
YouTube API v2.0 - OAuth 2.0 Authorization


  1. Overview
  2. Register your application with Google
  3. OAuth 2.0 flows
    1. Server-side web applications
    2. Client-side web applications
    3. Installed applications
    4. Devices
  4. Calling the YouTube Data API
    1. Refreshing an access token
  5. Client libraries


The YouTube Data API supports the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorizing access to private user data. The list below explains some core OAuth 2.0 concepts:

  • When a user first attempts to use functionality in your application that requires the user to be logged in to a Google Account or YouTube account, your application initiates the OAuth2 authorization process.

  • Your application directs the user to Google's authorization server. The link to that page specifies the scope of access that your application is requesting for the user's account. The scope specifies the resources that your application can retrieve, insert, update, or delete when acting as the authenticated user.

  • If the user consents to authorize your application to access those resources, Google will return a token to your application. Depending on your application's type, it will either validate the token or exchange it for a different type of token.

    For example, a server-side web application would exchange the returned token for an access token and a refresh token. The access token would let the application authorize requests on the user's behalf, and the refresh token would let the application retrieve a new access token when the original access token expires.

This section of the API documentation covers the following topics:

Register your application with Google

You need to register your application with Google to be able to use OAuth 2.0 authorization. The following steps explain how to register your application and create an OAuth 2.0 client ID to use in that application.

  1. Create a project in the Google APIs Console.

    • If you have not created a project before, the Console page will display a big Create project button.

    • If you have created a project before, you can create a new project via the Console menu shown below.

  2. Click the API Access pane in the navigation menu.

  3. Click the Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID button.

  4. Enter a product name for your application and, if you wish, a URL for your product logo. By default, we will use your email address as the support email for your application. You can change the email address by signing in to the API Console with a different account that has an email address that you have verified.

    Click the Next button to proceed.

  5. Indicate whether your application is a web application or an installed application. If it is a web application, you will need to also provide a domain or hostname.

    After you direct a user to Google's authorization server, and the user logs in and decides whether to grant access to your application, Google will redirect the user to a redirect_uri that you specified.

    For web applications, you need to register the redirect_uri that your application uses with Google before you will be able to complete the steps needed to obtain OAuth 2.0 access tokens. You can register more than one redirect_uri.

    The Console will define a default redirect URI and a default, authorized JavaScript source. You can register additional redirect_uri values and add or change authorized JavaScript sources by clicking the more options link in the Client ID Settings window.

  6. Click the Create client ID button.

OAuth 2.0 flows

Google supports several OAuth 2.0 use cases:

  • The server-side flow supports web applications that can securely store persistent information.
  • The client-side flow supports JavaScript applications running in a browser.
  • The installed application flow supports applications installed on a device, such as a phone or computer.
  • The device flow supports devices with limited input capabilities, such as game consoles and video cameras.

Server-side web applications

This flow is designed for web applications with servers that can store information and maintain state. While this section walks through the steps your code would go through to use OAuth 2.0 in a server-side web application, you could also use one of several client libraries in your OAuth 2.0 implementation.

The following steps explain the server-side flow:

  1. Obtain an access token

    Note: Requests to Google's authorization server must use https instead of http because the server is only accessible over SSL (HTTPs) and will refuse HTTP connections.

    When a user first tries to perform an action that requires API authentication, direct the user to Google's authorization server at It supports the following URL parameters:

    Parameter Description
    client_id Required. The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    redirect_uri Required. A registered redirect_uri for that client ID.
    response_type Required. Set this parameter's value to code.
    scope Required. A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf.
    approval_prompt Optional. This parameter indicates whether the user should be prompted to grant account access to your application each time she tries to complete a particular action. The default value is auto, which indicates that a user would only need to grant access the first time she tried to access a protected resource.

