Surprising Facts About Women's Bikini Lines

Going natural is quite popular, but women are more likely to have casual sex when they've just shaved or waxed, according to a new study. posted

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Surprising Facts About Women's Bikini ...
Anna North

Sexuality researcher Debra Herbenick and her coauthors wanted to find out how American women deal with their pubic hair on a day-to-day basis. So they got 2,453 women from the ages of 18-68 to complete daily online diaries for five weeks about their pubic hair removal habits and their sex lives. They were able to learn how many times women removed hair during the five-week period, how they did it, and how it correlated with their sexual activity. A sampling of the results:

Note: the data on hair removal methods was measured by day, not by woman — so 97% of the days that women removed hair, they shaved. On about 2% of those days they waxed, and on about 1% they did both.

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    4 Responses So Far

    • oOo
      a few minutes ago


    • laurenltt thinks Surprising Facts About Women's Bi... is Trashy & Fail  about an hour ago
    • jessicab61
      an hour ago

      Well yes, research, when I shave my yooha, I'm not doing it for fun and for spending more time in the shower to think about my life decisions, i'm doing it so I can get it in.

    • torsl965 thinks Surprising Facts About Women's Bi... is OMG  about an hour ago
    • chrisw40 thinks Surprising Facts About Women's Bi... is Ew  about an hour ago
    • Natascha O
      2 hours ago

      Those last stats are worded in a misleading manner. It makes it sound like the act of pubic hair removal makes women more horny/promiscuous. Obviously, women remove pubic hair in anticipation of getting some. I don't like vague infographics.

    • crownp thinks Surprising Facts About Women's Bi... is Win  about 2 hours ago
    • EllysaE thinks Surprising Facts About Women's Bi... is Old  about 2 hours ago
    • trul
      2 hours ago

      That explains why I'm not getting any.

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