40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A National Treasure In 2012

Honey Boo Boo IS America. posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A National...
Matt Bellassai

1. She knows exactly what makes her happy.

Source: octopussoir-

2. And how to get it.

Source: sonnysantana

3. She understands Mama knows best.

Source: snatchingwigs

4. She's proud of her curves.

Source: memewhore

5. And she's not afraid to show them off.

Source: mattchew03

6. She made this look happen.

7. She's got attitude.

8. And energy.

Source: realitytvgifs

9. And grace.

Source: memewhore

10. She's not afraid to be her crazy self.

Source: crumpetss

11. She knows the great American icons.

Source: wolfpackonly

12. She's got strong opinions.

13. She questions everything.

Source: tyleroakley

14. She's literally flawless.

15. She pulled off this look.

See also: Honey Boo Boo Is Still Doing Pageants.

Source: INFphoto.com

16. And this one.

Source: dannpayne

17. She's all for equality.

18. She's knows how to problem solve.

Source: hyenawhitney

19. She's most likely actually insane.

20. She has a great appreciation for fine dining.

See also: Honey Boo Boo Enjoying A Fancy Hollywood Dinner.

22. She did this.

Source: mattbelly

24. She has more sass than any other person on the planet.

Source: glencoco

25. She knows her limits.

Source: realitytvgifs

26. This.

Source: mattbelly

27. She knows exactly where she fits in.

Source: laughcentre

28. She follows through.

29. She plays to her strengths.

Source: realitytvgifs

30. She understands beauty.

31. And how we're all special.

Source: realitytvgifs

32. She donated all these toys to charity.

33. She makes the best out of a weird situation.

34. She knows how to appropriately react.

Source: realitytvgifs

35. She's a strong competitor.

Source: realitytvgifs

36. But she knows how to wind it down.

Source: realitytvgifs

37. She's a purveyor of bodily scents.

38. She knows this to be true.

Source: realitytvgifs

39. She loves herself.

Source: realitytvgifs

40. And she knows we love her too.

Source: realitytvgifs

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    27 Responses So Far

    • patrickf6
      a few minutes ago

      She is not a national treasure. She is not cute. She is disturbing at best, and disgusting is the adjective I'm most inclined to use.  And the last one is false. Unless you misspelled “loathe”.

    • Rodro thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Cute  a few minutes ago
    • brunom8 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Win, LOL & Trashy  a few minutes ago
    • Raymar C.   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s LOL & Win  about 15 minutes ago
    • Lilillama   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about 15 minutes ago
    • easilydazed   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s Cute, LOL & OMG  about a half hour ago
    • calli441 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • AlisaLinn   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s LOL, Cute & Trashy  about a half hour ago
    • leoNicholas thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • michaelb26 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL, Ew & Trashy  about a half hour ago
    • deaddrift
      an hour ago

      #32 is nice, anyway.

    • cecikahlo   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • mbb thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Fail, Trashy & SMH  about an hour ago
    • alialie thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL, Fab & Cute  about an hour ago
    • kellyl16   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • Msaerofan   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s LOL  about an hour ago
    • healthypunk   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • chaya thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy  about an hour ago
    • eliana630   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • kelliegonzo
      an hour ago

      She's the best thing about that show. I adore her. She's bat shit crazy and I love it.

    • kelliegonzo   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • lanag thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy  about an hour ago
    • Arielle Calderon   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s LOL  about an hour ago
    • taranehs
      an hour ago

      ummm those are not curves, that's called being overweight and homegirl is on her way to morbid obesity like her mother. no child that age should be that large. that's just unhealthy & setting herself up for a lifetime of diabetes and heart disease.

    • Kariered thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is WTF, Ew & Trashy  about an hour ago
    • cynthialp3   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about an hour ago
    • d6666   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s Cute, Win & LOL  about an hour ago
    • rybabes   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s LOL & WTF  about an hour ago
    • chelsaym thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • smohata thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Win  about an hour ago
    • cassthegreat   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about 2 hours ago
    • cmonster11   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s Trashy, Cute & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • jr77 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Ew & Trashy  about 2 hours ago
    • cicadetta
      2 hours ago

      I've never watched the show, and don't really want to, but this girl is admittedly cute. May she retain her crazy wisdom for a long time. The world will be the better for it. (And yeah, #33 is awesome.)

