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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Learn more...

Vocabulary Results from the 2009 and 2011 NAEP Reading Assessment are here! Learn more about the release and how to view the live webinar.

In the Spotlight

Get NAEP Results!
Now available for download on mobile devices through Apple App Store and Google Play, the NAEP Results app delivers current results, comparative statistics, and real practice questions from the assessments. Test yourself, your students, or your kids! >>More info  

Writing 2011 Tutorials
Writing 2011 was administered for the first time as a computer-based assessment. Explore the tutorials to find out how students at grades 8 and 12 took the test! >>More info  

Test Yourself in Writing
How well do you write? Test yourself with questions released with the 2011 Writing results, and see how you fare! >>More info 

TEL. Technology & Engineering Literacy. Explore the latest frontier for NAEP.


November 30, 2012:

An Introduction to the Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment Video

This fully animated video will walk you through what “Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL)” actually means, what skills TEL will assess, and why it is important in today’s educational landscape.

November 5, 2012:

What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP

This virtual video tour provides a way for parents to learn about the assessment and engage with the resources and information that NAEP provides in a whole new way.

Recent Publications

December 6, 2012:

Nation’s Report Card: Vocabulary Results from the 2009 and 2011 NAEP Reading Assessments

October 10, 2012:

Lo Que Cada Padre Debe Saber Acerca de NAEP (What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP)

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