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Tax increases in Obamacare
Posted by Chris on July 02, 2012

While President Obama said that "you don't raise taxes in a recession," his signature health care legisaltion does just that.  Here are a list of new taxes and tax increases contained in the law:

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • 07/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Paul from Pembroke commented on 7/2/2012
    This administration has created the quickest decline in Americanism, family values, self esteem personal wealth and growth than any other in my lifetime. Beginning to think I’d be better off in the DDR. Give me Give me.
  • 07/02/12 08/31/10 False
    E Wheeler from Brunswick commented on 7/2/2012
    I have never been more disappointed by anything the Supreme Court has done than this decision. My rights have been given away by this one decision.
  • 07/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Bill Lutes from Savannah commented on 7/2/2012
    Jack: This list is all well and good,however the average person does not and cannot understand the meaning behind these numbers. Makeout a simple spread sheet, showing what the true cost per family will be. break down family of four making ,$50,000, $100,000, and $150,000,and one of a couple retired. you will cover most all in this state. Then get the spreadsheet printed in newspapers around the state. If you will do that, then you will start making a difference in the way people think about the monstrousity. The simple factis with allthe political baloney wrapped around this law the average person just do not understand what is about to happen to them. Information is what people are looking for not political retoric. Regards Bill Lutes
  • 07/02/12 08/31/10 False
    Daniel from Hinesville commented on 7/2/2012
    Vote this clown out of office this fall, so that this country can fix all the problems that he has created, and then work on all the old ones that have been kicking our butts for years.
  • 07/04/12 08/31/10 False
    Junior and Belle from Ray City commented on 7/4/2012
    The American People have been had by the Obama care, plus the Liberals,plus a lot more things...We just read about the IRS . This is so sad.. Thanks for repealing the Obama care...When the atheists took prayer out of our Schools', it is being replaced by guns..Our current Pres. refuses to open His past records, plus spent millions to have it closed down, makes people realize he is hiding something, and everyone we have talked to wants Him impeached now.
  • 07/08/12 08/31/10 False
    sawmillsawyer from screven commented on 7/8/2012
    this bill cost everyone ...what's next?? we have to pass it to find out what's in it.. Speaker Pelois is out of touch and out of mind..plain crazy
  • 07/10/12 08/31/10 False
    Mike from Woodbine commented on 7/10/2012
    There is an issue that has been brewing for many years that people don't like to talk about; retirement. If you truly want to make a difference in the amount of taxes that Georgians pay to the State and Feds....here is a way to do it. The rates continue to increase for retirement every year for the State and Feds. Neither can afford these increases and nor can the taxpayers. The taxpayers have no voice in the matter, mostly due to not having any idea that the system is broken and needs to be repaired. The administrators in charge of these retirement plans at the State has made minor changes to the retirement of newly hired employees, but that will simply make the problem more tolerable in the near future. Grandfathering everyone in and saying that they "fixed" the problem is not solving the "hidden tax problem" over the next fifty years! The retirement at the State and Fed is out of control and the sooner that someone acknowledges that fact, the better. It is time to admit that someone made a promise to the State and Federal employees that the taxpayers simply can't afford. We need to fix it and move on, so our children won't have to fix it. To make it worse, the taxpayers give money toward retirement for double retirements where employees stop and restart jobs (many in the exact same chair doing the exact same job)....two retirement plans paid by the same taxpayers! I hear taxpayers discussing the upcoming TSPLOST vote, and don't like it because it is an additional tax. However, here is something to consider.....at least the taxpayers will get back something they can see and use over many years from this tax. That is not the case with the money pouring into a retirement plan, where only the employees and sponsored participants receive the benefit. Most taxpayers don't even see this hidden tax they pay because it is in a payroll tax deduction. It is taken from them every week and taxpayers have just become complacent about paying it. Please understand, I am in no way stating that the employees of the State or Feds do not deserve a retirement plan, they do! I just feel that there are alternatives State could do it differently, save some money, and still provide a good retirement plan for their employees. In a defined benefit plan, like most of the State and Feds have, it is based on a formula with guaranteed amounts. It has to be increased every year based on people that have retired and the automatic increases that have been promised. Any bad economic issues just make it more complicated to catch up the liability. Just my thought for the day. Thanks for taking the time to hear me.
  • 07/15/12 08/31/10 False
    John from Savannah commented on 7/15/2012
    I thought you might find this interesting, -- maybe even SICKENING! The National Association of Realtors is all over this and working to get it repealed, -- before it takes effect. But, I am very pleased we aren't the only ones who know about this ploy to steal billions from unsuspecting homeowners. How many realtors do you think will vote Democratic in 2012? Did you know that if you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it? That's $3,800 on a $100,000 home, etc. When did this happen? It's in the health care bill, -- and it goes into effect in 2013. Why 2013? Could it be so that it doesn't come to light until after the 2012 elections? So, this is 'change you can believe in'? Under the new health care bill all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% sales tax. If you sell a $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation, -- who often downsize their homes. Does this make your November, 2012 vote more important? Oh, you weren't aware that this was in the ObamaCare bill? Guess what; you aren't alone! There are more than a few members of Congress that weren't aware of it either.
  • 09/07/12 08/31/10 False
    William from Hauser commented on 9/7/2012
    Thanks for sharing this article
  • 09/14/12 08/31/10 False
    kerala from India commented on 9/14/2012
    Really good site thank you so much for your time in writing the posts for all of us to learn about. It will be very useful for me. I have bookmarked & share with my friends.
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