Another delay for a case that stretches back to 2001.

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Bernie Murray's is damaged by today's fire, but the fire chief said the building is salvageable.

Fire at Bernie Murray's in Elmira

Lots of questions remain in the aftermath of Wednesday's fire, both about the cause and for the residents.

Some Villa Serene residents still unable to return to their apartments following blaze

Good news for two local notable buildings.

James H. Bolton House in Bath also proposed for state, national registers of historic places
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Somebody's going to be in trouble as soon as police catch him or her.

Bomb threat on social media led to evacuation of CCC dormitory; police sweep finds nothing
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What do you think of the campaign?

Campaign includes billboards on Albany highways and radio advertisements across state
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The church is expecting about 20 people to stay overnight.

North Presbyterian Church serves food, gives shelter to evacuated Villa Serene residents
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C TRAN started the pilot service Monday that departs Elmira four times a day on weekdays

Collaboration between counties, state Department of Transportation keeps buses running
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If you didn't feel like driving to Binghamton to see "Sister Act," you're in luck: It's playing at the Clemens Center next week.

Elmira audiences will see the "sisterhood" dancing, singing and praising the Lord.
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The annual Arctic League appeal is coming up this weekend.

The Arctic League got its holiday tree on Wednesday and residents can view it Sunday during the TV and radio appeal.
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Staff writer Bob Jamieson ( and 607-271-8256) would like to talk to people who knew Gary Marshall, who died in the fire today at Villa Serene. If you would like to talk for an article, please drop Bob a line or give him a call. Thank you.

This just in from Chemung County on Villa Serene apartment fire: Residents living in the north end of the building with apartments which end in the numbers 8 through 15 on all floors may return to their apartments after 3 p.m. today.
Residents living in the south end with apartment numbers that end in 1 through 7 may return to their apartments after 3pm today to retrieve needed items. Residents will not be able to move back to these apartments this evening and officials sug...gest getting items needed for the next two to three days.
Management is using all resources available to return residents to their apartments as soon as possible. Anyone displaced from the fire needing shelter this evening may go to the Red Cross shelter located in the North Presbyterian Church on College Avenue.
Residents or family members with questions may contact Villa Serene Management at 607-734-0584.

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The New York Masters Teacher program seems like a good idea, but did you know less than 1 percent of the state's teachers will be involved? We think the plan misses the mark.

What do you think?

The public ought to be skeptical that the Master Teacher program is the magic bullet for raising classroom performance.
Fire hit Villa Serene apartments in Elmira Heights and residents say a man died
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Duck stamp prices are rising, but Jeff Murray's OK with that. Find out why:

Increase in cost of duck stamp a step closer to reality
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Corning is broadening its Asian fiber optics business.

Corning will integrate Samsung’s fiber optics business into the Corning Optical Communications business segment
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Does your neighborhood boast one of those homes where you tell people "You have to drive by and see it!" or do you maybe see one on your commute home? If so, let us know. We'll feature some of the best-decorated homes in the area in print and online in the days leading up to Christmas.

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The new ICU will offer 26 private intensive care rooms, including three rooms for patients with unique infection control needs, a specially designed Intensive Care Procedure room, and increased space and facilities for family members, according to Guthrie.

New intensive care unit opens to patients on Dec. 14 at Sayre hospital
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Some legislators got their questions about the landfill expansion answered, but you can still weigh in. Ray Finger explains how:

The proposed increase seeks to boost the landfill’s capacity from 180,000 tons to 417,000 tons

The holiday shopping season can mean more opportunities for pick-pockets and other property thefts, according to local law enforcement.

With the holiday season underway, law enforcement officials say thieves often use quick opportunities to steal cash, cards and other items from...

With turnout starting off very slowly for the observance of World AIDS Day at Elmira College, it seemed to indicate that for too many people, the disease has receded into the background.

More good news from Corning Inc. as the company expands footprint in Asia.

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Most Elmirans know the story of the Chemung Canal, but many have not heard of the Junction Canal, which connected the Chemung Canal to another one in Athens.

The lesser-known Junction Canal connected the Chemung Canal to another one in Athens, Pa.
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Sophie Kartzman had hoped to collect 1,000 cards to send to military men and women over the holidays. Amazingly, she will be sending 9,048 cards to the Red Cross, which will load them onto a ship bound for Afghanistan. Nice job Sophie!

Save on N.Y. state park pass on Cyber Monday
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Teacher retirements in New York have increased 10 percent since 2010, while active staff members have fallen 5.5 percent over the same time period, state records show.
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Benjamin Cayea accused of second-degree murder in death of Cornell senior on Thanksgiving
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Two boys trapped in a snow pile for about seven hours after a plow buried them could hear their worried family's cries but couldn't respond loudly enough to be heard, they said Friday. Police credited an air pocket with saving their lives.
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Santa Claus made an appearance at the Downtown Elmira Holiday Parade on Friday.
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Happy Small Business Saturday! Today is the day to get out and ‪#‎ShopSmall‬ in the ‪#‎TwinTiers‬.

American Express' Small Business Saturday encourages local retail shopping


Benjamin A. Cayea of Cayuga Heights accused of murder at Westview Apartments

About time . . .

Sub $3 gallon gasoline coming to NY
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Paul "Rebel" Floyd of Southport never met a stranger. He died Nov. 1 at age 78.

Get in the spirit.

The 58th edition of the Downtown Elmira Holiday Parade will take place at 10 a.m. Friday


Benjamin A. Cayea of Cayuga Heights accused of murder at Westview Apartments

We have a solid Watchdog Report by Jeff Platsky that looks at the huge number of Baby Boomer retirees leaving New York State. This is a major economic drain. How do you feel? Two interesting comments are attached. If you could retire out of state, would you do so? Or do family ties (read:grandchildren) keep you here? We'd like to hear. Story is at:

We have a solid Watchdog Report by Jeff Platsky that looks at the huge number of Baby Boomer retirees leaving New York State. This is a major economic drain. How do you feel? Two interesting comments are attached. If you could retire out of state, would you do so? Or do family ties (read:grandchildren) keep you here? We'd like to hear. Story is at:
An honor guard leads off the Downtown Elmira Holiday Parade on Friday on West Water Street.

Such a sweet story

Charlie Santi will be able to put up his Christmas display again with help from neighbors
Two boys trapped in pile by a snow plow in Newburgh, N.Y.
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Baby Boomers abandon state
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Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday. What's your favorite place to shop? Share your thoughts with us and read about how local merchants are preparing for tomorrow.

American Express' Small Business Saturday encourages local retail shopping
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