly rated treatment directory online.

Contact Us

  • Add: 1224 N. Hobart St. 210, Pampa, Texas 79065 USA
  • Tel: 1-888-995-6394
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