Rep David Schweikert

Rep David Schweikert


Republican representing Arizona's 5th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving on the Financial Services Committee.

Washington, DC ·

The City of Phx & other organizations are holding employment workshops for Veterans soon. See here for more info!

The City of Phx & other organizations are holding employment workshops for Veterans soon. See here for more info!

Number of the Day: 80. The # of MINUTES it would take the fed gv'nt to spend yesterday’s record Powerball jackpot.

hey, how bout that...winning powerball ticket for record was sold in my hometown . Sadly, I can confirm it wasnt me

I'm holding a toy drive in AZ until 12/15. I'd love ur help in spreading Christmas cheer 2 kids in the hospital.

T-minus 1hr until my District Office staff will be @ Paiute Senior Center 2 help w/casework involving federal agencies.

Nmbr of the dy: 35. There r 35 days until the fiscal cliff. We can't tax, bail, spend, borrow, or print our way out.

Notre Dame Prep won top honors at the Arizona Interscholastic Association Division II State Championship in both...

Today is Small Business Saturday—here’s to our local small businesses in CD5. Your work and dedication is the key to our economic recovery.

Happy Turkey Day! I am thankful for the freedom we enjoy and our troops who are sacrificing to protect us.

Nmber of the dy: 1,302. 1,302 days since the Senate passed a budget. Demands 4 tax incrses won't fix the fiscal cliff.

Nmber of the dy: 1867. This month in 1867, the 1st NY stock ticker was revealed. 2 bad it's not producing + news today.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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