National Mathematics Advisory Panel
Archived Information

Forum Action Plans
Final Report
Reports of the Task Groups and Subcommittees
Video Overview of Final Report

On March 13, 2008, the National Mathematics Advisory Panel presented Foundations for Success: The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Education. In response to a Panel recommendation, the U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, hosted the first National Math Panel Forum on October 6-7, 2008. The Forum brought together various organizations and other interested parties to use the Panel's findings and recommendations as a platform for action.

  • Reports — To learn more about the 45 recommendations and findings see the National Math Panel's final report and accompanying reports.

  • Parent Resources — A summary of the relevant findings of the final report is now available in English PDF (406K) | MS Word (77K) and Spanish PDF (409K) | MS Word (83K).

  • New Teacher Resources Doing What Works is a research-based tool for teachers including how to apply the Math Panel's findings in the classroom, and offers lessons that build over time.

  • Outreach Materials — For a summary of the findings and recommendations, check out our Brochure download files PDF (104K), Poster, and Fact Sheet. Order paper copies of the brochure or poster at the Department's online publications ordering center. (For the brochure, search for ED004345H. For the poster, search for ED004459R.)

  • Final Report Briefing —Final Report Briefing - Larry R. Faulkner, Panel Chair, led a briefing on the report's principal findings and key messages. Check out the PowerPoint Presentation .

  • Questions? — If you have questions or need any assistance with these documents in an alternative format, please contact the National Math Panel Outreach Staff at NationalMathPanel@ed.gov.

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Last Modified: 07/28/2011