    Set the parameter value to force to direct the user to a consent page even if she has already granted access to your application for a particular set of scopes.
    access_type Recommended. This parameter indicates whether your application can refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. Valid parameter values are online and offline. Set this parameter value to offline to allow the application to refresh access tokens when the user is not present. (This is the method of refreshing access tokens described later in this document.)
    state Optional. Any string that your application would use to maintain state between the request and redirect response. Your application will receive the same value that it sends for this parameter. For example, you could use this parameter to redirect the user to a particular resource in your application.

    The sample URL below shows a redirect to Google's authorization server for an application requesting permission to submit YouTube Data API requests on the user's behalf:
  2. User decides whether to grant access to your application

    Google's authorization server will display the name of your application and the Google services that it is requesting permission to access on the user's behalf. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

    You can test this flow by clicking on the sample URL in step 1. If you also place a file on your server at http://localhost/oauth2callback, you will also be able to see how the user's response appears in the redirect URI. (See step 3 for more details.)

  3. Google redirects user to your application

    After the user consents or refuses to grant access to your application, Google will redirect the user to the redirect_uri that you specified in step 1.

    • If the user granted access to your application, Google will have appended a code parameter to the redirect_uri. This value is a temporary authorization code that you can exchange for an access token as discussed in step 4.

    • If the user refused to grant access to your application, Google will have included the access_denied error message in the hash fragment of the redirect_uri:

  4. Exchange authorization code for refresh and access tokens

    Assuming the user has granted access to your application, exchange the authorization code obtained in step 3 for a refresh token and access token. To do so, send a POST request to that includes the following key-value pairs in the request body:

    Key Value
    code The authorization code that Google returned to your redirect_uri in step 3.
    client_id The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    client_secret The client secret associated with your client ID. This value is displayed in the Google APIs console.
    redirect_uri A registered redirect_uri for your client ID.
    grant_type Set this value to authorization_code.

    A sample request is displayed below:

    POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  5. Process response and store tokens

    Google will respond to your POST request by returning a JSON object that contains a short-lived access token and a refresh token.

      "access_token" : "ya29.AHES6ZTtm7SuokEB-RGtbBty9IIlNiP9-eNMMQKtXdMP3sfjL1Fc",
      "token_type" : "Bearer",
      "expires_in" : 3600,
      "refresh_token" : "1/HKSmLFXzqP0leUihZp2xUt3-5wkU7Gmu2Os_eBnzw74"

    Important: Your application should store both values.

Client-side web applications

This flow is designed for JavaScript-based web applications that cannot maintain state over time.

The following steps explain the client-side flow:

  1. Obtain an access token

    Note: Requests to Google's authorization server must use https instead of http because the server is only accessible over SSL (HTTPs) and will refuse HTTP connections.

    When a user first tries to perform an action that requires API authentication, direct the user to Google's authorization server at It supports the following URL parameters:

    Parameter Description
    client_id Required. The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    redirect_uri Required. A registered redirect_uri for that client ID.
    response_type Required. Set this parameter's value to token.
    scope Required. A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf.
    approval_prompt Optional. This parameter indicates whether the user should be prompted to grant account access to your application each time she tries to complete a particular action. The default value is auto, which indicates that a user would only need to grant access the first time she tried to access a protected resource.

    Set the parameter value to force to direct the user to a consent page even if she has already granted access to your application for a particular set of scopes.
    state Optional. A string used to maintain state between the request and redirect. This value will be appended to your redirect_uri after the user consents to or denies your application's access request.

    The sample URL below shows a redirect to Google's authorization server for an application requesting permission to submit YouTube Data API requests on the user's behalf:
  2. User decides whether to grant access to your application

    Google's authorization server will display the name of your application and the Google services that it is requesting permission to access on the user's behalf. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

    You can test this flow by clicking on the sample URL in step 1. If you also place a file on your server at http://localhost/oauth2callback, you will also be able to see how the user's response appears in the redirect URI. (See step 3 for more details.)

  3. Google redirects user to your application

    After the user consents or refuses to grant access to your application, Google will redirect the user to the redirect_uri that you specified in step 1.

