• Reid to use Nuclear Option to Kill GOP Filibuster Power, Blow up the Senate Reid to use Nuclear Option to Kill GOP Filibuster Power, Blow up the Senate
  • Unconstitutional Proposition 30 Ready to Make California the Highest Taxed State Unconstitutional Proposition 30 Ready to Make California the Highest Taxed State
  • Dumping John Boehner Dumping John Boehner
  • No 'Fiscal Cliff' Solution without Auditing the Fed No 'Fiscal Cliff' Solution without Auditing the Fed
  • Top Fiscal Conservatives get Dropped by GOP Leadership - Take Action Top Fiscal Conservatives get Dropped by GOP Leadership - Take Action

  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee - Entitlements Are 'Earned' Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee - Entitlements Are 'Earned'
  • Just in Time-Homosexual Marriage/Elena Kagan Just in Time-Homosexual Marriage/Elena Kagan
  • Sen. Paul: Egyptian President says "Amen" after Cleric states "Death to Israel" Sen. Paul: Egyptian President says "Amen" after Cleric states "Death to Israel"
  • Bradlee Dean: Gun Control Dictator Style Bradlee Dean: Gun Control Dictator Style
  • Sen. Paul Declares Victory for Americans’ Right to Trial by Jury Sen. Paul Declares Victory for Americans’ Right to Trial by Jury


    Tell the Senate: Audit the Federal Reserve, Pass S. 202!
Thumbnail image for Obama Admin supporting Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Islam in Egypt

Obama Admin supporting Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Islam in Egypt

by Conservative Action Alerts on December 12, 2012

ALERT: The Obama Administration continues to prop-up the Muslim Brotherhood’s stranglehold on the Egyptian government. Fax Congress. Dear Conservative, Egypt is three days away from adopting their new constitution – a document that will subordinate the entire country to radical Islamic law: Shariah Law. For weeks multitudes of Egyptians have been demonstrating in the streets [...]

Thumbnail image for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee – Entitlements Are ‘Earned’

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas): “I believe it should be pronounced here today, that the reform of the entitlements based upon slipshod, reckless, deliberations or should I say actions are a non-starter. There is no way, Mr. Speaker, that we should raise the eligibility age for Medicare, that we should not think carefully about how [...]

Thumbnail image for Atheist Attacks on Christmas

Atheist Attacks on Christmas

by Phyllis Schlafly on December 12, 2012

Bill O’Reilly asked this question on his Fox News program last week: “Why do I have to be the leader defending Christmas against its attackers?” O’Reilly was criticizing Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee’s renaming his state’s Christmas tree a “holiday tree.” Good question. It’s time for Christians to realize that their religion is under attack [...]

Thumbnail image for Whose Side Are They On?

Whose Side Are They On?

by Michael Peroutka on December 12, 2012

So you’re the football coach and I am your new starting quarterback. On the very first series of downs, I throw a pass directly to the linebacker, who intercepts and takes the ball to the end zone. Well, now we’re down seven to zip, but you pat me on the back and encourage me as [...]

Thumbnail image for Yet More Education “Reform” Foolishness

Yet More Education “Reform” Foolishness

by Robert Weissberg on December 12, 2012

In a previous post on Conservative Action Alerts I described the terrible education “reform” of moving the best teachers to the worst schools as if this would transform iffy students into high achievers. Unfortunately, this mindless panacea is not the only critter in the dysfunctional education zoo. Equally popular and equally desperate is closing “bad [...]

Thumbnail image for Regardless, You’ll Pay More

Regardless, You’ll Pay More

by Michael Tanner on December 12, 2012

It has largely gone unnoticed amidst the hullabaloo surrounding the fiscal cliff, but regardless of what happens with the cliff negotiations, taxes are going up next year. The president may be calling for $1.6 trillion in tax hikes by 2022 in exchange for not driving the country over the cliff, but that does not count [...]