Open Repositories 2013

The 2013 Open Repositories Conference will be held in beautiful Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island from July 8 - 12.


Latest News:

Program Chairs: Sarah Shreeves and Jon Dunn

We are pleased to announce the Program Chairs for Open Repositories 2013: Sarah Shreeves and Jon Dunn.

Sarah L. Shreeves has been the Coordinator for IDEALS, the set of services and collections that support scholarly communication services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2005. Since 2010, Sarah has also co-coordinated the Scholarly Commons, a space that supports advanced research services in data access and management and the digital humanities among other things. Sarah has served on the Open Repositories Conference Steering Committee since 2010 and is a long time member of the DSpace Community Advisory Team. She serves on the steering committee for the DMPTool and speaks and publishes regularly on scholarly communication issues. She can be found on twitter at @sshreeves and her full CV can be found at

Jon Dunn is Director and Interim Assistant Dean for Library Technologies and Digital Libraries at Indiana University Bloomington, where he is responsible for the IU Digital Library Program and technology support for the IU Bloomington Libraries. He has worked at IU in the field of digital libraries since 1994 and over the past ten years has been responsible for the development of repositories based on Fedora, DSpace, and EPrints software. He has a particular interest in music, audio, and video related digital library systems and currently directs the Avalon Media System project, a joint effort of IU and Northwestern University, funded by the US Institute of Museum and Library Services, to develop a Fedora- and Hydra-based open source system to enable libraries and archives to provide online access to audio and video collections. Jon served as Fedora User Group Chair for Open Repositories 2012 in Edinburgh.

Call for Proposals

This year’s conference theme is Use, Reuse, Reproduce. One of the most important roles of repositories is to enable greater use and reuse of their contents— whether those contents are library collections, scholarly articles, research data, or software—and metadata. The notion of use and reuse can be extended to repository infrastructure as well. Many repositories are based on open source software that can be freely reused and adapted to serve local needs; other efforts are also emerging both in conjunction with and outside traditional repository platforms to encourage discipline or community specific reuse and sharing of software, services, and infrastructure. In addition there is a growing interest and need to document and share the code and workflows used to produce research results - particularly in computationally intensive fields - in order to promote reproducible research.

Hotels Deals

Open Repositories 2013 has made arrangements with a number of local hotels to provide reduced rates for our attendees. Check it out on our Accomodations page, along with a number of other recommended options for expanding your stay in PEI next July.

Cavendish Beach Music Festival - Just Before OR2013

If you are arriving early for OR2013 next July, you are in luck. The annual Cavendish Beach Music Festival is slated to be held just before the conference. The lineup of artists is still TBA, but last time around it included Rascal Flatts and Alabama, so if that tickles your fancy, add a few days to your trip and enjoy some music on the beach before you get down to conferencing.

Official Logo and New Look

Open Repositories 2013 Logo

Open Repositories 2013 is very pleased to roll out our official logo. We are retiring our little green puzzle piece to make way for a symbol that captures the spirit of the Repository Island: the lighthouse.

Puzzle Piece Logo

Lighthouses are all about open access. They provide information to any and all who come their way. Our lighthouse is also a part of a network, representing community and collaboration.

A Little Practical Information

Browse around the Location section of the site, and you will find a page that purports to give you Practical Information About PEI. This is a little guide we threw together, following the very helpful page made up by the OR2012 folks in Edinburgh, to cover some basic info about our province and country for those who may not have visited before. Just a few little things, like population stats, emergency phone numbers, and what a Toonie looks like.

Have any suggestions on what we should add? Questions about Canada, or our little island corner of it? Post a comment or shoot us an email!

Coming Soon: Registration

Just a note for all of our aspiring conferences attendees who might be clicking around the site looking for a place to get registered: It's not available just yet.

Registration will open up sometime in the next couple of months, and we will announce it far and wide (i.e., we'll blog about it and mention it on Twitter). We want to encourage early registration, both for the conference itself and for your travel and accommodations, so you can get a really fabulous trip lined up.

Come Play on CrowdVine

Just like OR2012 and OR2011 before us, we've set up a social network for the conference using CrowdVine, a slick little online service for creating custom social networks.


Program Chairs: Sarah Shreeves and Jon Dunn

We are pleased to announce the Program Chairs for Open Repositories 2013: Sarah Shreeves and Jon Dunn.

Sarah L. Shreeves has been the Coordinator for IDEALS, the set of services and collections that support scholarly communication services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2005. Since 2010, Sarah has also co-coordinated the Scholarly Commons, a space that supports advanced research services in data access and management and the digital humanities among other things. Sarah has served on the Open Repositories Conference Steering Committee since 2010 and is a long time member of the DSpace Community Advisory Team. She serves on the steering committee for the DMPTool and speaks and publishes regularly on scholarly communication issues. She can be found on twitter at @sshreeves and her full CV can be found at

Jon Dunn is Director and Interim Assistant Dean for Library Technologies and Digital Libraries at Indiana University Bloomington, where he is responsible for the IU Digital Library Program and technology support for the IU Bloomington Libraries. He has worked at IU in the field of digital libraries since 1994 and over the past ten years has been responsible for the development of repositories based on Fedora, DSpace, and EPrints software. He has a particular interest in music, audio, and video related digital library systems and currently directs the Avalon Media System project, a joint effort of IU and Northwestern University, funded by the US Institute of Museum and Library Services, to develop a Fedora- and Hydra-based open source system to enable libraries and archives to provide online access to audio and video collections. Jon served as Fedora User Group Chair for Open Repositories 2012 in Edinburgh.

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