    • If the user granted access to your application, Google will have appended a short-lived access token in the hash fragment of the redirect URI. The response will also include the expires_in and token_type parameters. These parameters describe the lifetime of the token in seconds and the kind of token that is being returned, respectively. Finally, the response will include the state parameter if a state parameter was included in the original request to the authorization server.


      Note: Your application should also allow other fields to be returned in the response. The list provided above identifies the minimum set of fields that will be appended to the redirect_uri.

      JavaScript code running on your page can capture the access token from the window.location.hash value and either store the token in a cookie or POST it to a server.

    • If the user refused to grant access to your application, Google will have included the access_denied error message in the hash fragment of the redirect_uri:

  4. Validate the user's token

    Assuming the user has granted access to your application, you need to explicitly validate the token returned in the redirect_uri. You validate the token by specifying the token as the value of the access_token parameter in a web service request to That URL accepts an access token and returns information about that token, including the application that the token was issued to, the user associated with the token, the scopes that the user granted access to, and the remaining life of the token.

    The sample URL below demonstrates where you would send a token validation request:
  5. Process the token validation response

    In response to a token validation request, the Google authorization server will return either a JSON object that describes the token or an error message.

    • If the token is still valid, the JSON object will include the following values:

      Field Description
      audience The application that is the intended user of the access token.

      Important: Before using the token, you need to verify that this field's value exactly matches your client_id in the Google APIs console. This verification ensures that your application will not be vulnerable to the confused deputy problem.
      expires_in The number of seconds left before the token will become invalid.
      scope A space-delimited list of scopes that the user granted access to. The list should match the scopes you specified in your authorization request in step 1.
      userid This value lets you correlate profile information from multiple Google APIs. It is only present in the response if you included the scope in your request in step 1. The field value is an immutable identifier for the logged-in user that can be used to create and manage user sessions in your application.

      A sample response is shown below:

    • If the token has expired, been tampered with, or had its permissions revoked, Google's authorization server will return an error message in the JSON object. The error surfaces as a 400 error, and a JSON body in the format shown below:


      By design, no additional information is given as to the reason for the failure.

Installed applications

This flow is designed for applications that are installed on a device, such as a mobile phone or computer. These applications could access the YouTube Data API while the user is interacting with the application or when the application is running in the background for an extended period of time without direct user interaction.

This flow assumes that the application cannot securely store tokens that would enable a user to interact with YouTube Data API. It also requires that the application has access to the system browser or has the ability to embed a browser control. If the application does not meet either of these conditions, please refer to the OAuth 2.0 instructions for devices instead.

The following steps explain this flow:

  1. Register your application as an installed application

    When registering your application, make sure that you specify that it is an installed application. This results in a different default value for the redirect_uri parameter.

  2. Obtain an access token

    Note: Requests to Google's authorization server must use https instead of http because the server is only accessible over SSL (HTTPs) and will refuse HTTP connections.

    When a user first tries to perform an action that requires API authentication, direct the user to Google's authorization server at It supports the following URL parameters:

    Parameter Description
    client_id Required. The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.

    Required. A registered redirect_uri for that client ID. For installed applications, you can choose between an http://localhost:port or urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as described below:

    This value indicates that Google's authorization server should return the authorization code as a query string parameter to the client device's web server. You may specify a port number without changing the configuration in the Google APIs console.

    To receive the authorization code on this URL, your application must be listening on the local web server. If your platform supports it, this is the recommended mechanism for obtaining the authorization code. However, note that not all platforms support this approach and that even if a platform does support it, other software (e.g. Windows firewall) may prevent delivery of the message.

    This value indicates that Google's authorization server should return the authorization code in the browser's title bar. This option is useful if the client cannot listen on an HTTP port without significant modifications to the client. Windows applications possess this characteristic.

