
Wholesale Market Data

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) data, republished with permission. Includes: daily volumes, high and low prices, and weighted average prices for ten major electricity trading hubs around the country from 2001 forward. Data are updated by EIA biweekly.

Wholesale Day Ahead Prices at Selected Hubs, Peak
Trading Hub
New England
PJM West
SP 15 - EZ
2012 xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls  xls xls
2011 xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls
2010 xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls
2009 xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls xls
2008 xls xls xls xls xls xls xls   xls xls
2007 xls xls xls xls xls xls     xls xls
2006 xls xls xls xls xls xls     xls xls
2005 xls xls xls   xls xls     xls  
2004 xls xls     xls xls     xls  
2003 xls xls     xls xls     xls  
2002 xls xls     xls xls     xls  
2001 xls xls     xls xls     xls  

1 New data series

Note: If no update is shown for a specific hub, that hub did not trade during the reporting period.

Discontinued market hub data series

About the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
For prompt or ‘Day Ahead’ markets in North American power, ICE is a major execution venue for over-the-counter (OTC) trading. These power indices are taken directly from transactions executed on the ICE platform representing approximately 70 percent of next day trading activity.

Currently, more than two dozen hubs -- or delivery points -- can be traded throughout the major FERC power regions in North America. ICE’s OTC participants are some of the world’s largest energy companies, financial institutions, and other active members in the global commodity markets. Participants include refiners, power stations, utilities, chemical and transportation companies, banks and hedge funds, as well as other energy and financial industry professionals.

About the ICE data
For the power index, all qualifying Day Ahead physical firm power contracts traded on ICE from 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM CST on the day of publication are included.

Calculation of the weighted average prices (indices)
The power indices are developed using the following formula:

I = Σ (P • V) / T


I = Volumetric Weighted Average Index Price,
P = price or premium of individual transaction,
V = volume of individual transaction,
∑(P●V) = sum of each transaction's price multiplied by its volume,
T = total volume of all qualifying transactions.

In addition to the price filters on the Intercontinental trading platform in accordance with their Fair Trading initiative, the following types of trades are considered "non-qualifying", and are not included in the 10x indices:

  • Trades done between two companies that are owned by the same parent company
  • Price basis spread legs, i.e. spread trades that are executed on a trading platform that subsequently are converted into two outright prices for trade reporting purposes
  • Deals that have been consummated but then cancelled or altered by the counterparties before confirmation
  • Trades where counterparties reverse a trade within two minutes of the previous transaction
  • Option Trades Deals that fall outside of the given time period for each index

The following data are published for each hub quoted:

  • Location - as defined in the ICE Product Guide
  • High - the absolute high price for the period
  • Low - the absolute low price for the period
  • Index - weighted average price
  • Volume - total contracts traded for the period counting the sell side only
  • No. of Trades - number of trades confirmed through ICE and eConfirm that were used in the index calculation
  • No. of Companies - number of companies that participated in the index related transactions

For other hubs, check ICE.

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