Electric Power Monthly

Data for July 2012  |  Release Date: September 24, 2012  |  Next Release: October 2012  
|  full report

Previous Issues of Electric Power Monthly

SAS Output
Table 5.3. Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers:
Total by End-Use Sector, 2002-July 2012 (Cents per Kilowatthour)

Period Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Annual Totals
2002 8.43 7.87 4.88 -- 7.18
2003 8.72 8.01 5.11 7.54 7.42
2004 8.94 8.15 5.25 7.18 7.60
2005 9.43 8.64 5.72 8.57 8.11
2006 10.37 9.42 6.15 9.54 8.86
2007 10.64 9.62 6.39 9.70 9.10
2008 11.25 10.32 6.82 10.75 9.71
2009 11.51 10.15 6.81 10.65 9.80
2010 11.55 10.16 6.76 10.57 9.80
2011 11.80 10.29 6.88 10.58 9.95
January 10.49 9.55 6.50 10.17 9.28
February 10.89 9.89 6.55 10.48 9.47
March 11.11 9.95 6.53 10.28 9.48
April 11.71 9.95 6.55 10.52 9.53
May 11.91 10.15 6.64 10.52 9.72
June 11.91 10.56 6.96 11.14 10.18
July 12.04 10.72 7.23 10.95 10.46
August 12.03 10.62 7.22 10.86 10.40
September 11.95 10.52 7.00 10.53 10.17
October 11.86 10.25 6.80 10.49 9.81
November 11.62 9.99 6.56 10.47 9.55
December 11.06 9.82 6.60 10.39 9.52
January 10.95 9.85 6.59 10.39 9.55
February 11.12 10.07 6.70 10.69 9.64
March 11.59 10.01 6.60 10.35 9.64
April 11.75 10.05 6.60 10.14 9.64
May 12.01 10.27 6.75 10.80 9.87
June 12.05 10.75 7.21 11.12 10.35
July 12.16 10.77 7.39 11.32 10.57
August 12.15 10.82 7.46 10.93 10.58
September 12.25 10.67 7.23 10.88 10.39
October 12.13 10.30 6.82 10.37 9.90
November 11.88 10.06 6.60 10.04 9.67
December 11.52 9.85 6.60 9.90 9.64
January 11.43 9.88 6.50 9.73 9.65
February 11.55 10.01 6.52 9.62 9.64
March 11.76 9.91 6.52 9.86 9.59
April 11.95 9.86 6.44 10.05 9.52
May 11.97 10.02 6.57 9.83 9.70
June 12.12 10.44 6.95 10.20 10.18
July 12.04 10.44 7.18 10.56 10.35
Year to Date
2010 11.41 10.14 6.72 10.58 9.76
2011 11.65 10.28 6.84 10.69 9.92
2012 11.84 10.10 6.67 9.98 9.83
Rolling 12 Months Ending in July
2011 11.68 10.25 6.84 10.63 9.89
2012 11.90 10.19 6.78 10.16 9.90

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors. NA = Not available. See Glossary for definitions. Geographic coverage is the 50 States
and the District of Columbia. Sales values for 1996-2011 include energy service provider (power marketer) data. Values for 2010 and prior years are final. Values for 2011 and 2012 are
preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826. Utilities and energy service providers may classify
commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule. Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales
and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Retail sales and net generation may not correspond exactly for a particular month for a variety of reasons (i.e., sales data may includepurchases of electricity from nonutilities or imported
electricity). Net generation is for the calendar month while retail sales and associated revenue accumulate from bills collected for periods of time (28 to 35 days)that vary dependent upon
customer class and consumption occurring in and outside the calendar month. Sources: 2006-2008: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report
with State Distributions Report; 1992-2005: Form EIA-861, Annual Electric Power Industry Report.