End Taxpayer Funding of Political Conventions

My bill would stop this outrageous misuse of taxpayer dollars.
End Taxpayer Funding of Political Conventions feature image

Supreme Court Rules on Obamacare

House Republicans have already passed more than 30 pieces of legislation to repeal and replace this misguided law.
Supreme Court Rules on Obamacare feature image

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The Issues


Dollar bills in front of US Flag

I am committed to allowing the private sector to flourish and, consequently, for our national economy to recover.


Doing math problem on chalkboard

I am committed to providing Oklahoma parents and teachers with tools necessary to provide a world class education to our children.

Defense and National Security

Army tank and soldiers

I believe Congress must provide our military with the resources it needs to be the best equipped and the best trained in the world.

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Online Poll

The combination of tax hikes and irresponsible spending policies known as the "fiscal cliff" threatens to prompt another recession. Which fiscal cliff solution do you prefer?

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