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Videos exploring why algebra was developed and how it helps us explain our world.

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Wait, why are we using letters in math? How can an 'x' represent a number? What number is it? I must figure this out!!! Yes, you must. This tutorial is great if you're just beginning to delve into the world of algebraic variables and expressions.

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Algebra seems mysterious to me. I really don't "get" what an equation represents. Why do we do the same thing to both sides? This tutorial is a conceptual journey through the basics of algebra. It is made for someone just beginning their algebra adventure. But even folks who feel pretty good that they know how to manipulate equations might pick up a new intuition or two.

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This tutorial is a survey of the major themes in basic algebra in five videos! From basic equations to graphing to systems, it has it all. Great for someone looking for a gentle, but broad understanding of the use of algebra. Also great for anyone unsure of which gym plan they should pick!

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Using the combined powers of Chuck Norris and polar bears (which are much less powerful than Mr. Norris) to better understand what expressions represent and how we can manipulate them. Great tutorial if you want to understand that expressions are just a way to express things!

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A no frills march through the basics of solving equations. A great tutorial if you want to see a bunch of examples and then get some practice. Really recommend you pause the videos and try to solve the examples before Sal does.

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This tutorial is for you if you already have the basics of solving equations and are looking to put your new-found powers to work in more examples.

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You are absolutely tired of not knowing how to deal with equations that have absolute values in them. Well, this tutorial might help.

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In this tutorial you'll discover that much of the logic you've used to solve equations can also be applied to think about inequalities!

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Some of Sal's oldest (and roughest) videos on algebra. Great tutorial if you want to see what Khan Academy was like around 2006. You might also like it if you feel like Sal has lost his magic now that he doesn't use the cheapest possible equipment to make the videos.

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How can we communicate exactly where something is in two dimensions? Who was this Descartes character? Equations can be visualized with pictures? You must be kidding! In this tutorial, we cover the basics of the coordinate plane. We then delve into graphing points and determining whether a point is a solution of an equation. This will be a great tutorial experience if you are just starting to ramp up your understanding of graphing or need some fundamental review.

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If you've ever struggled to tell someone just how steep something is, you'll find the answer here. In this tutorial, we cover the idea slope of a line. We also think about how slope relates to the equation of a line and how you can determine the slope or y-intercept given some clues. This tutorial is appropriate for someone who understands the basics of graphing equations and want to dig a bit deeper. After this tutorial, you will be prepared to start thinking deeper about the equation of a line.

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You know a bit about slope and intercepts, but want to know more about all the ways you can represent the equation of a line. This tutorial will satisfy that curiosity!

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Graphing linear functions on the coordinate plane

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Graphing linear inequalities on the coordinate plane and determining if a point is a solution

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Whether in the real world or a cliche fantasy one, systems of equations are key to solving super-important issues like "the make-up of change in a troll's pocket" or "how can order the right amount of potato chips for a King's party." Join us as we cover (and practice with examples and exercises) all of the major ways of solving a system: graphically, elimination, and substitution. This tutorial will also help you think about when system might have no solution or an infinite number of solutions. Very, very exciting stuff!

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This tutorial doesn't involve talking parrots and greedy trolls, but it reviews many of the same ideas without a story and will give you a lot of exposure to the types of problems that systems of equations can solve. These include rate problems, mixture problems, and others. If you can pause and solve the example videos before Sal does, we'd say that you have a pretty good grasp of systems. Enjoy!

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You feel comfortable with systems of equations, but you begin to realize that the world is not always fair. Not everything is equal! In this short tutorial, we will explore systems of inequalities. We'll graph them. We'll think about whether a point satisfies them. We'll even give you as much practice as you need. All for 3 easy installments of ... just kidding, its free (although the knowledge obtained in priceless). A good deal if we say so ourselves!

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Two equations with two unknowns not challenging enough for you? How about three equations with three unknowns? Visualizing lines in 2-D too easy? Well, now you're going to visualize intersecting planes in 3-D baby (ok, we admit that it is weird for a website to call you "baby"). Tired of linear systems. Well, we might just bring a little nonlinearity into your life honey (you might want to brush up on your solving quadratics before tackling the non-linear systems). As always, try to pause the videos and do them before Sal does!

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Solving exponential and radical expressions and equations. Using scientific notation and significant figures.

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Solving quadratics through factoring, completing the square, graphing, and the quadratic equation.

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Solving and writing algebraic ratios and proportions. Solving rational equations.