    If your application uses this value, it needs to determine when the browser has loaded a response from the authorization server. It will then need to extract the authorization code from the title of the page served in the browser. See step 4 for specific instructions for parsing the token from the page title.

    Your application should also close the browser window if you want to prevent the user from seeing the page with the authorization code. The mechanism for closing that window varies from platform to platform.
    response_type Required. Set this parameter's value to code.
    scope Required. A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf.
    state Optional. Any string that your application would use to maintain state between the request and redirect response. Your application will receive the same value that it sends for this parameter. For example, you could use this parameter to redirect the user to a particular resource in your application.

    The sample URL below shows a redirect to Google's authorization server for an application requesting permission to submit YouTube Data API requests on the user's behalf:
  3. User decides whether to grant access to your application

    Google's authorization server will display the name of your application and the Google services that it is requesting permission to access on the user's behalf. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

    You can test this flow by clicking on the sample URL in step 2. If you also place a file on your server at http://localhost/oauth2callback, you will also be able to see how the user's response appears in the redirect URI. (See step 4 for more details.)

  4. Google redirects user to your application

    After the user consents or refuses to grant access to your application, Google will either redirect the user to the redirect_uri that you specified in step 2 or return a page to the user's browser.

    • If you set the redirect_uri to http://localhost (or some path on the local web server), then one of the following two scenarios will apply:

      • If the user granted access to your application, Google will have appended a code parameter to the redirect_uri. This value is a temporary authorization code that you can exchange for an access token as discussed in step 5.

      • If the user refused to grant access to your application, Google will have included the access_denied error message in the hash fragment of the redirect_uri:

    • If you set the redirect_uri to urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob, Google's authorization server will return a page to the browser like the one shown below. Your application can then extract the authorization code from the page title.

      To extract the token, your application should assume that everything that follows the last space character in the page title is a parameter string in the format x=a&y=b. Your code should parse the parameters from that substring, looking for a code= or error= assignment to indicate that the page contains the final title string and the sign-in flow is complete. If the page title assigns a value to the code parameter, then that value is the token. However, your application should not make assumptions about the token length or the number of parameters in the parameter string.

      For example, the screenshot below shows a page with the following attributes:

      • Page title: Success code=4/v6xr77ewYqhvHSyW6UJ1w7jKwAzu
      • Parameter string: code=4/v6xr77ewYqhvHSyW6UJ1w7jKwAzu
      • Authorization token: 4/v6xr77ewYqhvHSyW6UJ1w7jKwAzu

  5. Exchange authorization code for refresh and access tokens

    Assuming the user has granted access to your application, exchange the authorization code obtained in step 4 for a refresh token and access token. To do so, send a POST request to that includes the following key-value pairs in the request body:

    Key Value
    code The authorization code that Google returned to your redirect_uri in step 4.
    client_id The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    client_secret The client secret associated with your client ID. This value is displayed in the Google APIs console.
    redirect_uri A registered redirect_uri for your client ID.
    grant_type Set this value to authorization_code.

    A sample request is displayed below:

    POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  6. Process response and store tokens

    Google will respond to your POST request by returning a JSON object that contains a short-lived access token and a refresh token.

      "access_token" : "ya29.AHES6ZTtm7SuokEB-RGtbBty9IIlNiP9-eNMMQKtXdMP3sfjL1Fc",
      "token_type" : "Bearer",
      "expires_in" : 3600,
      "refresh_token" : "1/HKSmLFXzqP0leUihZp2xUt3-5wkU7Gmu2Os_eBnzw74"

    Important:Your application should store both values.


This flow is designed for applications that run on devices with limited input capabilities, such as game consoles or video cameras. In this flow, the user interacts with an application on the device to obtain a URL and a device code. The user then switches to another device, such as a computer or smartphone, that has richer input capabilities to authorize the device code.

The following steps explain this flow:

  1. Embed your client_id and client_secret in your application

    You need to register your application with Google and embed the client_id and client_secret created during the registration process into your application.

