Friday, April 20, 2012 | 12:35 PM

Changes to deprecation policies and API spring cleaning

Author PhotoBy Adam Feldman, APIs Product Manager

It’s 2012. These days technology moves fast and we want to keep our developer products moving and innovating fast, too. In an effort to align our pace of development with the market, we did a careful analysis of our API deprecation policies. Based on our conclusions, we've decided to adopt a one-year policy for some APIs, remove the policy for other APIs and make the policy itself simpler and clearer. This doesn't mean we have changed the way we think about our APIs - we are more committed than ever to offering stable and relevant APIs to our developer community.

Most of these changes will happen over the next several years, but today we are giving you advance notice. As always, we will strive to keep changes to a minimum and announce them in a timely manner.

One-year API deprecation policies

As part of our effort to evolve our developer platform (like introducing the Google APIs Terms of Service), we are moving some services to a one-year deprecation policy, a common industry practice among similar APIs. The four services moving to a one-year policy are:

Google App Engine, Google Maps/Earth APIs and YouTube API will wind down their current 3-year deprecation policy and will transition to the one-year policy in April 2014. Google Cloud Storage keeps its current one-year policy. To be very clear, we are not deprecating the APIs themselves.

Clearer deprecation policy language

For the above APIs, we've shortened our deprecation policy to be clearer and more concise. The new policy simply states that we will strive to provide one year notice before making breaking changes. For details, see each API's Terms of Service, such as the Google Maps/Earth APIs.

Removal of deprecation policies

For Google's other APIs, we are removing the deprecation policy - not the API. In most cases, this change will not take effect until April 2015. Check the following affected APIs' Terms of Service for details: Accounts API, AdSense Host API, Chart Tools API, Checkout API, Contacts API, Custom Search API, Documents API, Doubleclick for Publishers API, Feed API, Google Apps Admin APIs, Libraries API, Orkut API, Picasa Web Albums API, and Prediction API.

During the remainder of the deprecation period, these APIs will also benefit from the clearer deprecation policy language. Our commitment to the underlying APIs remains unchanged. We will continue to work very hard to communicate any changes to our APIs well in advance, regardless of the APIs' deprecation policy.

Retirement of older APIs

In addition, we are announcing the deprecation of several older APIs and versions. Please visit the documentation for each API for more information about the deprecation period and suggested alternatives:
Our commitment to developers

Our change in policy is designed to make it easier for us to bring you the technology you’ve come to expect from Google: technology that excels at ease-of-use and scalability, and enables you to focus on building your unique application. Our team remains committed to existing APIs as well as building powerful new Google technology into our developer platform.

Adam Feldman is a Product Manager, focusing on all of Google's APIs and making sure Google provides the best possible platform to developers.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor


  1. Why do we want to shutdown Google Finance API? The api is one of the few things that make Google Finance better than Yahoo Finance. I built a portfolio management system on top of the api. It is a shame to see it shutdown. If necessary, I would even pay for the usage.

    1. Hello WIlliam, I'm sorry to hear that the shutdown of the Google Finance API will impact you. This was a hard decision. We work with a large number of data providers and need to respect our relationships with them. As a result, we had to keep the API restricted to end users, which prevented a meaningful ecosystem from growing around the API. We realized that we could serve our users better by integrating the data into other Google products rather than requiring them to write code to access the data. For example, the GoogleFinance() function in Google Spreadsheets might work for you as a replacement for the API functionality.

    2. Karolina,

      Fair enough, you don't want to restrict the API to developers, so it's great you've built the Spreadsheets integration.

      However that doesn't mean you should now -remove- the API for developers!


    3. Chris,

      I think, if I read her comment correctly, that their relationships with the data providers is causing them to restrict it to end users -- I.e. not developers.

      In others words, the people providing the data told Google not to allow developers to use their data stream. If that's true, that's totally lame...

      I was just about to develop an app on top of this API. I guess its Yahoo for me now...

    4. But... how do I access MY data? Specifically the portfolio data: holding, purchase data and price, etc.

  2. Wow!
    Wins top spellchecker phuck up of the year so far!!

    Missing the all important "I" guys...

    Please note the difference between deprecation and depreciation:

    You definitely mean the latter!! :-P

    1. +Faber Optimé: Please see

    2. I agree. Had to look it up, hate the way it looks.
      These guys have it #3.

      I even prefer sunsetting. At least it's more lovely.

    3. +Faber Optimé: No. They definitely mean the former. To deprecate is to "strongly disapprove" or recommend against usage - in this case with regard to superseded APIs.