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Identifying, solving, and graphing various types of functions.

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Understanding absolute value and solving absolute value equations and inequalities.

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Understanding and solving logarithms, including natural logs.

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Using polynomial expressions and factoring polynomials.

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Identifying and graphing circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.

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Understanding and solving equations with imaginary numbers.

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Understanding and solving matrices.

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Select problems from ck12.org's Algebra 1 FlexBook (Open Source Textbook). This is a good playlist to review if you want to make sure you have a good understanding of all of the major topics in Algebra I.

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Videos about how government works in the United States.

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Explore how we have hidden secret messages through history. A lesson by Brit Cruise

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20th century solutions to new problems in Cryptography

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Explore deeper properties of prime numbers while building algorithms which perform prime factorization & primality tests. A lesson by Brit Cruise

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A story about human, animal and machine communication. A lesson by Brit Cruise

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Adding and subtracting positive and negative whole numbers. Starts with 1+1=2 and covers carrying, borrowing, and word problems.

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Multiplying and dividing positive and negative whole numbers, understanding place value, and rounding numbers.

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Understanding and using negative numbers.

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Defining and using the commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and inverse properties.

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Defining the order in which operations are done in expressions.

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Understanding and finding factors and multiples. After these videos, you'll be ready for fractions.

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Understanding fractions conceptually, using operations with fractions, and converting fractions.

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Understanding decimals conceptually, using operations with decimals, rounding and estimating with decimals, and converting decimals.

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Understanding, solving, and converting percents.

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Solving and writing ratios and proportions without algebra.

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Understanding and solving exponents without algebra.

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Videos on how banks work and how money is created.

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Random logic puzzles and brain teasers. Fun to do and useful for many job interviews!

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Sal working through the 53 problems from the practice test available at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/hs/documents/mathpractest.pdf for the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Examination). Clearly useful if you're looking to take that exam. Probably still useful if you want to make sure you have a solid understanding of basic high school math.

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Sal works through the problems from the CA Standards released questions. It is best first to go through the algebra topic first as it is more comprehensive.

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Sal works through 80 questions taken from the California Standards Test for Algebra II. If you struggle with these you can get more help by viewing the algebra topic and completing its exercises.

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Sal does the 80 problems from the released questions from the California Standards Test for Geometry. Basic understanding of algebra is necessary. Go to the geometry topic for a comprehensive treatment of the subject.

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Case study videos on 6 schools that use Khan Academy in their classrooms. Covers various models in public, charter, and independent schools with elementary, middle, and high school students. We're excited about the way these schools are using our resources and are eager to learn from more teachers and students. For more information, check out http://www.khanacademy.org/toolkit/pilot-schools.

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Overview of the videos, exercises, reports, and Computer Science resources available on Khan Academy, with emphasis on how resources can be used in classrooms. For more information, check out http://www.khanacademy.org/toolkit/ka-resources. For a mapping of Khan Academy content to Common Core standards, check out khanacademy.org/commoncore.

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Overview of how to set up accounts for students under 13 and 13+, how to add a coach on Khan Academy, and how to separate students into class lists. For more information on getting started and technology needs, check out http://www.khanacademy.org/toolkit/getting-started.

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Overview of some of the ways to use Khan Academy. For more information, including worksheets to help plan the first day and month with Khan Academy, check out http://www.khanacademy.org/toolkit/classroom-uses.

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Answers to teachers' questions about Khan Academy and how it can be used in the classroom. Answers may come from Khan Academy team members and/or teachers who use Khan Academy with their students.

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Example problems from random math competitions

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Introduction to programming and computer science

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Videos attempting to grasp a little bit about our Universe (many of the topics associated with "Big History")

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Videos on the causes and effects of the credit crisis/crunch.

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Videos about currency exchange

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Discussions of economic topics and how they relate to current events.

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Topics covered in a first year course in differential equations. Need to understand basic differentiation and integration from Calculus playlist before starting here.

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Videos on finance and macroeconomics

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Sal works through the 249 problem solving questions in chapter 5 of the the 11th edition of the official GMAC GMAT Review (ISBN Number: 0-9765709-0-4 published in 2005)

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Sal works through the 155 data sufficiency questions in chapter 6 of the the 11th edition of the official GMAC GMAT Review (ISBN Number: 0-9765709-0-4 published in 2005)

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Videos on the Geithner Plan to solve the banking crisis.

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Finding perimeter, volume, and area of basic shapes without algebra.