  2. Request a device code

    Your device sends a POST request to Google's authorization server at The request specifies the following parameters:

    Parameter Description
    client_id Required. The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    scope Required. A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf.

    The following sample request shows how to retrieve a device code:

    POST /o/oauth2/device/code HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  3. Handle the response

    Google will respond to your request by returning a JSON object to your device. A sample response is shown below:

      "device_code" : "4/L9fTtLrhY96442SEuf1Rl3KLFg3y",
      "user_code" : "a9xfwk9c",
      "verification_url" : "",
      "expires_in" : "1800"
      "interval" : 5,

    The application on your device should display the user_code and verification_url to the user. It should store the device_code, expires_in, and interval values for use in step 4.

  4. Begin polling Google's authorization server

    Your application can begin polling Google's authorization server using the device_code returned in the JSON response in step 3. To do so, your application sends a POST request to that specifies the following key-value pairs:

    Key Value
    client_id The OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.
    client_secret The client secret associated with your client ID. This value is displayed in the Google APIs console.
    code The device code obtained in step 3.
    grant_type Set this value to

    A sample polling request is shown below. The interval returned in the JSON response in step 3 specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that your application should wait between polling requests.

    POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Until the user completes steps 5 through 7, your application will receive one of the following responses to each polling request:

    • The following response indicates that the user has not yet completed the steps to grant API access to the device:

        "error" : "authorization_pending"
    • The following response indicates that your application is sending polling requests too frequently:

        "error" : "slow_down"
  5. User enters user_code in separate browser

    The user launches a browser on another device, such as a computer or mobile phone, and navigates to the verification_url. That URL will display a page where the user can enter the user_code obtained in step 3.

    Note: The user_code is case-sensitive, so the user will need to enter it exactly as it appears in the response.

  6. User logs in to Google Account that will be used on your device

    After entering the user_code, the user will be asked to log in to the Google Account that will be used to authenticate YouTube Data API requests from your device. (If the user is already logged in, she will proceed directly to the next step.)

  7. User decides whether to grant access to your application

    After the user logs in, Google's authorization server will display a page that shows the name of your application and the Google services that it is requesting permission to access on the user's behalf. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

  8. Process response from polling server to obtain tokens

    If the user grants access to your application, the next polling request that your device sends will return a JSON object that contains an access token and a refresh token.


    Important: Your application should store both values.

Calling the YouTube Data API

After obtaining an access token for a user, your application can use that token to submit authorized API requests on that user's behalf. The API supports two ways to specify an access token. The first option provides greater security and is the recommended approach.

  1. Specify the access token as the value of the Authorization: Bearer HTTP request header:

    POST /feeds/api/users/default/uploads HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

    You can test this using cURL with the following command:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
  2. Specify the access token as the value of the access_token query parameter:

    You can test this using cURL with the following command:


The API will return an HTTP 401 response code (Unauthorized) if you submit a request to access a protected resource with an expired access token. The following section explains how to refresh an access token.

Refreshing an access token

If your application obtains a refresh token during the authorization process, then you will need to periodically use that token to obtain a new, valid access token. Server-side web applications, installed applications, and devices all obtain refresh tokens.

At any time, your application can send a POST request to Google's authorization server that specifies your client ID, your client secret, and the refresh token for the user. The request should also set the grant_type parameter value to refresh_token. The following example demonstrates this request:

POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The authorization server will return a JSON object that contains a new access token:


Client libraries

The Google Data client libraries that support the YouTube Data API do not currently support OAuth 2.0. However, a newer set of Google API client libraries, which do not support the YouTube Data API, do provide OAuth 2.0 support.

As such, it is an option to use these newer libraries, which are listed below, for their OAuth 2.0 capabilities and then force the Google Data client library to use the OAuth 2.0 token(s) that you have obtained.

You can also follow the instructions in the Calling the YouTube Data API section to modify your code to properly set the OAuth 2.0 token values.

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