  3. Still no official Google Reader API...

  4. Faber, they are correct in using the word deprecation. It is not a mistake.

  5. One thing that would ease the transition away from ClientLogin is an API that would let apps get an OAuth 2.0 token based on a username and password. For existing customers using an existing installed app, being forced to re-authenticate via OAuth 2.0 is an unnecessary burden. My app, CloudPull, already has the username and password stored securely in the Mac OS Keychain.

    Furthermore, for native apps, entering a username and password using a native dialog box is a much more pleasant user experience than going into a web view while using a native app.

    About a year ago, I wrote about why I was unhappy about Google trying to transition installed apps from ClientLogin to OAuth 2.0:

  6. Why don't you make the Image API open source so people can use it on their own servers? It might be a cost for Google to keep the servers online but why throw away the code behind it?

  7. I guess we are also deprecating the javascript wrappers for the image chart API ( and the GWT wrapper for the javascript wrapper?

  8. ok so if the charts api is going bye bye what is the replacement? if you deprecate something usually you replace it with something. what are you replacing it with?

    or you just saying screw it, we're going to can it but not give you a replacement?

    1. While image charts are being deprecated, Google Chart Tools will keep on poviding interactive charts based on HTML5 technology.

      The development of these tools will be the focal point of the team in the future, since we expect the usage of static image charts will gradually phase out by 2015.

  9. I too would appreciate an update as to if there is going to be a replacement for the google charts api?

    If I understand the depreciation policy correctly the code will still work as is without updates until 2015, in which case if things worked fine before they will continue to work fine at least until 2015 (unless legally or financially motivated to do otherwise as per the ToS)?

  10. Hi,

    I really like the "Image Charts" API. I use it as part of my open source project to draw the chart image.

    It is sad to see "Image Charts" API is going away. May I know, is there any alternatives provided from Google?

    Bakkiaraj M

  11. NO!!! You can't be serious about the image chart part... Especially the dynamic icons (markers) are used a lot, both by the google maps team (e.g. a lot in api examples) and by countless people around the world. I mean, deprecating the google chart images themselves in favor of the html5 variant makes sense, but losing the infographics seems to be an extreme waste. (As is true for the tex generator as well, which I for example use to bypass the non functional equation editor in google docs)

    1. I heartily agree. Not having a simple way to put dynamic pins on maps would be a travesty. Can you roll the dynamic pins into Maps, if they won't still be part of Charts?

    2. The loss of infographics - is there just not enough usage, or is there some other reason to discontinue this offering. It is older, yes, but effective in generating images that can be used on platforms that don't support HTML5 yet.

  12. In Brazilian Portuguese:

    Fiquei muito triste em saber que o google image charts vai acabar.
    Atualmente o google charts não roda no celular adequadamente (Android inclusive), então a alternativa que existia de substituir para imagem, quando dispositivo móvel, inviabilizará de utilizar o charts em aplicações web.
    Uma pena mesmo.
    E em relação a HTML5, sim eu acho maravilhoso tudo isso, mas interpretar uma imagem é muito mais possível para dispositivos com baixo processamento, ou com dispositivos de navegação WEB mais antigos.
    Já que vão focar no desenvolvimento do google charts, poderiam pensar, de maneira transparente, em detectar o dispositivo o usuário e mostrar imagem ou não, de acordo com suas particularidades.

  13. I also have an app based on finance api, so it's a pity that it cannot be kept. I guess I learned my lesson.

  14. Why I should use any Google API if Google shut down it in a few years again? I was thinking about moving my large Amazon EC2 project to AppEngine (also because I also want to use the Translate API and Chart API). But I have not the time and money to move it back to Amazon EC2 in a few years when Google change or shutdown the used API :-(

  15. So - when for instance the super cool and fast Google Maps Flash API ( deprecated by some twisted mind ) will actually been deprecated ?

    or you will continue them by any chance ?

  16. I just ran across this warning:

    "This website is using an older Google authentication API that is no longer supported. On July 2, 2012 it will stop working. We recommend that you continue the process only if you trust the following destination:"

    THis message is in the javascript auth authentication screen in google.

    We are using Javascript 2.0 contacts api's and I believe these api's can only be accessed using the auth javascript api.

    Can someone clarify this for me? Is there are upgrade path for javascript?



  17. I understand moving forward. Major browsers will all support Html 5 by then. But I have one project using Google Chart API to put images into an email report. I have serious doubts that email clients will have support for html5 by 2015. Outlook still can't do a background image. A sad day then we loose this api.