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Understanding the purpose, notation, and building blocks of geometry.

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Identifying, measuring, and calculating angles.

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Identifying types of triangles, using principles of similarity and congruence, and applying and proving triangle postulates.

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Identifying types of quadrilaterals, finding measurements, and applying and proving postulates.

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Finding measurements and applying and proving circle theorems.

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Sal does the 80 problems from the released questions from the California Standards Test for Geometry. Basic understanding of Algebra I necessary.

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Get a better understanding of how your lungs help you to sing and survive!

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Get to know your heart and circulatory system!

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Learn about blood pressure and how we measure it. Take a deeper dive and find out how blood pressure is related to resistance and flow!

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Find out how the heart and circulatory system work in the fetus!

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Ever wonder about your lab values and what they mean? Lab values measure amounts of electrolytes or cells in your blood and occasionally tell you about how hormones and enzymes are working! Dive deeper and get a good understanding of concentrations as well!

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Learn all about hypertension: symptoms, diagnosis, and how lifestyle changes can make a difference!

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Find out why having "stiff arteries" can increase blood pressure and cause uneven blood flow. It all comes back to the idea of "total energy"!

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Learn about how arteries differ from veins and how arteries can get damaged over time.

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Find out how the body works to maintain a normal blood pressure by sensing when its too high or too low and responding accordingly.

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Learn some of the fundamentals behind staying healthy: Reducing your salt, keeping your weight in a healthy range, and exercising regularly.

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Find out what can cause a heart disease and stroke, and how the two are related!

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Find out more about heart muscles and what happens when they contract.

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Check out the flow of positive charge through the heart that happens every time your heart beats! Learn how the heart is able to keep a regular rate and rhythm throughout your life.

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Learn how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves regulate your heart in so many different ways!

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Watch as the pressure and amount of blood inside the left ventricle go up and down within fractions of a second!

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Find out how preload, afterload, and contractility work together to change your PV Loop (and affect stroke volume and cardiac output)!

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Find out exactly what preload and afterload mean, and why most of us use a handy shortcut to guess-timating what they are!

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Learn about hormones and diabetes, as well as some important information on glucose control.

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Get a ring-side seat as a pathologist talks about colon cells under the microscope.

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Learn about the cervical (neck) spine through an Xray!

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Learn some basics about the Health Care system in the US

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Enjoy this mix of videos on health care topics!

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Questions from previous IIT JEEs

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Collection of interviews with and presentations by Salman Khan. Also a few other mentions of Khan Academy at other talks.

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Matrices, vectors, vector spaces, transformations. Covers all topics in a first year college linear algebra course. This is an advanced course normally taken by science or engineering majors after taking at least two semesters of calculus (although calculus really isn't a prereq) so don't confuse this with regular high school algebra.

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Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory macroeconomics course

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Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory microeconomics course

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Topics covered in college organic chemistry course. Basic understanding of basic high school or college chemistry assumed

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Videos to help understand the bailout.

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Non-trigonometry pre-calculus topics. Solid understanding of all of the topics in the "Algebra" playlist should make this playlist pretty digestible.

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Basic probability. Should have a reasonable grounding in basic algebra before watching.

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This project is a low cost robot made from every day items that are taken apart and described in the reverse engineering section

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Videos exploring the way things work. These videos have recently been updated to included 1080p HD versions.

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This topic focuses on how to design and create products that solve real problems and bring academic content to life.

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In this section we investigate how dc motors work and what is inside of them.

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Sal works through every problem in the first edition of the College Board "Official SAT Study Guide" (ISBN Number: 0-87447-718-2 published in 2004). You should take the practice tests on your own, grade them and then use these videos to understand the problems you didn't get or to review. Have fun! If you're using the second edition of the study guide with 10 practice tests, you can still use some of these videos. Practice tests 4-10 in the newer book correspond to tests 2-8 below.

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Lectures based on the Singapore Math curriculum. You can follow along through the workbooks available at singaporemath.com

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Introduction to statistics. We start with the basics of reading and interpretting data and then build into descriptive and inferential statistics that are typically covered in an introductory course on the subject.

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Videos and exercises on trigonometry. Watch the "Geometry" playlist first if you have trouble understanding the topics covered here.

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Building blocks and case studies on the financial analysis and valuation of public equities.

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All of the sources of funding (capital) for a business.

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Recreational mathematics and inspirational videos by resident mathemusician Vi Hart

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