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In South Carolina the stampede is on to replace DeMint

In South Carolina the stampede is on to replace DeMint

Jim DeMint is leaving the Senate to take over the Presidency of the Heritage Foundation. Another extremist will undoubtedly take his place …

Fox News Distorts Feminism in Order to Blame Women for Men’s Retreat from Marriage

Fox News Distorts Feminism in Order to Blame Women for Men’s Retreat from Marriage

Fox News is at it again. When they aren't blaming women for being abused, Fox is now claiming that women are destroying marriage because they aren't feminine…

You live in Michigan? Your rights are optional

You live in Michigan? Your rights are optional

If you want to get an idea of what Republican revenge for President Obama's victory in 2012 looks like, look no further than Michigan. …

Instead of Changing Their Platform Republicans Plot to Steal 2016

Instead of Changing Their Platform Republicans Plot to Steal 2016

Just like the lazy student who refuses to study but still expects to ace the test, Republicans are choosing to try to rig the 2016 election instead of…

Conservatives Are Dreaming of a ‘White’ Christmas

Conservatives Are Dreaming of a ‘White’ Christmas

Conservatives are dreaming of a 'white' Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an end that has no role for Jesus…

Fox News Attacks the Disabled for Mooching Off the Government

Fox News Attacks the Disabled for Mooching Off the Government

According to Fox News there can't possibly be millions of disabled people in America, so people who are on disability are mooching off the government. …

Jon Stewart to Christie, ‘If you have cancer and don’t have health insurance, that’s Hurricane Sandy.’

Jon Stewart to Christie, ‘If you have cancer and don’t have health insurance, that’s Hurricane Sandy.’

Chris Christie said there is a difference between disaster relief and the health insurance exchange. Jon Stewart replied, 'If you have cancer and don't have health insurance, that's…

Conservatives Introduce Their New Fantasy: Barack the Destroyer

Conservatives Introduce Their New Fantasy: Barack the Destroyer

Bryan Fischer introduces Barack the Destroyer, the man who wants to destroy America and make Americans suffer because of their racism…

Republicans Are More Willing to Cause Another Recession than Abandon the Rich

Republicans Are More Willing to Cause Another Recession than Abandon the Rich

The tragedy is that Republicans are more than willing to see America suffer a deep recession than they are to abandon their ideology of upward wealth redistribution to…

You Have the Freedom to be Pepper Sprayed in Rick Snyder’s Michigan

You Have the Freedom to be Pepper Sprayed in Rick Snyder’s Michigan

His decision to pepper spraying protesters shows just how much Rick Snyder respects people making choices.…

Mitch McConnell Will Filibuster Anything, Including His Own Bill

Mitch McConnell Will Filibuster Anything, Including His Own Bill

Senate history may have been made today when GOP Sen Mitch McConnell attempted to filibuster his own bill on the debt ceiling. Reid called him out, 'I…

Republicans Are Going Off the Rails and Heading Towards Irrelevance

Republicans Are Going Off the Rails and Heading Towards Irrelevance

The American people are demand that the wealthy lose their lower tax rates. Instead of accepting this reality, Republicans are going off the rails and heading toward irrelevance.…

Oregon GOP County Chair Gets the Boot for Claiming Democrats Seek Utopian Enslavement

Oregon GOP County Chair Gets the Boot for Claiming Democrats Seek Utopian Enslavement

Gary Bray, Republican Party chairman in Washington County, Oregon, called liberalism an 'atheistic cult' which seeks 'utopian enslavement'…

President  Obama Hits 53%, His Highest Job Approval Rating in 3 Years

President Obama Hits 53%, His Highest Job Approval Rating in 3 Years

American voters approve of President Barack Obama's job performance by 53-40 percent, his best approval rating in three years.…

Jim DeMint Abandons the Sinking Tea Party Ship by Quitting the Senate

Jim DeMint Abandons the Sinking Tea Party Ship by Quitting the Senate

As the political winds shift left Jim DeMint can see the writing on the wall, which is why the outspoken but ineffective senator is bailing on…

Recent Posts

Starbucks Shows that Healthcare isn’t a Job Killer by Adding 1,500 Cafes

Starbucks Shows that Healthcare isn’t a Job Killer by Adding 1,500 Cafes

Starbucks, which offers healthcare benefits to its eligible part time employees, is expanding with 1500…

Boxer Takes Aim at GOP Election Games: Introduces a Bill to Prevent a Waiting Time of More Than One Hour

Boxer Takes Aim at GOP Election Games: Introduces a Bill to Prevent a Waiting Time of More Than One Hour

Sen. Boxer (D-CA) introduced a bill called the LINE Act, which is election reform…

