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Free Social Media Training for North Canton Businesses

RSVP to Patch's Main Street U, to be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Dec. 14 at the North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce. Scroll down for details.

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See what business owners have to say about Main Street U, a Patch social media/online marketing workshop. Patch
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See what business owners have to say about Main Street U, a Patch social media/online marketing workshop.

North Canton Patch pleased to announce the launch of Main Street U, a free, 90-minute event designed to teach business owners how to improve their connection to the community online.

Business owners can learn about how to take better advantage of social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, with mini-workshops delivered by Patch staffers on how to use Patch and add your own content to the online conversation.

RSVP by filling out the form posted above to attend Main Street U, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Dec. 14 at the North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Related Topics: Main Street U, how to use Patch, north canton area chamber of commerce, and social media training

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