    1. I agree on this score. The image chart function is highly useful for many non-standard cases, like embedding calls to charts in a desktop application.

    2. I agree entirely - I use the Google charts API for applications where I want images, for documents and other print applications. There is a world beyond the browser :(

    3. Agree. Since Google deprecates stuff like this, I'm going to be very careful whenever considering making use of any future Google API.

    4. Ouch. I agree on all counts; charts API is super useful and an incredible shame to loose. It also means we'll be likely to avoid Google's APIs in the future whenever we can.

  18. I am using Google Contacts API 2.0 Javascript. (there is no 3.0 javascript)

    I am using AuthSubRequestJS
    to do authorization. It is my understudying that this is the only option for Javascript 2.0 client.

    Starting yesterday, I started getting this message:

    This website is using an older Google authentication API that is no longer supported. On July 2, 2012 it will stop working. We recommend that you continue the process only if you trust the following destination:

    I need to understand if Google is abandoning javascript authsub starting July 2, 2012.

    According to the depreciation policy, the api would continue to be available until April 20, 2015. July 2, 2012 is less than 2 months away!



  19. Could you comment on the Moderator deprpecation? Is there any replacement/substitute planned?

  20. I cant believe that such a big company as Google can not support their "free" projects anymore even as the official anoncement for the API was originally posted.

    They even forcefully decreasing the time life of their APIs !?

    This is clearly revolting for the developers.
    This was the turning point for our company, we will probably choose more stable service provider from now on.

  21. So the post says... "Please visit the documentation for each API for more information about the deprecation period and suggested alternatives" so when I go to the finance API page there are no alternatives that I see? Is this just Google hanging us out to dry?

  22. Has anyone heard of a replacement / alternative for the qr code generation through the infographics portion that is being deprecated. I wonder if there will be an announcement at Google I/O about this. Quite a surprise since it was separated out to have its own life span.

  23. When is Google Marketplace going to use OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect, instead of OAuth 1.0?

    1. I'd like to second this question - OAuth 2.0 is the only non-deprecated auth mechanism. However, Apps Marketplace supports only OAuth 1.0 which is now deprecated. Developers of new Apps are in a strange position: they are forced to integrate an API which is deprecated already at the time of integration.

      Is there a plan to support OAuth2 in Google Apps Marketplace? How long will this situation last?

  24. At least make google chart images open source. So many projects depend on this, while many of them could upgrade to the html5 charts, sometimes having a static image is better than a fancy interactive chart.

  25. With OAuth 1.0 going away, will there be a replacement for 2-Legged OAuth? Currenly you have to use a hybrid OAuth1.0/2.0 approach.

  26. Is there anything coming to replace the Finance API? I think you underestimate the sophistication of "end users"!

  27. The deprecation of the Finance API is rather disappointing, but even I could have seen that coming. Of course the big data vendors don't want anybody making _their_ data available for free via an API. That's exactly what _they_ make money selling.

    It's not about the sophistication of the end user, either. It's about this: if you're an end user doing something sophisticated enough to require an API, the data vendors could potentially charge quite a bit of money for API access and get you locked in to _their_ API for whatever you need it for. Of course they don't want Google handing out for free the same thing they're trying to make money selling.

    Karolina's earlier comment about respecting relationships with data vendors says a lot, and I worry about Google becoming less relevant as a search engine in the long term since they seem to have shifted priorities in general from being an excellent first go-to internet resource for consumers to presenting results and content the way big content producers, advertisers, and data vendors want to see them presented. But Google risks killing the goose that lays the golden advertising eggs if it persists in this change of priorities, because consumers are fickle, and they'll take their eyeballs elsewhere right along with all their API gadgets, mini-apps, and blog posts about all that cool stuff if they can't find the information they want at Google.

  28. god, I just knew this. feel very sad :(.

  29. Finance and img charts are both big losses, I shed a tear each time I think of this... But at least many of you have a couple years before they go.

    I would love to see these go open source as well. Pretty please G?

  30. There are many alternatives out there that allow you to display data without pissing off the exchanges.
    Yahoo and Google's API's were meant to be used for non-commercial use only.
    Xignite and FinancialContent come to mind for a reliable source of data

  31. Can anyone tell me whether
    will continue to work after the Finance API disappears?

    I am only looking for historical data for my on personal use.

  32. What about a replacement for QR Codes? Or will they also be deprecated until 2015 and replaced with holo-retina-scan-thingys (in Googles opinion).