The Meltdown Gets Ugly as Conservatives Attempt a Coup to Overthrow Boehner

The Meltdown Gets Ugly as Conservatives Attempt a Coup to Overthrow Boehner

The #FireBoehner hashtag really took off last night on Twitter. No, it wasn't evil liberals,…

Stand up to the Cowardly Republicans who let Fear of The Tea Party Trump Equality

Stand up to the Cowardly Republicans who let Fear of The Tea Party Trump Equality

Well, if Republicans can't stand up to the Tea Party, it means it's up to…

38 Senate Republicans Use National Sovereignty as an Excuse to Discriminate Against the Disabled

38 Senate Republicans Use National Sovereignty as an Excuse to Discriminate Against the Disabled

38 Republican senators voted against ratifying a United Nations treaty on the rights of the…

Bernie Sanders Rips John Boehner for Calling for Cuts to Disabled Veterans’ Benefits

Bernie Sanders Rips John Boehner for Calling for Cuts to Disabled Veterans’ Benefits

At the National Press Club today, Sen. Bernie Sanders tore into John Boehner and his…

Court Strikes Down Anti-Abortion Laws that Conservatives Call ‘Regulations’

Court Strikes Down Anti-Abortion Laws that Conservatives Call ‘Regulations’

After the Okla. State Supreme Court ruled anti-abortionist laws were unconstitutional, conservatives attempted to justify…

Conflict in the Courts as Federal Judges Issue Divergent Rulings on Gay Conversion Quackery

Conflict in the Courts as Federal Judges Issue Divergent Rulings on Gay Conversion Quackery

A federal district judge has issued a temporary injunction against a new California law banning…

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Citizens United

Obama Endorses Bernie Sanders’ Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

President Obama made some big news today by announcing that he supports a constitutional amendment like the one proposed by Bernie Sanders to overturn Citizens…

Ever Since Citizens United Unions Have Been Under Siege

Conservatives have steadily been eroding the power of unions in the wake of Citizens United since they are their only liberal financial foe…

Americans for Prosperity Will Have Scott Walker Suck Koch Live Online

Americans for Prosperity are hauling their boy Scott Walker to D.C. to do some public Koch-sucking and World Net Daily will live-stream it…

Right Wing Billionaires Shudder as PolitiFact Confirms Bernie Sanders Speaks the Truth

Sen. Bernie Sanders has seen his statements about wealth inequality attacked by the right, but PolitiFact has confirmed that Bernie Sanders is speaking the truth.…

Super PACs: The Perfect Storm for the Destruction of the Founders’ Democracy

Citizens United has created an entire class - a cabal - that is coming between the people and the representative government that the founders intended.…


Fox News Distorts Feminism in Order to Blame Women for Men’s Retreat from Marriage

Fox News is at it again. When they aren't blaming women for being abused, Fox is now claiming that women are destroying marriage because they aren't…

Tick Tock: It’s Been Two Days and Romney is Still Silent on Mourdock

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz called Romney out on his silence and said that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin are 'two sets of twins'.…

Conservatives Feign Outrage Over MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski’s Pay Disparity

Conservatives are hoping to save Mitt Romney from his failed attempt to avoid a policy discussion about equal pay by feigning outrage over Mika Brzezinski's pay.…

Female Romney Adviser Calls Equal Pay a Left Wing Agenda

Romney senior adviser Delegate Barbara Comstock (and transvaginal ultra sound supporter) called equal pay a 'left wing agenda', dissed Lilly Ledbetter.…

Romney Claimed Bain Didn’t Attract Women, But 30% of Harvard Business Grads Were Female

Romney said Bain is 'a profession that has yet to attract many women and minorities' but at the time, almost 30% of Harvard Business School were…


Fox News Distorts Feminism in Order to Blame Women for Men’s Retreat from Marriage

Fox News is at it again. When they aren't blaming women for being abused, Fox is now claiming that women are destroying marriage because they aren't…

Fox News Attacks the Disabled for Mooching Off the Government

According to Fox News there can't possibly be millions of disabled people in America, so people who are on disability are mooching off the government. …

Jon Stewart to Christie, ‘If you have cancer and don’t have health insurance, that’s Hurricane Sandy.’

Chris Christie said there is a difference between disaster relief and the health insurance exchange. Jon Stewart replied, 'If you have cancer and don't have health insurance,…

Fox News Tries to Wash Away the Stench of Defeat By Benching Karl Rove and Dick Morris

Fox News is trying to make America forget their totally wrong predictions of a Romney landslide by temporarily yanking Karl Rove and Dick Morris off the air.…

Merry Christmas Republicans, Rachel Maddow Just Ate Your Lunch

In an epic moment of television, Rachel Maddow explained to America why Republicans are wrong to be focusing on the deficit when economic growth is the real…