    • agarciah   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about 2 hours ago
    • lexizazzleb   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s Fab & Cute  about 2 hours ago
    • N Eldean thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Win  about 2 hours ago
    • vikka thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • kayleerosel thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Ew, Trashy & Fail  about 2 hours ago
    • dyallenf thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Fail  about 2 hours ago
    • kellybunnyl thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy & Ew  about 2 hours ago
    • UnByronicHero thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy  about 2 hours ago
    • Sylvie thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Cute & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • oldmeredith thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy  about 2 hours ago
    • laurav2279 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Cute & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • Whydothingshappen thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Trashy, LOL & Cute  about 2 hours ago
    • alexiabby   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about 2 hours ago
    • Sochi   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... and thinks it’s Cute, Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • mimad thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • rosariodelpilarc thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL & Trashy  about 3 hours ago
    • starrjohnson thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Ew  about 3 hours ago
    • GitRyan
      3 hours ago

      I've not watched Honey boo boo… However, after reading through this, I know I'm going too. I'm excited, so looks like a right character!

    • pagesixxlover thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • Whitneyrine   40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat...  about 3 hours ago
    • Andrea N thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • PartyPoison723 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • laurens39 thinks 40 Reasons Honey Boo Boo Became A Nat... is Cute  about 3 hours ago
    • Ava Adore
      3 hours ago

      This kid has an A+ personality. And she's tolerant, which is more than I can say for the 90% of assholes on here that claim they want to kick a CHILD in the face.

    • alicer13
      5 hours ago

      #33… She's on to something there.

    • gingersaurusRex
      5 hours ago

      i honestly do not care what anyone says, i think she is precious. she's a hot mess, but so sweet and bubbly. i much prefer her and her very… special… family over the kardashians or any of those real housewives families, etc. they have their problems, sure, but who doesn't. and at least their show is about being a family and their fun adventures together, not a contest of who can spend the most money on “couture” garbage or sleep with the most athletes. i hope she can get a good education and stays weird, she has a lot of potential to do well in life because of the show - this might be her best chance to make it out of the cycle of teen pregnancy and poverty. i don't understand why so many people hate on her, she's just a little girl being a little girl.

    • PauperPrincess
      5 hours ago

      I'm delighted to say that I've never watched this mess. These GIFs were more than enough. Ugh.

    • Museviolet
      6 hours ago

      i rather watch honey boo boo then the kardashian

    • rhysingashes
      6 hours ago

      I think she's funny and she's only famous because people make her famous so say what you want

    • aimee8
      6 hours ago

      I started watching the show thinking she would be an awful brat, but she won me over. She's got that special magic! Don't let show business kick your butt, Boo:)

    • terij
      7 hours ago

      totally pathetic if you ask me

    • devinl2
      7 hours ago

      this was hillarious

    • supitsthor
      7 hours ago

      40 reasons and not a single mention of “she's fucking fat.” /fail

    • JasKB
      7 hours ago

      This is everything that's wrong with America.

    • lyndseym
      7 hours ago

      I've never watched that show a day in my life but just from the gifs, there is no way that child is six. “we all have a little gay in us”? lol. talk about profound. also when she is all made up she looks like Miranda lambert. just saying..

    • jom3
      7 hours ago

      You can't be fucking serious

    • estellelar
      8 hours ago

      I actually like the the booboo clan. They are gross and uneducated BUT they seem to have a really strong sense of family and be genuinely good people , unlike other reality tv stars *cough*kardashians*cough*. They give no fucks and are just themselves and I can't really hate anyone for that , the mother isn't forcing her daughter to do pagents you can tell that she loves them and I think all the hate the get isn't really deserved. Plus they r funny as hell.

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